10. "Look at me"

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A/N: Be careful (this is your warning), and read the author's note at the end.




“ Are you sure you don’t need me there?” Liam asked, yet again, after he helped me put Zayn into the passenger’s seat of the car. I let out a frustrated sigh, rubbing my forehead.

“ I don’t think he’d want anyone around. We- we’ll be fine.” I forced the smallest of all smiles at the concerned Liam, but he returned it any way, pulling me into an awkward hug.

“ Take care, and if you need anything, give me a call.” He said, walking away, I nodded at him, before heading to the driver’s seat. The short drive home felt endless, the silence filling the air almost unbearable. I despised his presence almost as much as I craved it. I wanted him to hold me, but I didn’t want to have to feel his touch. I wanted him to say something, anything, yet, nothing at all. I hated him and I loved him, and I wasn’t quite sure how I was capable of feeling all of that at the same time. The sight of our house was somewhat relieving, as I parked the car in its normal spot. I went to open my door, but a cold touch pulled me back. I didn’t trust myself enough to look into those eyes I knew so well, so I looked down on my lap, ignoring his undying gaze fixed on me.

“ Look at me,” He pleaded, and although every bone in my body longed for a reassuring look from his normally warm eyes, I declined, shaking my head in rejection. I soon felt unhesitant lips crashing into mine, kissing me in such lust, such despair, that I found myself breathlessly kissing back. His trembling arms pulled me off my seat and onto his lap, my body subconsciously cooperating with the force I needed to work against. My fingers found their known way through his messy hair, while his snaked around my waist. He smelled of liquor and sweat and it should have been a disgusting combination but it was rather inviting. His lips were rough, demanding, powerful, and it should have been painful, but again, anything with Zayn was its opposite and I found myself craving more.

“ Lets get into the house.” I ordered, his hands quickly opening the door, for us both, as he slid us out of his seat, and onto the pavement.

“ Keys.” I reminded him.

“ Later.” And never once did we pull away for more than a second, before our lips connected again. My legs were wrapped around his, his hands holding me up by my bum, as he staggered his way to our front door.

“ Shit, I can’t get to my key.” He whispered against my wet lips, causing me to giggle into his mouth. I brought one hand away from his hair, and to his back pocket, fishing for the key.

“ Here,” I handed it to him, but he shook his head slightly.

“ You do it.” He ordered, biting down on my bottom lip. With a seductive moan, I blindly opened the door, and Zayn pushed us onto the couch, kicking the door closed with his leg.

“ Fuck,” The word leaving his mouth was so pleasured, so intoxicated, and I loved how even though he was supposed to hate me, I still had that effect on him. He started to take my tank top off me,  and drunken Zayn was long gone, substituted by sober, lustful, fearless Zayn.

“ You’re so beautiful.” He whispered against my lips, the way he always did. And no matter how many times I heard him saying those words, they always seemed surreal, sending goose bumps through my entire figure.

“ Take off your pants.” The pleading in his tone was undeniable, as I smirked through the kiss.

“ That’s your job.” I breathed, and he groaned, flipping us so that I would be laying beneath him, his body hovering over mine, as his hands quickly took the sweats off me.

“ I always love when you wear my clothes.”

“ Hmm.” I hummed, unable to compose any understandable words. Zayn’s lips departed mine, moving against my skin, to my neck, marking me as his own, biting on my earlobe.

“ So, so beautiful.” He breathed, his lips sliding till they started planting kisses along the lines of my bra. I allowed my body to cooperate with his touch, because how could it not? He was irresistible. I arched my back upwards in pleasure, bringing Zayn’s lips to my stomach. The heat was overwhelming, the butterflies erupting through my veins, and I had given in to Zayn. I gave myself up to him, in each and every way there was.  I was on cloud nine, with Zayn kissing every spot of bare skin portrayed in front of him, making love to me, leaving his undeniable marks along the way. Soon, Zayn crashed next to me, my figure almost fully enveloped into his, his hot breath hitting my neck.

“ I’m sorry.” He whispered, not long after.

“ I know you are.”

“ I love you.” And his lips planted a lone kiss through my hair.

“ I know you do.”

“ Say it back.” He begged. I turned in his grasp, bringing my face to his, barely leaving a few inches to separate us. His eyes were staring down on my lips, his own lips formed into a thin line.

“ Look into my eyes.” I said. He needed to feel it with all his senses, because God knows how hard it was to say those words again, but I trusted him, with my heart, my soul, and every broken piece of my being. His eyes hesitantly rose, meeting mine.

“ I love you, Zayn.” I reassured him, and his eyes immediately began to water, his lips trembling, as he buried his face into my bare chest.

“ God, you said it. You finally said it.” His hoarse voice was saturated with disbelief, depriving it from all its roughness, its deepness, leaving it as a barely audible whisper.

“ I love you.” I whispered again, needing to glue his pieces back together, to fix the damage I had caused upon his soul, to bring him back to life.  


A/N: SO A HEATED MOMENT WITH DRUNK ZAYN?!!?!?!?!?!?! This chapter must be one of my favorites and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Vote and comment and I'll dedicate the next chapter to you :)

ps: This chapter is dedicated to one of my favorite authors on here, read her story "entangled" it's fucking brilliant.

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