Natsuki x Male Reader

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Requested by: zovc_0
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Your P.O.V
Ah, the Literature Club. I love it here! Especially Natsuki, but if I told her or anyone else, that would just be weird. Right now, everyones working on poems, but, I'm already finished. I just looked around the room, and for some stupid reason, I went to the closet. There was oddly a big stack of mangas. I started to pick one up- "Hey!" I quickly turn around, surprised to see Natsuki. "What are you doing with my manga books?!" Natsuki yelled. Why is everyone else not aware of Natuski's yelling? "O-oh, h-hey Natuski!" I say, as I, well kind of, yeah. I do have a crush on her. Natsuki crossed her arms and sighed, "Hello? Uh, sometimes it's pointless to talk to you sometimes." Wait, was I not listening? "Sorry Natsuki! I-I kind of spaced out," I quickly say, rubbing the back of my head. Natsuki's cheeks turned a tint of pink,"Just, don't do it again?" Natsuki looked at me, then at the manga books. "Anyway, what are you doing with my manga books?" OH! I just realized I was still holding one of her books,"I-I didn't know these were yours," I said blankly. Natsuki sighed, quietly took it from me, and put it back, "Anyway, I finished my poem and saw you, so," She handed me hers. I nodded my head and took it.

'Eagles Can Fly

Monkeys can Climb
Crickets can Leap
Horses can Race
Owls can Seek
Cheetahs can Run
Eagles can Fly
People can Try
But that's about it.'

My head swirled with emotions. It was cute, but Natsuki wouldn't like that. She looked at me, "I'm not that great at poems, okay?" "No, no! I like it!" I quickly say. Natsuki was kind of surprised by hearing that. "Thanks, I guess," She replied.

~Time Skip~

"Now, remember! The festival is coming up! We'll discuss it tomorrow after school" Monika says. And with that, everyone left. I decided to take a long way to home, and go through the park.

I was in front of my house, and turned the knob to open the door. I went to he kitchen and was greeted by, Natsuki!? She closed her eyes and smiled, "Hey Y/N!" I was kind of surprised to see her, "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Well, I decided to drop by!" She answered. "It smells really good, are you making something?" As I was asking, I looked in the sink to see leftover cupcake batter. "I was baking something! Not making!" She said, we then laughed. We chatted a bit more, and laughed a bit more. "Hold on, hold on. So, you came to my house and decided to bake cupcakes in my kitchen?" Natsuki nodded, but I knew something was wrong. "Natsuki, is something wrong?" I looked at her, and her eyes weren't filled with her usual confidence, but instead, fear. "Look," Natsuki started saying, and then sighed. "I-I can't live in my house anymore, I don't feel safe there. I fear if I'm really safe, I fear my father." She finished. W-what? Why would she be afraid? Then, there was a knock on the door and Natsuki ran up the stairs, hiding. I donlt know why, but I opened the door. There was a man there. "I'm looking for my daughter." He said, though, he didn't seem like he cared all that much. "She has an un-natural pink hair color, and she's about this tall," He showed with his hands. "N-nope. I don't believe I know her." I say. He looked behind me an saw Natsuki's bag. "Who's bag is that? You're sister's?" He asked, with harshness in his voice. "Y-yeah?" I try saying. "That sounds like a question. I'll call the police, and if I have to, I'll make them investigate his house tomorrow." With that, he walked away. What do I do?

Natsuki came back down. "Who was it?" She asked. I didn't want to make her worry, so I lied, "The salesman!" I quickly say. Natsuki gave me a look, "I know that's not the truth." Fine, she got it out of me. "It was your dad." Natsuki had fear in her eyes again, "I knew it." "He said he'll call the police and investigate this house tomorrow." I say trying not to worry her. "I feel like you're not safe here," Natsuki says. "What? Why? I need to keep you safe tomorrow. You can live here too," I say. "No, Y/N. I'm afraid of what he'll do to you. You don't deserve that stuff." Natsuki replies. "I care for you." She says. "You care for me?" I say back. "Yes!" Natsuki yelled. I quickly hug her, "You will be safe." I say, as Natsuki smiles at me.

Goodbye and see you later! :333333333

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