You hold your heart at a safer distance.....

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Later, at Phil's office

I had timed it perfectly so that I would arrive at the office for my meeting with Phil and Nick before they had arrived. Both Phil and Nick had seemed surprised when they arrived in the waiting area outside Phil's office and found me seated on one of the sofas with my feet curled beneath me and my eyes locked onto my phone. Although I had kept my peripheral vision locked onto the door awaiting their arrival.

"Demi," Phil called out to me and I lifted my head and pretended as if I had not already noticed their presence. "You're already here," he said stating the obvious.

"Hi guys," I greeted in my usual bubbly way as I stood from the sofa. I smiled and nodded at Phil as he walked by me and unlocked his office door. I then focused on Nick who stood just behind me.

"Hey," Nick said as he stepped to me with his playful smirk and his arms open expecting our usual hug. I obliged him and walked into his embraced wrapping him in one of my own. It felt wonderful to be in his warmth and to smell his unique scent. I hadn't realized until that moment how much I had been missing and dare I admit 'craving' him. "You look good," He whispered in my ear just before pulling from the hug.

"Thanks," I replied with my 100-watt smile, the one I knew he liked seeing on my face. "You look good too," I countered and it was no lie. He wore his typical black skinny jeans with some white kicks and a short-sleeved black tee, which accentuated his bulging arms. Nick had definitely come a long way since our Disney days and he had filled out so very nicely. We made our way into Phil's office and from the way Nick kept shooting side glances at me I knew Kelsey had been right on about my outfit, he liked it.

The meeting had not lasted long only just under an hour in which time we had talked about my upcoming tour and Nick's upcoming album.

"Ok you two that's all I got for today," Phil spoke out as he picked up his phone and started punching number. "You guys can head out to lunch and Demi don't forget you have a photo shoot on Monday."

"Got it, later," I said as I rose from the chair I had been seated in and moved to the door as Nick then rose from his chair.

"Later Phil," Nick tossed out as he followed me out the door.

"So," I started the small talk which seemed so forced, where it had never been before between Nick and me. "You'll be throwing a big release party soon for the new album, huh?"

"Yeah, and I'm pumped for it. I hope you're planning to come," He responded as he looked over at me with pleading eyes.

"Of course, if you want me there I'll be there," I answered as we walked to the large glass doors that led out to the parking lot.

"Demi, I always want you ... around," He said and then quickly added the last part as if to cover a flub and in a span of 2 seconds, he took me to cloud 9 and then drop kicked me from it, sending my elation crashing to the ground.

"Yeah, I know," I said with a nod as I ducked my head a bit. My hurt quickly turned to irritation as I wondered about his words. Did Nick only want me around when he had that itch he needed scratching or was there something more?

"You hungry? Want to go get some lunch, take it back to your place so we can be alone?" He asked as we made our way out of the office building and stopped in the parking lot.

"Sure, but Kelsey is at my place taking care of some things for me."

"Oh, well, we can go back to my place," Nick suggested. "Soon after they announced their engagement Joe moved in with Sophie so it's just me now."

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