10 | Still Stuck

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Leah's POV

When I say I am scared, I mean it. My heart is pounding so hard I can feel it in my throat. I swallow hard and walk to the front door and walk into the house.

Here we go...

When I walk in I hear both my parents in the kitchen. I take a few breaths and try to relax, but it is almost impossible. I turn the corner and my mom folds her arms over her chest and gives me a look. My dad shakes his head, "Who is he?"

HA, he? Mm, right.

"I-I wasn't with a guy." I say. "No? So you sneak out of the house this late at night for what...?" He continues, being a smart ass. My dad and I have never had the best relationship. He has always been hard on me and taken his anger out on me. I've gotten used to it by this point though.

"Honest, I went to see a movie with a friend! I just- I knew you guys would say no." I say, not totally lying. "What friend?" My mother chimes in, still eyeing me. "Amy." I tell her. She shakes her head and sighs, "Leah, I cannot believe this. What has gotten into you? These past few days you have been nothing but trouble! I think it is time for you to find some new friends. No more hanging out with Amy, clearly she is an awful influence on you." My mother lectures. I nod my head and look down a bit.

Oh, shit. I really hope Jennifer didn't leave a hickey on my neck.

I casually push my hair over my neck, just to be cautious. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I promise!" I assure them, giving my best set of puppy eyes. My mom buys it and nods, "Do better, Leah. You have so much potential and I do not want to watch you throw it all away!" She begs. Apparently my dad is not satisfied with my lecturing. He storms out of the room and my mother and I watch him. He is impossible to talk to when he is like this, we both know that.

"Get to bed, Leah." She says. I nod quickly and spin around on the balls of my feet, heading up to my room.

"I don't give a damn! She is not going to continue behaving this way and get away with it! "I wake up to shouting coming from downstairs. It's my dad's voice and he sounds super pissed. Before I know it the voice is right outside my door and coming in...

"Leah, the phone. Hand it over, now. You've lost your privileges." He demands, pointing at my lifeline to the outside world. Mind you, I am still half asleep. I do not know what is happening. I flutter my eyes and sit up, "What are you-" I'm stopped when my father lunges for my phone. "Hey!!" I yell. He takes it and my mother enters the room, "Leah, don't." She says.

That tone in her voice... she isn't telling me not to fight him because she agrees with this, but because she knows the consequences if I do not comply are much, much worse.

I sigh and he walks out of my room, phone in hand. I know there are messages from Jennifer and god knows who else on the lock screen, but that isn't my biggest concern. It's what is inside the message thread(s) that worries me... I might survive this is he doesn't get my password.

After I got settled in last night Jennifer and I stayed up for a while, texting back and forth. Most of what was said was casual, innocent conversation; however, at one point there may have been some exchanging of dirty photos. Those are what my parents... especially my dad... cannot see. I have to do something. Think, Leah.

I get an idea and grab my MacBook Air from my backpack and go into my bathroom. With the door locked, I open up my messages and I can see everything that is on my phone from here. I delete every last message thread and photos from my camera roll. As I delete the last one, I get a new message.

iMessage: Jennifer 9:08am

Good morning. You crashed on me last night... you up for a coffee date this morning?

Ugh! Of course I am. I love seeing her.

Me, 9:08am: Sounds wonderful. I'll meet you at The Refinery in twenty five minutes. That's my favorite coffee shop.

Jennifer reads the message and likes it. I sigh and delete the message thread again and walk back into my room, hiding my computer. I change into some royal blue Nike shorts and pull on a sports bra. I notice a tiny, faint hickey on my left breast and I giggle to myself. I grab a shirt and throw it on too before walking out of my room.

"Where the hell are you going?" My father questions. "For a run.." I say. He cuts his eyes at me and I just stand there, unbothered. Nothing he does has any effect on me anymore... I have seen and heard it all. "Good, get used to it. I'm taking your keys." He informs me. My jaw drops. Really?! "What?!" I exclaim, furious. " Until you learn how to behave the car is mine." He says. I roll my eyes and storm out the door. Looks like I'll be sprinting to that coffee shop... And I'll definitely be a little late.

Five miles and and thirty minutes later, I walk into the shop. I see Jennifer sitting at a table with two drinks on the table in front of her. Before sitting down, I get a bottle of water from the cashier and gulp it down.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late." I say, not breathing as hard now. "No, you're fine. I haven't been here long... Did you run here?" She asks, extremely surprised. "Yeah." I say. She looks at me like I'm stupid, "You suddenly boycotting the use of cars or..?" I giggle at her and shake my head, "Just trying to stay in shape, that's all!" I lie. What else do I say? My dad took my car and phone?

"I hope this isn't being too up front, but Leah I think we should go on an actual date... tonight." She suggests, sounding hopeful. "I-I thought last night counted as a date?" I giggle. "Yeah right! Making out in a car after going to the movies isn't a date. What are you? Still stuck in high school?!" She laughs.

My heart pounds and a fake smile comes across my lips, "Ha, I guess so."

She's got no idea.

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