Don't say you love me unless you do!

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Nick's POV

I hadn't expected a call from Demi so soon after leaving her place. I had gone straight home with the intention to drink away the thoughts that my mind had started conjuring up about what Demi and Wilmer were doing. I was half way through my 2nd beer when the phone rang. I was screening all calls, but I did check the caller ID in case it was something I deemed important. Upon seeing Demi's name I didn't let it get a full ring out before I yanked the phone up and connected the call. She had said she wanted to see me then and there and I practically ran from my house in my hurry to get to hers.

I tried not to let my mind run wild with what had happened with Wilmer. Demi wouldn't tell me much over the phone and I just wanted to get to her so I didn't waste time probing further. I didn't know why but I was mad at Wilmer and was mentally preparing myself to give him the beat down I had already decided that he was deserving of. Without any proof and with disregard to the kind of man I knew that Wilmer was, I had convinced myself that he had taken advantage of Demi and then broke her heart.

"Demi!" I called out to her as I hurried inside her house and made my way to the kitchen, which was empty and so I headed up the back stairs just off from the kitchen. "Demi!" I called out again.

"I'm in my bedroom Nick," I finally heard her yell out to me and I was at her bedroom door within a couple of long strides. I pushed the door opened my chest puffed out, fists clenched, ready to do some damage. Instead of a crying and distraught Demi, I instead found a giggly Demi seated on the floor at the foot of her bed playing with Batman and Cinderella. "Hey," She greeted me with a big beautiful smile but I couldn't let it distract me as I moved further into the room and headed to her ensuite bathroom.

"Hey," I replied as I opened the bathroom door to find the room emptied and then I moved to Demi's walk-in closet that was almost as big as her bedroom. I could feel Demi's curious eyes boring into my back, but I wouldn't let that distract me either. "Where's Wilmer and what did he do to you?" I asked as I disappeared into the closet.

"Wilmer left before I called you," Demi answered leaning to the right as she craned her neck to see what I was doing as I walked back out into the main room. "And he didn't do anything. Well, nothing except let me down gently after I threw myself at him like a fool," She said and I was relieved and angered all at once. "Why ... wait ... Nick, did you come over here thinking Wilmer had done something to me? Were you going to defend my honor?" She asked as she set Ella and Batman aside and stood up from the floor. I saw no reason to lie.

"Demi I would whoop any man's ass in defense of you, you should know that by now," I spoke out as I took a deep soothing breath and allowed my frayed nerves to settle back down.

"I do," She concurred with a smile and a nod. "Just like I'd beat down any bitch who would dare try to do you harm. You do recall what I wanted to do to Olivia and her friend for posting those lies about you on Instagram?" I chuckled and nodded at remembering having to physically restrain her until she calmed down and I was sure she wouldn't do something drastic.

"So what happened?" I questioned her and finally noticed that she was only wearing a nightie and I quickly averted my eyes any and everywhere except on her, but a little too late because I could feel myself getting a hard-on.

"Well, the plan was to seduce Wilmer. I put this on and I kissed him and the craziest thing happened," She responded and her words made me look back to her, and I found her standing right in front of me staring up at me as if I held the secret to life and she was determined that I tell her. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and willed myself to stay still and not grab her close as I was longing to do.

"What happened?" I asked and for some reason, my voice came out in a near whisper as my eyes honed onto Demi's cherry red lips. She darted her tongue out and quickly licked her lips and I found myself doing the same with mine.

"When I was kissing Wilmer I felt nothing. In fact, I zoned out because I had just one thought and it really confused me," She said and then bit into her bottom lip and I groaned inwardly and shivered a bit from my desire for her at that moment, which I knew I would not be able to contain for much longer. "The entire time I was kissing him I knew with every fiber of my being that I wanted to be kissing you instead," She finally stated and I lifted my eyes up and looked her dead on. "Why would I be thinking that?" She asked and I could tell that she wasn't expecting me to answer but that she was just thinking out loud. She then reached up her right hand and cupped my face. I happily allowed her to pull my face closer to hers and welcomed the soft kiss she placed on my lips. We continued to stare into each other's eyes as we each pecked at the other's lips. Both of our breaths and heart rates increased with every quick kiss. Then both of our eyes closed and a moan fell from Demi's mouth as we deepened the kiss.

I pulled her flush up against me and lifted her upward in my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs securely around my waist. I gyrated my hips and my now painful erection pushed against Demi's hot core and she jerked her head back as she stared down at me with wide frightened eyes and her mouth open.

"Nick," She gasped out as if my name were a prayer and I feared that she had come to her senses and wanted us to stop. A part of me instantly felt guilty and as if I were taking advantage of her, but before I could put her back down she tightened her hold. "I love you ... Oh my God! I am batshit crazy 'in love' with you Nick Jonas," She proclaimed and my soul became elated with a joy I don't think I had ever in my life felt.

"Wait ... you mean you remember?" I asked hopefully as a goofy smile spread across my face and she nodded her head at me.

"Yeah, I just remembered everything," Demi said with a smile as tears slid from her eyes. "Wow, you are some kisser, Jonas," She teased as I laughed and sobbed at the same time as my tears began to fall.

"I love you too Demi, so fucking much," I finally confessed what I have been feeling in my heart for a long time. "I had worked up the nerve to tell you but then you got conked in the head and forgot me."

"I didn't forget you," She replied as she lovingly stroked my face with her right hand. "I got a little lost but you were always there, right beside me, helping me find my way. Now, could you just kiss me, touch me, and be inside of me right now?" I laughed at her words as she giggled along as well.

"In that order?" I asked as I walked us to her oversized bed and tumbled upon it, with us both still wrapped around each other.

"You can do it in any fucking order you like, just do it," She commanded with a smile as she kissed me again.

"Yes, ma'am," I mumbled out around our kissing as we pulled and pushed away clothing and became reacquainted in the most intimate ways.

~The End~

Author's Note: I wanted to say thank you all for the kind reviews and for voting for the story. After the last chapter I immediately realized that I was pretty much done with this Nemi story, so typed up a quick short and sweet final chapter. Now, I can proceed with start working on and posting the new Nemi fic :)

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