Kick in the Head

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The world around him felt as if it was moving in much faster than he himself could move. The young man couldn't react to anything that was happening because his bound body just wouldn't move.

The blonde courier was laying on his side in the dirt, his hair wet with sweat and head pounding with pain. Something was stuck in his mouth so forcefully that he couldn't breathe through it.

The courier pulled against his rope restraints and gave a small grunt as he heard the voice of another man. When he looked up he saw a man in a black and white checkered suit flanked by two other men standing before him no more than an arms length away. In one hand the man held a platinum poker chip, the other hand held out a glittering pistol.

The captive's eyes grew wide and his body went stiff with fear.

"Maybe khans kill people without looking them in the face, but I ain't a fink, dig?" Said the man holding out the rather unique gun. He slid the chip away into his coat before continuing his monologue. "You've made your last delivery kid. Sorry you got twisted up in this scene."

The gunman's eyes met those of the frightened young man. The courier was no older than 20 but was now sure his life was over.

The man's mouth slowly opened and curled into a somber smile. "Truth is...the game was rigged from the start."

The last thing the young man heard was an ear shattering bang accompanied by his vision going blinding white as the shot pierced his fragile skull.

War, war never changes.

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