I need to find answers.

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Love, a word not understood by so many people but when this love leaves you without answering so many questions, it's a different level of curiosity. It has been 2 years since the murder of my grandfather. The killer is still unknown. Here, in this unknown town,between unknown people and unknown roads which leads to  more unknown roads, I ask why me? I haven't done anything wrong to anyone. Since the day I have shifted to California from New York my life has changed drastically. I came here 5 years back. I got so much of hatred in my school, my grandfather was murdered, someone tried to kill me, I got bullied. Now that time has changed and I finally started to live like a normal teenager. My life is like hello bitch, I still hate you so I'll make sure you live your life with this guilt that, that day you could have saved your grandfather. That day you could have stabbed the killer, but as usual you were weak as fuck.


I was sitting on my desk doing my homework. I heard some voice from down stairs and headed towards the stairs.

"Who is there grandpa?" I shouted. Suddenly I heard a strong voice. "You fucking old man. Get out of our way." I had goosebumps everywhere. I slowly started walking downstairs. I went there and 6 men had entered our house and the gun was pointed on my grandpa's head.

"What the heck, who are you guys? Leave him." I shouted. One of the guys came and picked me up and started walking towards my parents room. "Leave me. I said LEAVE ME, your hurting me. Who are you?  What do you want?" just then he slapped me and locked me in the room. I was so scared. My heart was beating so fast. I was sweating like a pig and my hands in fact, my whole body was shaking. I was horrified. I heard some gun shots and my  heart just stopped beating. Tears ran down my eyes. Everything blanked out.


"Veronica are you okay?" Mike asked. I was sitting in a cab going back to the hotel.  Mike had found a way out, behind one of the book shelves.
"I am fine." I lied. I was just shocked. I mean,  I never came here nor do I know anyone from this place. Why is that picture here? 

I need to find answers.

STORY OF A SHORT GIRL.Where stories live. Discover now