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Requested by Viralbugbug17


Willow was walking down her neighborhood, heading for school. "HEYYYYYYY!" A voice screamed. Startled, Willow turned around and saw a girl running, waving her arms in the air. Completely oblivious to the fact that she might draw attention to herself. Willow then realized that, the crazy girl running, was her childhood friend, Sayori. Willow covered her face pretending to not notice her. Then, Sayori finally caught up, "Haaaaaaaaah. . . . . Haaaaaaaah." She tried to catch her breath to speak. "Sayori?" Willow asked. "Why. . . Didn't you wait. . . For me to. . . Walk to school?" Sayori finally finished. 'Oh, I forgot about that,' Willow realized, thinking to herself. "Well, you shouldn't have slept in then," She said. "Hey that's mean, Will!" Sayori says. Willow chuckled. "Huh? What's so funny?" Sayori asks. "Nothing." They both started chatting and strutted off to school.

~Class Time!~
Willow walked in class, put down her bag, and sat down at her desk. Saki waved at her as she sat down. "Hey Will! How's your life?" She asked. "Boring. How about you?" Willow half smiled. "Eh, I can't believe how much time has passed though. I remember being in elementary, and then poof! I'm in high school," Saki explained. "Same," Will says. "Hey Mimika~," Naro says. Mimika, being the innocent cinnamon roll she is, just waved uncomfortably and moved away from him. "But sensei! The test is way too easy!" Momo complains. "Yes, for you. Not for everybody else," Sensei replies. "You dummy! I told you not to do that!" Osana complains. "Sorry Osana," Senpai replies. (Oops, wrong game) "Dummy!" Natsuki exclaims. Willow smiled, 'Good old class'. Nahako Sensei settled everyone down and started her class.
~After School~

'I wonder if I should join a club this year,' Willow thought. As her eyes looked over the different sign up sheets, a specific one caught hr attention. The Literature Club! It's simple, not too hard, it's perfect. Willow took one of the sig up sheets and went home.

~The Next Day~
Willow's P.O.V.

I had the strangest dream last night. Oh wait, there's Sayori running to me like always. "Hello Sayori," I say to her. "Hey Will!" Sayori exclaims in her normal cheery voice. "You know, I think you should join a club this year! I mean, I joined one." Sayoro says. I reply, "Well actually, I looked at the clubs just yesterday and decided to join one." Sayori's eyes gleamed, "Really!? Which club? Is it the Literature Club?" "Well, actually. . . How'd you know?" I said surprised. "You are! Yay! That's the club I'm in!" Really? How interesting. "Come one, Sayori, before we're late to school again," I say chuckling. We both laugh and chat some more, then once we were on the school grounds, we went our seperate ways.

~After School (again)~

School was finally over and so I went in the Literature Club room. I saw Sayori sitting in their smiling at me. Though, I was surprised to see Natsuki in here. I also saw a girl, and I'm pretty sure her name's Yuri. We chat in the hallway sometimes. I turned left and saw Monika. Monika!? Wait, I'm in a club with the most popular girl in school!? Why is she so popular you ask? Well, shes smart, athletic, attractive, kind, and so on! "Willow? You're here? Well, how are you? I haven't seen you since last year!" Monika says to me. "Oh! I'm fine," I reply. "You two know each other?" Sayori asks. We both nod. "Oh wait! She's our new club member Monika! She's joining!" Sayori says. "Oh, I know," Monika says blankly. Wait, how did she know? I haven't told anyone except Sayori. "Never mind that, everyone! We have a new club member!" Monika says as she clasps her hands together. Natsuki looked up from reading something in front of the storage closet and looked back down. Yuri looked up from reading a book on a desk, she smiled and waved. I smiled at them both. "I'm glad you're our newest club member!" Monika says.

~Time skip a few days in the club~

"Wasn't that fun?" Sayori says. Willow nodded and smiled. "Anyway, I have an announcement! You know about the festival coming up right?" We all nod. "Well, we're in the festival and we're performing!" Natsuki widens her eyes, Yuri turns her head and nervously plays with her hair, I am surprised, and Sayori is just excited. Monika looks around nervously. "We have to perform!?" Natsuki exclaims. "We just need to recite our best poems and make some props!" Monika says. "As president, I gave you all jobs that you like! If you don't like it, you can just tell me! Anyway, Yuri, i was thinking you might like banner making. And Natsuki, was thinking you can do baking! Sayori and I plan to work together. What do you think?" Monika explains. "I like it, but, I am not fond of performing poems," Yuri says. "Yeah! But, what's Willow going to do?" Natsuki says as she folds her arms. "Who do you want to work with?" Suddenly, I didn't feel normal. I didn't feel sick, but I felt dizzy. This seems like the hardest question to answer right now. I then heard whispers of, "Monika. Monika Monika. Monika," Over and over. I felt dizzier than before. "Monika," I say which I strange, because I felt like I wasn't in control. "Yay! You picked me!" Monika says. Huh. "Hey! That isn't fair, Monika! You're already working with Sayori!" Natsuki complains. "But he chose-" Monika started buy was interrupted by Yuri, "Natsuki's right Monika. Why are you doing all this, just to be with her?" Yuri says. "Do you know what shame is?" Yuri whispered quietly. Monika sighed, "Fine, Willow, who do you choose?" Hmmmm, I'm here again. "(Who you choose or WYC)" I say. WYC is surprised, whilst the other one looked a teeny, tiny bit disappointed. "I'll meet you on the weekend?" I ask. WYC nods. "Anyway! That's it for today, and remember, don't forget to write you're poems for the festival!" Monika says.

~Skip brought to you by Natsuki being a tsundere.~

I've been in the Literature club for 2 weeks, and some strange things have happened, but overall, I'm happy about it! Sadly, Sayori tod me about her depression, and I was meeting her after school, in fact, I'm walking over to her house right now. I knocked on the door 3 times, but there was no answer. That's weird, Sayori always open the door. I let myself in and went to Sayori's room. I knock on her room door, but there was no answer again. I didn't see her at school actually. "Sayori? You there?" I call out. I get a weird feeling, the same feeling I got when I had to choose between Yuri, Natsuki and Monika. I felt dizzy. I kept on knocking, but there was STILL no answer. Alright, she leaves me no choice. I open the door. . . .

S-Sayori? No. This can't be real. This has to be a dream. I feel dizzier, I have a head ache. Ugh.

As I'm walking down my neighborhood, I hear a voice, "HEEEEEYYYYYYY!" I turn around and see my childhood friend Sd~-^dfhgfsjf08RGHUSFUGHSae!2

Ahh, I'm walking down my neighborhood to school. I'm actually hoping I get a friend this year. I've been lonely and didn't have that many friends growing up.


"Hold on, this won't take too long," Monika says.

[yuri.chr delete]
[yuri.chr successfully deleted]
[natsuki.chr delete]
[natsuki.chr successfully deleted]

Ugh, I feel like throwing up. Wait, I'm in a room? With Monika? "Finally, I'm here with you," Monika says. "Do you want to be with me? Forever?" I felt dizzy again, "Yes," I say. "Let's just look at each other," Monika says. We stare at each other for a little, and the atmosphere feels disturbing. I then saw an option.

[monika.chr delete]

[monika.chr successfully deleted]

"W-what are you doing? What's happening? It hurts. It hurts a lot," Monika says, she looks distorted. Then, everything goes blank. "You, deleted me? I thought you cared. I care about you. I'm sorry I had to delete the others, but, i did all this for you. They were good friends too. Okay, if you really want this then. . . ."

"I'm so glad you're joining! As president, I look for the best!" Sayori says. Willow smiles, "I'm glad I decided to join, everything here seems fun."

"Yeah, and we'll be here, together, forever," Sayori says. I then feel dizzy again

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