I need a little bit more....

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Sometime later

Joe and JinJoo had left a little while ago leaving leftovers and dirty dishes in the sink, which I had insisted they leave and I would clean later. Now, Demi and I stood at my kitchen sink washing, drying and putting away the dishes. We had our usual friendly banter as we cleaned, and it was nice.

"Man, I'm going to have to hit the gym a little harder tomorrow to work off the calories I just consumed," Demi said as she washed one of the glasses we had used.

"Demi, you look amazing," I said as I grasped the glass from her outstretched hand to dry. "Trust me any fat that may be on your body only helps to accentuate its beauty," I tried to assure her of what I believed to be true. After a moment I realized that she had stopped in her tasked and stood there watching me. "What's wrong?" I asked seeing something in her eyes that told me she might cry, which was a sight that always tore at my very soul.

"Thank you, Nick," She said in a low voice and quickly averted her eyes back to the plate she had started washing hoping to hide the glistening of tears in her eyes. She knew me well and knew what seeing her crying did to me, so she always tried to spare my feelings.

"You don't have to thank me, I'm only telling you the truth as I see it. You have a gorgeous body Dem," I stated and I could see her blush at the compliment, though she didn't reply to it.

"Last one," She said as she handed me the last glass to dry.

"Thanks for helping me clean up," I said as I put the glass in the cupboard.

"You're welcome," She replied as she graced me with her brilliant smile that always warmed me on the inside.

She couldn't seem to hold my gaze and her coyness told me that she was anticipating things to go the way they had gone the last couple of times we were alone together. But after my chat with Joe, I knew that I couldn't let things between Demi and me continue as they had been. I sighed as I reached up and raked my hand through my hair and looked down at the red stiletto style shoes Demi had on and the image of her in my bed wearing nothing but those shoes suddenly flashed through my mind. I groaned under my breath in frustration as I felt myself becoming aroused and so I turn from where she stood and moved back towards the living room. I could feel Demi's questioning eyes burning into my back, but she remained standing there silent.

"I can take you home now if you're ready," I threw out as I turned back to regard her. It was easier now that there was some distance between us. I saw a flash of panic and then hurt in Demi's eyes as she stared at me.

"What's the matter, did I do something wrong?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around herself. I died a little inside because I knew that I was making her feel unwelcome which couldn't have been further from the truth.

"No Demi, you haven't done anything wrong," I tried assuring her but the way she rubbed her hand up and down her arm I could tell that I hadn't.

"But I thought ... I thought you wanted to ... Don't you want to have sex?" She inquired as she spoke the last part in a near whisper like there were people around that might hear her.

"No, sorry but I don't want to have sex with you anymore, Dem, I just can't do that, use you like that anymore."

"You're not using me," Demi spoke out as she took steps towards me with her eyes full of insecurities which only made me surer that I had to follow through and stop whatever this particular relationship that we had created from festering further. "Nick, I'm a big girl and you're not doing anything that I don't want you to do. I enjoy being with you and having sex with you. And I thought you enjoyed it too."

A Nemi Story: Don't Say you love me unless you Do!Where stories live. Discover now