16 | The Hurt Doesn't Stop

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Leah's POV

"Jen, I- I don't know how to explain this without sounding psychotic!" I say and shake my head, still managing to withhold my tears.

"Leah, what the hell are you talking about? What is this? Why do you have this?" She asks, slowly catching onto what's going on. I don't say anything. I look away and let my lip quiver. "Say something, dammit!" She demands. "I lied to you! Okay?! I'm sorry! I lied and kept going with the story you thought you knew and I couldn't stop it." I say and she makes a face of utter disgust, shoving my hand off of her leg and standing up.

"You're in high school?! What the fuck?! Leah, how old are you? Please, God tell me you're 18." She pleads. I bite my cheek and she just stares at me, I can see the anger and frustration in her eyes. "I'm a senior, I'm 17. The reason I'm at the college campus is because I dual-enrolled..." I say and a tear comes from my eye. "No, stop. You don't get to fucking cry, Leah. Are you out of your mind?! I am 29 years old! Leah, you aren't even legal!" She says, now starting to panic. "I know, I'm sorry. Jennifer I didn't-" "Get out." She says and sits down at a chair, laying her head in her hands.

This is even worse than I thought it would be.

"Please..." "Please?! Please what?! I can't be with you Leah. I could get in so much trouble and I can't believe you thought this was okay." She says. I stand up and pace back and forth. Neither of us speak for about five minutes. I walk over to Jennifer and squat down in front of her, putting my hands on her knees. She doesn't shove me away, surprisingly.

"I know I shouldn't have done it. Jennifer, I'm sorry. I didn't know things would get this far and that I would fall for you like I did." I say and she slowly looks at me and I see tears about to fall. Oh, god. She cries. The tough girl cries...

"Leah, this-this is not okay. We can't do this." She says, much calmer now. "You told me you loved me last night, Jennifer. We can't just stop!" "We can. And we are. We are done, Leah. I love you, but not this you. I don't love the 17 year old high school student who lied to me about everything... you deceived me, Leah. You were reckless and had no concern for me or what could happen if anyone found out. I guess this explains why I've never been to your house. You live with your family, don't you?" She asks me. I nod my head slowly and press my lips together, "Please, Jennifer. I love you. We can fix-" "There is nothing to fix. Leah, as far as I am concerned we never happened. I don't know you, I can't see you again. Please leave before I have to throw you out." She says. "Jen-" "Get the fuck out, Leah!" She screams, standing up and shoving me back.

I just stare at her for a moment and she shakes her head. I grab my things and walk out of her apartment with tears rolling down my cheeks. I just lost the only person I've ever felt a real connection with all because of my own stupidity and negligence.

I walk into the house with puffy, red eyes and a broken heart. I skipped school today for this? Wow.

I go upstairs and take a long, hot shower and let a few more tears fall in there. By the time I get done and dressed again my mom is getting home.

"Leah?" She calls out. "I'm here." I say back, unenthusiastically. I sit down on my bed and open up my computer, ready to be distracted from this mess by schoolwork. I hear the sound of footsteps outside my door and then it opens and my mom is standing there. "How was school?" She asks me. "It was fine. I've got a lot to study, I'll come down for dinner later." I say and she gives me a funny look. "You alright honey?" She asks me. "I'm good, just stressed and super tired is all." I assure her, forcing myself to smile. She nods and leaves my room again.

Ugh. This hurts. She is all I want, yet she's the only thing I can't have.

iMessage to Jennifer, 9:45pm:
I know you don't want to hear from me, and I can't say I blame you much. Jennifer I'm sorry. I never meant for this to happen this way, I wasn't trying to get you in trouble. I love you, Jennifer. All I want is you... please don't walk away from me like this.

iMessage to Jennifer, 10:12pm:
Jen, I'm begging. Talk to me. No one has to know what happened or what we did. No one even knows the truth about our age difference... please don't let us fall apart because of this.

iMessage from Jennifer, 10:24pm:
Leah I wish you could see this straight. It isn't about keeping your truth a secret. It's about the fact that you lied straight to my face, you slept with me multiple times knowing what the possible consequences were, and I also feel like you're not as apologetic as you should be. You could have easily messed my whole entire life up, Leah. Things would be different if you were at least eighteen! I am twenty-nine years old... this isn't a small age gap that can be overlooked. Not to mention the fact that I am your professor's daughter. This is too much to risk, and I can't do it. I'm done talking about this. I'm done talking to you, Leah. Don't keep contacting me. Go find a high school girlfriend.

My heart is broken.

I mean, I know I really did set myself up for this and all, but I just didn't want things to end this way. I don't know what to do at this point.

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