We've been close, but inconsistent...

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Demi's POV

Days like today are the hardest for me lately. I have an early meeting with my manager Phil and anyone who knows me knows I don't really enjoy these meetings. They always go the same way with Phil telling me what I 'should' do for the week, as if he were merely making a suggestion. But I have known him long enough to know it's never a suggestion and I always agree even if I really don't want to do it. The only times the meetings are most enjoyable for me are on the days when Nick would join us to discuss business related to our record label. Now it's actually Nick's presence that makes me dread the meetings the most, and today was one of these kinds of meetings.

"What about this one?" I asked my assistant Kelsey who had sat at the foot of my bed and watched me disappear in my closet and then walk out with my umpteenth outfit change this morning.

"It looks great, Demi, just like all the other outfits," She replied with a grin that told me she thought I was being a bit ridiculous and I knew she was right. "Maybe if you told me where you're going to after your meeting and who this person is that you're trying to impress-"

"I'm not trying to impress anyone," I cut her off with a lie and scowl on my face. "What's so wrong with me just wanting to look my best?"

"Nothing, but Dem, you always look great. So effortlessly you make me sick sometimes," Kelsey stated with a sincere smile. "The only time you act OCD with your clothes and how you look is when there's a guy you're trying to impress."

"Like I said, I'm not trying to impress anyone," I lied again as I turned to face one of the full-length mirrors housed inside of my huge walk-in closet. "I only have a meeting with Phil and Nick."

"Ohhhh," Kelsey said with a nod and caused me to stop my preening and stare at her in the mirror.

"Ohhhh...Ohhhh what?" I questioned genuinely curious about her response.

"Nothing, just you never mentioned Nick was going to be there. In that case, keep on those black skinny jeans you're wearing now and put back on that red satin, spaghetti strap top that gives a peek of your abdomen, and carry the black denim jacket with you but don't put it on unless it's like really cold in the building."

"O...kay," I said as I removed the blouse I wore, put back on the red satin shirt as I was told and turned to face Kelsey. "But why?"

"Because, contrary to what you think the thickness of your thighs are not a bad thing and judging by the way Nick always stares when you're not looking and he thinks no one else is looking," She points her thumbs at herself as she said this. "He definitely appreciates what he sees. Also, you look great in red which as I recall Nick has told you on more than one occasion."

"I'm not trying to impress Nick Jonas," I stated my 3rd lie as my face held a smile which I was sure conveyed I was lying.

"Ok," Was all Kelsey said in reply.

"I'm not," I repeated as I giggled a bit and watched her as she playfully rolled her eyes at me and laughed a bit.

"Ok...Oh and no heavy makeup, just some mascara, and gloss. Show your freckles, Nick also said that he loves your freckles," She threw out as I turned back to look at myself in the mirror.

"And my hair, do I wear it up or down?" I asked as I lifted my hair up into a mock ponytail before letting it fall to cascade across my shoulders.

"Down, but I think Nick likes it either way."

"I'm not-"

"Yes you are but I just don't know why yet, care to share?" She questioned me as I nervously bit my bottom lip while I contemplated telling her. After a moment with me standing there thinking it over and Kelsey patiently waiting I finally spoke again.

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