Chapter 14

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Hi there, I was rereading the last chapter and somehow I'm not really satisfied with the battle. I think I'm not even that good at writing battle scenes. For me battle scenes are really difficult to write. I don't know what you guys think about my battle scenes but I think they kinda suck, but whatever, hope you enjoy this new chapter. 

Amy stood next to Sonic, who was lying badly injured on the ground. "Come on Sonic, get up. The mean wolves are gone ... please Sonic." Amy said trying to make him stand up again. "Kids what happened?" Vanilla asked after Amy still hasn't answered her yet. "I don't know what exactly happened but as we came here Sonic was fighting the other pack and I think he's injured." Shadow said. 

Vanilla hurried towards Amy, to see if Shadow was right. Amy was still trying to wake Sonic from his unconscious but had no luck yet. Vanilla turned back around after she saw the injuries all over Sonic's body. "Vector, I want you to take the kids and bring them back to the cave." Vanilla said and Vector nodded. But before they left they heard a noise and Vector turned into the direction the noise came from. "The humans are coming, we need to go." Vector said, knowing that they probably come for Sonic.

The pups followed Vector while Vanilla tried to get Amy away from Sonic. "Come on Amy, you have to leave him, the humans will take care of him and he will be back in no time." Vanilla said, hoping that the last part will be true. "No, I can't." Amy said not thinking about leaving Sonic behind. "Amy they will take Sonic if you are there or not, now come with me." Vanilla said but Amy still refused to come with her. So Vanilla took her by the fur of her neck and ran to the others.

"NO! Bring me back to Sonic, I don't want to leave him." Amy said getting all sad and Vanilla felt sorry for taking her away from him. "Sorry Amy." Vanilla thought as the car, the humans came with, stopped next to Sonic's unconscious body. As Vanilla saw the humans putting Sonic into the car she let go of Amy. But as soon as Amy was down she ran towards the car, which already drove off.

"Amy, come back." Vanilla said but Amy wasn't listening she just wanted one thing, having Sonic back and making sure he's okay. Amy was following the tire marks till she stood in front of a metal door, the door were Sonic got in just three days ago. "Come on open you weir thing, I have to find Sonic." Amy said as she pushed her body onto the door. Frustrated and sad she let herself fall down onto the ground and started silently crying after she couldn't get the door open. 


"Amy?" someone behind her said but Amy didn't bother to turn around, she knew the girls were standing behind her. "What do you want?" Amy asked trying to hide her tears. "Are you okay Amy?" Cream asked as she heard the sadness in Amy's voice. Instead of answering Amy lowered her head and started crying again, not ably to stop the tears from running down her cheeks. Cream walked towards her and sat down beside her, rubbing her head on Amy's shoulder trying to calm her down a bit.

"What happened back there, why was the other pack attacking you and why did you ran off in the first place?" Rouge asked after Amy calmed down again. "I ran off cause I was looking for Sonic. After he looked so sad yesterday I wanted to make sure he's okay, and as I found him it started raining so I stayed with him." Amy said remembering the time she spent with Sonic the day before. "Alright, that answers one question. Now why was the other pack after you two?" Shade asked curious.

"They wanted the rat I catched, I refused to give it to them and then they wanted to take it from me. Sonic defended me and then they got angry at him and ... you should know the rest." Amy said as she lowered her head again. "Aww, he defended you? That's so cute I wonder if he- oww ... what?" Rouge said and looked angry at Blaze after she elbowed her. "I don't think now's the right time to talk about that." Blaze said knowing what Rouge was about to say."Sure, you're right." Rouge said as suddenly Shadow and Silver came their way. 

"There they are, I thought we would never find them." Silver said as he saw the girls sitting in front of the gate. "I was thinking the same as you tried to track them down." Shadow said while he walked next to Silver. "Are you telling me, I can't track them?" Silver asked a bit angry. "No you just need forever till you find their scent." Shadow said and ran up to the girls.

"Shadow, Silver what are you doing here, shouldn't you two be with the pack?" Shade asked curious. "Well yes and you five should be there too." Shadow said. "Vanilla send us to get you." Silver said. "Okay then let's go." Cream said and everyone stood up, ready to leave, everyone except Amy. "I can't leave now. What if they bring Sonic back?" Amy said not thinking of standing up and just go away. "But Amy it's getting dark soon, you know my mom hates it if we come home late." Cream said trying to change Amy's opinion. 

"No way, I'll stay here." Amy said. "Vanilla thought that you would say that." Silver said. "And she also said if she's right we should tell you that Sonic will probably not come back today." Shadow said but Amy sill refused to go. "Don't be so stubborn, we all know you are worried about Sonic, we all are, but you can worry about him in the cave too." Shadow said getting annoyed by her stubbornness. "If you want to go to the cave you can all go, but I'll stay here. I have to be here if he comes back." Amy said as tears formed in her eyes again. 

"Amy stop being so stubborn and come with us." Rouge said thinking she would listen to her. Amy was about to answer with no again but this time Shadow and Silver dragged her with them. After twenty minutes off dragging a struggling Amy with them they finally reached the cave. Now angry, Amy stormed into the cave and laid down on her sleeping place ignoring everyone not carrying if anyone wanted to talk with her or not. 

Alright I know this chapter wasn't the best but whatever I wrote it was all ... well kinda weird or bad. After three times of rewriting this chapter I'll just leave it like that and I hope the next chapter will get better. Hope you enjoyed reading anyway, bye.

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