Who is she?

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HI !!!

Hi guys, so I decided I was going to try my best to update since some of you were asking and I'm going to be busy for the next few days. So here it is!!!


" Avni? "

He rose abruptly pushing his chair backwards in the process. The sound of the chair scraping against the floor can be heard distinctly in the deadly silent room.  He whirled around and observed her with a scrutinizing look, a millisecond later his eyes widened in realization. 

It really is Avni, she is really here!

Avni looked on nervously as Neil's silence induced her to believe he didn't really want her here.

" What are you doing here? " he asked deeply confused

" Um... I just came here to see you, I thought maybe because you hadn't seen anyone from home for a long time I should come here. But it seems you don't want me here" she said and turns to leave but her action is ceased when something tugged on her wrist.

She turns to see Neil behind her stopping her from moving any further.

" what makes you think I don't want you here" their eyes meet " Yes, I do feel lonely here, but I didn't want to disturb any of you."

" You're busy here, maybe I should just lea-" her sentence is cut off when Neil locked his arms around her not leaving a space between them. She stiffened at first but then later relaxed and tightened her arms around him, feeling every ridge of his body against her curves.

" I want you here Avni, please don't go"

" If you want me to stay, I won't go"

" Come" he said and pulled her away.

He found her bag and lifted it and they make their way back to the room. He dropped her bag in front of the wardrobe and they sit on the bed.

" How did you get here? " Neil asked

" I got the address from DD, and then he brought me here"

" why didn't you just ask me" he asked, confused.

" I thought that you wouldn't give me"

" you need to stop assuming things Avni, it could lead to something else someday"

" Sorry"

" it's okay" he paused " Did Ahana's parents come? " Neil asked

" Yes they did, she said she'll leave right after you come back... I mean 'we' come back"

" What about-" he gets interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing. He picks it

" Hello" he said and paused " OK I'm coming"

" Avni I'll be in the study room, it won't take long. I'll be back" he said and leaves the room

Avni decides to call home, she picks her phone and calls the landline. Shweta picks it...

" Hello who is thiss?" Shweta asks nonchalantly

" it's me Avni"

Shweta straightens up and a wide smile forms on her face " Avni! " she screamed and Avni removed the phone from her ear for a second " Bebe, Sunny Ji, Ahana. Avni has called! "

A moment later, Avni could hear everyone's voice as they all talk simultaneously through the phone.

" Avni how are you? "

" Did you get there safely?"

" Are you fine? Where is Neil?"

" Yes where is Neil? Are you with him right now? "

She chuckles and begins to answer all their questions.

After a long session of talking over the phone, Avni decided to change out of her sari. She hanged her clothes in the wardrobe and picked out a top and jeans. She opened the other door in the room, which is the bathroom. She changed into her top and jeans and stepped out, she walked around the room scanning everything.

She sees the papers on his desk and realized he has really immersed himself into his work. She frowned when she realized Neil has been gone for a long time...

He said it won't take long. What is he doing?

She opened the door and stepped out of the room, she walked into the living room but doesn't find him there. She remembered he said he'll be in the study room and then she began to look for the room. She started opening random doors in an attempt to find him, but to no avail.

She hopelessly opens the last door only to find him, but not alone, with another person, a woman, on his lap!

" What the hell! " Avni said slowly, shocked by the scene in front of her

She looks at the woman who was still shamelessly sitting on him while Neil was trying to push her away.

" Avni-" Neil said but she straightened up, turned and left the room.

" Avni! Avni! " Avni opened the door to the room while Neil kept shouting her name and running after her, she enters the bathroom and locks the door. Neil throws open the door and looks around the room for Avni, he walked to the bathroom door and pushed it open but it didn't open.

" Avni please listen to me, whatever you saw is not the way you think it is I swear, please believe me" he panted " please come out"

3 minutes later, Avni fiddled with the door knob then pushed the door open and she walked past him.

" Avni it was an accident, she wanted to show me a file then... then she slipped and fell..." he trailed off

She opened the wardrobe and started removing her clothes...

" Avni! Please listen to me" he said but she continued to remove her clothes "Avni!" He repeats

She keeps ignoring him and she continued her act, he gets frustrated and grabbing her arm he pulls her in between him and the cupboard, her back pressed into the wood and him pressing into her front, his right hand on the wardrobe beside her face.

" listen to me" he said slowly and moved closer to her face, sounding calm and angry at the same time.

" I didn't mean for that to happen. It was an accident" he closed his eyes and breathed out "I'm sorry" his gaze meets hers and she opens her mouth to say something but she closes it then she opens it again.

" I know Neil, it's not your fault, I know you didn't mean it but I wasn't okay with coming in and seeing all that..." she said with slight hurt in her voice.

" I know Avni" he stepped back "and I'm sorry"

" it's okay" she said

He pulls her into his arms and his hand starts caressing her hair.

" Um... Sir, I need that file now. I have to leave" the study room girl said

Neil pulled back from Avni but she's still in his arms and turned to face the door

" OK Prisha, wait there I'm coming"

Prisha leaves and Neil turns back to Avni and he brings his hand up to her face.

" I'm coming Avni, I'll just go give her the file and I'll be right back" he said and Avni nods.


Hi everyone, Waiting for your feedback!!!


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