You've gotta know what it's like...

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Later at Nick's

Demi's POV

It was so strange as if I were seeing Nick for the very first time, although we had known each other for over 11 years. In just a couple of hours in our new role of more than just friends, I had actually become a little timid and shy with him, which he had picked up on.

"You having regrets?" Nick asked as we snuggled on his couch with some movie playing on Netflix that I had not been paying any attention to.

"Nope," I replied as I leaned back a bit from his embrace so I could look into his face. "Are you?" I countered and fear laced with sadness gripped at me when Nick nodded his head.

"Yes, just one," He said and I'm sure he must have seen the hurt in my eyes because he quickly lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it, quickly relieving my anxiety. "I regret that I was so inside my head that I talked myself out of telling you a long time ago how I feel about you, and asking you out. I wasted a lot of time."

"Honestly, I probably would have told you no back then," I stated. "I was such a mess, mentally and emotionally. It's only been in the past couple of years that I've finally started working on my daddy issues. Ever since I could remember I was always seeking and wanting the attention of much older men, and that was all about trying to find that father figure to fill the void left by my biological dad," I confessed something I never thought I would be brave enough to share with Nick. He lay there listening with one arm wrapped around me as he stroked his thumb across my hand that he still held. "Then I found it in Wilmer and it got gross and creepy," I said making a disgusted face as I recalled how it felt trying to be intimate with Wilmer after the revelation. "It started feeling incestuous between us and we both knew it was time to end that part of our relationship."

"Wow," Nick replied thoroughly shocked by what I was saying. "I did wonder what had happened to you guys because I thought Wilmer was the end game for you. I would have never had guessed 'that' was the reason you two broke up," I only nodded. "So, you think you're over all your daddy issues?"

"No, and according to my therapist I probably never will be, not fully, especially now that Patrick is not around to help me work through my anger over him deserting me. But I am overlooking for my dad in the men I date. Besides, I already have the greatest dad a girl could ask for in Eddie, and I just needed to learn to appreciate that and appreciate him more," This time Nick nodded his head as he smiled at me.

"I'm glad to hear that, because I don't want to be your daddy," He said as he swooped down and quickly pecked my lips with his.

"So, no calling you 'Daddy' when we're alone in bed?" I teased and Nick tossed his head back in laughter. "Oh, how about, 'Aye, Papi'?"

"No," He shook his head as he hovered above me, leaned down and slowly kissed me. "Just Nick," He spoke in between kisses upon my lips and then moved down to gently suckle my neck.

"Mhmm, Nick," I moaned out and I could feel him smile against my neck.

"Yeah, I like the sound of that," He said lowly as he slid down and kissed my collarbone as he let his left hand tug at the strap of my blouse, pulling it down, but before he could fully expose my breast his phone rang. He dropped his head against my chest and let out a frustrated groan. He then lifted up off of me a bit, but not fully. He reached over and grabbed his phone from the nearby table and checked the ID before he finally answered.

"Hey Dave O, what's up?" Nick spoke out and at hearing the name I immediately froze as if Dave were in the room and would see me if I moved. Nick must have felt me tense up because he threw me a wink and a sweet kiss on my lips. "Oh, Fuck!" He cried out and startled me a bit as he scrambled from atop me, sat up and looked at his watch. "Yeah, I did forget but I've still got plenty of time to make it," I listened curiously but made sure to remain silent. "No, have Avo go to Demi's house. We had a meeting with Phil earlier and I'm still hanging with her. All right, thanks, Dave."

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