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I was sitting in between Kevin and Mike. Mike is reading some novel and Kevin and I are watching 'Sixth sense'. After the movie, Kevin, Mike and me started talking about random stuff. I got to know some real dope things they did together in their  childhood and realised how close they have been and how they have supported each other in all the ups and down. Talking to them, I have realised that these guys do look like they are arrogant and egoistic but once you get to know them, they are really nice people. That's the thing about us, we start judging people without even knowing them. I agree I hated them and the part where they have tried to 'ruin'my life would always be in my memories but I have forgiven them. They have been there then I needed them the most. Especially Kevin. things change with time, I am kind of glad to have genuine people around me who really care for me. All this happened in no time and here I am sitting with my so called bullies enjoying there company.

"What are you thinking about?"Kevin whispered in my ears.

"How things have changed and how close we have become." I said and he smiled.

I started watching the view outside the window and then took out a diary. This is my 'travel diary' as I like to call it. I have always written about my trips and about the places I visit every year in this diary. This way I don't just capture my memories through photos but also  read them whenever I want. I started reading it and remembering all those times I have spent with my family. Its just so refreshing to remember the good times. I was just turning the pages when I saw the air hostess coming and me being me  I   got super excited to order food. I took out menu card and started seeing what I could order finally I made my mind and turned towards the hostess.

" I would like to order chicken stir-fry and a can of coke please." I said and then saw Kevin and Mike turning there faces to see me. 

"You are non-vegetarian? Mike asked.

"Umm.. yes? I  asked and Mike was seriously shocked.

The air hostess clered her throat and looked at Kevin and then at Mike.

"Your order sir?" she asked Kevin.

"I would like to have chicken sandwiches with a cup of tea please."he said.

"I will have grilled fish tacos." Mike said.

"Anything else sir?"

"you" Mike said and me and Kevin turned to look at him and then at the air hostess. The hostess started blushing.

"Thank you for ordering. It makes up 1 chicken stir-fry, 1 coke, 1 plate chicken sandwiches, 1 cup of tea and grilled fish tacos." she said and I nodded. She looked at Mike and gave a small smile and moved ahead.

"Are you serious? like what the fuck was that?" Kevin asked  Mike and he shrugged I started laughing.

"Trying to be a player but got no games." I said and  Kevin started laughing. soon after we were bursting with laughter and everyone was so confused as to why we were laughing like retards. 

"You guys are mad." Mike said and rolled his eyes.

Where were they all these years?



I m extremely sorry for the delays in the chapters. But, to be very honest I was really busy I had my exams and I was preparing for them. For now I will post chapters regularly I promise. 

Thank you so much for supporting and choosing my story. It means a lot. I hope that you are enjoying the story so far.



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