14. "I can't take this anymore."

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Even though her lips had only deepened the kiss, every time I attempted to pull away, I could almost feel the string connecting us both, being cut by her inner ache for Harry. The deeper her craving for me had become, the wider the distance between us had gotten. Physically, she was close to me, but mentally, emotionally, she was thousands of miles away. Being the fearful wimp I was, I allowed myself to drown into the salvation her kiss resembled, reserving her taste in my mouth, lingering about her scent filling my senses. She had promised her love to me, and God, did I want to believe she meant it. I longed for believing the portrayed sincerity behind her words, instead of the desperation, the forcefulness. Her name being called by a foreign voice, brought us back to the reality, we both had attempted to escape. Subconsciously, I pulled her full figure behind mine, shielding her from whatever that was heading our way. My eyes fell onto a distressed, young man, with glowing blue eyes, hair that was a bit too long, and a petite body.

“ Lillian, thank God you didn’t leave yet, I –“ He seemed to notice my presence, as his eyes left her blanketed body, to meet my harsh ones.

“ I am Louis, you must be Zayn.” He pulled his hand out for me to shake, which I did, my other arm imprisoning Lillian behind me.

“ Lil,” And I felt her physically flinch at the usage of that damned nickname.

“ Lillian,” He corrected himself, with an exasperated sigh, “ I need you to know that I had no idea that was what he intended to do, and if I knew, I wouldn’t have come, I swear-“

“ What did he do?” The question escaped my lips before I had the time to prevent it, and he ran a nervous hand through his hair, before meeting my gaze again.

“ I don’t know if I should be the one speaking about this, but you’re her husband, and even if he’s my friend, I suppose you have the right to know-“

“ Know what?” I demanded, my irritation growing with each passing second.

“ He wanted her back.” Louis dared to say, his voice barely audible, his eyes leaving mine, falling onto the frozen Lillian clinging to my shirt.


I wasn’t losing Lillian to him.

She wasn’t in love with him anymore.

She told me she loved me.

How could she tell me she loved me, when she wanted to get back to him?

Was this her kiss goodbye?

Was this it; the end?

God, I was losing Lillian to him.

He would only break her heart again, and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to wait for that to happen.

I couldn’t possibly attempt to fix her again.

“ I’m going to kill him, that son of a bitch!” I yelled, releasing my unneeded arms from around Lillian, before walking past Louis, who had attempted to stand as a barrier between me and that restaurant in which he sat, celebrating his win. Picture of his smug smirk, his achieved features, fed my rage. And that was when I realized that Lillian’s hands were clinging on to me. I wasn’t holding on to her, it was the other way around.

“ Don’t go. Don’t go. I told him to fuck off. Don’t go, Zayn.” Here it was again; that name that she made her own, in all ways possible. Her voice was choked, trembling with fear, as she closed her eyes shut, in fear of the sight of the damage that was bound to happen. I instantly relaxed under the spell of her whispered pleas, as I shook my head, mostly to myself.

“ I’m still not taking any sides, Lillian, but I won’t let him walk over you, again.” Louis interrupted, after I had forgotten about his presence. My eyes met his, as he gave me a lone, confirmative, nod. He seemed sincere, not nearly as threatening as Harry was. He was more like Lillian, flashing half smiles whenever the situations got too awkward, running his hands through his hair when he was clearly in distress, shuffling between his legs when nervous. He was almost the male version of Lillian, and I began to grow a liking to this protective Louis.

“ Lets get home, babe, yeah?” I offered, and she immediately began to nod in approval. I pulled away, for Louis to pull her into a tight hug, as I went to start the car. I watched, as Louis whispered a few words to Lillian, causing her to nod, with the smallest of all smiles, before he brought her in for another hug. And that was when the dreadful face of agony exited the restaurant. Lillian turned to me, her eyes suddenly frantic, darkening with horror. My jaw tensed, my hands forming into fists, as I forcefully entered the car, as to not rush to Harry and beat him to death.

“ Get in the car.” I ordered, and she quickly obliged, getting into the passenger’s seat, her eyes looking straight ahead. I put the car to drive, just as his distant voice filled the air.

“ I’ll see you around, Lil. Don’t forget to call me when he gets too lousy in bed, or when you want some real midnight fun. Damn, we could do magic.” She gasped, her hands covering her mouth, as my legs numbly pressed the brakes, slowly bringing the car to a stop, before I rested my head onto the steering wheel, clearing my  blurred, darkened, sight.

“ I can’t take this anymore.” I didn’t know how, or when those words went past my paling lips, but from her loudening sobs, I knew they were out there.

I couldn’t.

 I couldn’t fight for her.

 I couldn’t fight against him.

He was too strong, too captive, and I couldn’t release her from under her spill.

I had tried and tried.

I had deceived myself by saying that she needed time, that maybe she’d fall in love with me someday.

 But the truth was that even if she loved me, she’d always love him more.

 He’d always have that power over her, and I couldn’t share her, not anymore.

“ Get out of the car.” I found myself whispering.


A/N: I am so sorry for the late update, but a lot of shit had been going on, and I haven't had the time or the heart to update, so sorry about that.

But, you guys got me to over 1.1k and you have no idea how happy that made me, so I'm forever grateful for you!

A sad chapter BUT I already have the rest of this story written, so that counts for something, right?

Tell me what you think, vote, or preferably comment because it makes my life :)

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