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Avni woke up the next morning to find herself entangled with Neil, one of her legs raised in between Neil's legs making her shirt ( Neil's shirt) hike up and Neil's hand clutching around her waist tightly, her hand wrapped around Neil's back their bodies molded together with Avni's head in the crook of Neil's neck.

She takes in that beautiful scent that always drives her insane, that earthy, musky scent that makes her loose her mind. She moves closer without thinking and nuzzles his neck with her nose enjoying the warmth, Neil wakes up to this pleasurable feeling caused by Avni's sudden action.

" Avni..." Neil says, his voice hoarse.

Avni comes back to reality and quickly tries to move away from Neil but he's hand still wrapped around her waist tightly

He loosens his grip around her

" S-Sorry..I forgot you were there, I..I thought.."

" it's okay" Neil interrupts her

She gets up from the bed and moves to the bathroom to get ready, Neil follows her into the bathroom.

" What are you doing?" Avni asks

" I'm walking into the bathroom" Neil said with a sarcastic face

" I mean why are you walking in with me"

" Oh sorry, I want to brush my teeth"

" OK, fine" Avni says

Neil brushes his teeth and moves out of the bathroom for Avni to use.

Avni gets ready and comes out, she sees Neil moving closer to her and starts moving backwards, her back hits the wall and Neil pulls her by her arm and she crashes on his chest. His hand moves to her back and she gasps feeling his cold hands on her back, he slides his hand down the open area cause she didn't zip making her grip tighter on his chest.

" w..what are.." Avni whispers

He pulls her closer if that is even possible and moves to her ears and zips her dress up

" You forgot to zip" He whispers in her ears

" Oh..." she says and he leaves her to recover

" it's already nine, we'll leave after I get ready" Neil says

" Why didn't you wake up early today?" Avni says fully recovered.

" Because you were sleeping in my arms" his heart tries to say" Uh..maybe because I slept late last night" he tells her

" Oh...okay"

Neil goes to get ready.


I've spent the last last 8 hours with a shirtless Neil and it's making my inside hot. I've been secretly staring at his abs and I want to tell him to put a shirt on cause if he doesn't I feel like I might do something I'm not supposed to do.

He comes out of the bathroom and I'm glad his fully clothed.

" Let's go" he tells me


We leave the hotel and head home, when we get home we get seriously rebuked by Bebe and Mom while Prakash Sir I mean Dad tried to explain things to them but they didn't listen.

" Do you know how worried we were! " Mom yells

" we were worried all night" Bebe adds

" Mom, Bebe we were stuck and it was raining heavily, we tried to call you but we couldn't get through to you"

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