9 | Movie Night

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Leah's POV

I walk into the movie theater alongside this beautiful girl and I can't take this childish smile off of my face. I can't explain why I have this stupid smile, I just do. She's done something to me.

"Two tickets for The Ritual please." Jennifer tells the man standing behind the counter. I watch her pull out her debit card and hand it to him. I roll my eyes at her and she gives me a look. We're handed our tickets and we walk off in the direction of the theater.

I won't lie, thirty minutes into the movie and all I can think about is when she is going to kiss me again. I keep reapplying my chapstick and tucking my hair away from my face, just in case she tries to. With all my focus on this, I barely know what is going in this movie anyway... whatever, I can pretend I know I guess.

The credits begin to play on the large screen and I feel Jennifer's warm hand abandon my thigh. She gets up and I follow her out to her car. She opens the door for me, but puts her arm in my way. I look at her and she gently grabs me, sliding her hand over my neck and to my jaw, before she kisses me. I kiss her right back and lay my hand on her chest, catching my fingers on her shirt collar.

"Did you like the movie?" she whispers to me. I giggle and bite my lip, "I have a confession... I didn't exactly watch the movie. All I could think about was when you were going to kiss me again." I explain. She starts laughing and hangs her head, "Leah, seriously?! I cannot believe you." she says. I shrug my shoulders and press my lips against hers again. "Get in." she demands. I bite my lip and furrow my brows, "where are you taking me?" I question. She says nothing and walks away from me. Ugh.

We turn down the street my house is on and I feel panic set in. She can't be here, not inside. And quite frankly, I'm not ready to say goodbye yet.

"You're tired of me already?" I ask her as she turns into my driveway, cutting her lights off so they won't shine into the windows of the first floor. "I can't come in?" she asks. How do I tell her no? God.

"Any other time I would say yes, but my roommate has her parents staying with us for a few days..." I lie. She nods her head and presses her lips. "So I- okay." Jennifer continues. I feel a lot of tension in this moment and it causes me to breathe quicker and my heart acts like a drum. "Should I go or-" before she finishes her sentence I practically leap over the center console and straddle her in her seat.

We kiss torridly, her tongue dancing with mine. She puts her ringed-fingers through my hair and gives it a slight tug. I do what she taught me and bite her lower lip gently, laying my forehead against hers. We're so close that with every breath I take, I inhale her sweet and very faint perfume.

"Jennifer..." I whisper, closing my eyes for a second. "Hm, baby?" She responds. Ugh, that word. "Nothing...just- kiss me." I breathe and she does it. She kisses me hard, breathing me in and pulling me close. God forbid either of my parents glance through a window right now... I would be dead. Literally.

Things get hot and heavy very quickly. I can barely catch my breath between her tongue and her lips. She runs her hands up my back and I feel her fists clench up, pulling my shirt. She exhales and says something to me, her voice low and sexy. "I need to fuck you now." I melt as the words leave her lips. "Mm, please." I beg of her. She grins and pulls my shirt off of me and kisses down my neck and to my collar bones. Chills cover most of my body and her lips move to my breasts.

I glance down and watch her lips move all across my chest, putting soft little kisses as she goes. I hold the sides of her head and bite my lip. My breathing gets heavier and louder with each touch she gives me.

"Mmm...Jennifer-" I whisper. She stops kissing and looks up into my eyes. It's dark so I can't see much, but her eyes are so clear. "Stop calling me that." she says. I bite my lip, "What should I call you then?" I ask, quietly. "Just Jen. Now shut up and let me kiss you." She insists.

She kisses my lips again and I slowly pull away from her and lean my head back. I rest my hands on her shoulders and I feel her hand slide down my stomach, her cool rings sending even more chills over my body.

I stay still, head leaned back and eyes closed. I can hear her breathing change as she moves further down my body. Her fingers slip into the top of my pants and she pushes into my panties as well. I bite my lip and inhale deeply when her fingers slide inside of me. My body lifts up slowly and I look at her, "Ahh-" I whine. She just grins back at me and her fingers pump in and out slowly.

After a short time, I'm breathing heavily, much like a dog after running around for hours. I feel beads of sweat starting to form and trickle down the middle of my breasts. "F-f-uck!" is the only thing I can get out. Jennifer sends me over the edge when she presses down on my clit with her thumb. I inhale deeply before letting out a moan and leaning against Jennifer's body.  She keeps utilizing her amazing, magical fingers until I orgasm. Her lips press against my neck four or five times and my breathing calms down a bit. Her hand comes out of my panties and she drags her fingertips down my abdomen, "You're perfect, Leah." Jennifer whispers, eyes closed.

If only she knew...

"I should go now." I say, stroking her cheeks. She nods her head and sighs, "Call me tomorrow." I nod my head and slide my shirt back on, still sitting in her lap. I glance around and notice that the windows of her car are all fogged up. She notices it too and smiles at me. I shake my head at her and giggle, "stupid." She giggles and kisses me softly, "Goodnight!"

I watch Jennifer pull out of my driveway and drive off. I start the short walk up the driveway, about to sneak back in the house the same way I came out. Just as I take the step off into the grass, my heart drops. The lights in the house turn on and I know I'm caught.

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