30 | The Beginning of the End

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Leah's POV

There are some feelings that are impossible to fight off and ignore. The one I have in the pit of my stomach definitely classifies as one of those.

"My God! What the-" I cut my mother off. "What the hell are you two doing here?" I mutter, my voice cracking out of fear. Jennifer glances at me and furrow her brows, "you know these people?" She asks, seeming very lost right now. I freeze, my mouth open and eyes huge. "Close it." I mutter. "Leah, wha-" I take matters into my own hands and slam the door on my mom and dad.

"What are you doing?!" She asks me. My heart starts pounding harder and harder with each second that passes and I look at her. "My-my parents. How did they get here? Where did they get your ad-" "Parents?! Leah! Those are your fucking parents?" She gasps. I nod my head and I feel sick to my stomach.

I feel like the room I am standing in is spinning in circles at 4,000 miles an hour, getting tighter and tighter around me. The sounds of my father's fist banging on the locked apartment door so hard that they might come straight through, mixed in with the sound of Jennifer's voice and my own heart beating in my ears all just fades out. It gets silent in my head. Total silence.

"Leah! Pay attention to me!" Jennifer yells, snapping her fingers in front of my face. I snap out of my daze and she just stares at me. "Answer me!!" She yells. What did she ask me?

I turn quickly to the door when my father starts slamming his fist into it again.

"I'm so sorry." I mutter, looking back to Jennifer. She furrows her brows even more and shakes her head, "huh?!" "Jennifer, this is- I am sorry." I repeat, now starting to cry. She just keeps looking at me and I can see the look of worry and concern growing in her eyes. "Leah..." she mutters. I grab the door handle and and pull the door open again, Jennifer standing behind me. "Get your ass-"

"STOP!" I yell. I close my eyes and swallow hard. "You aren't supposed to be here. You should not be here at all. I am not leaving. I LOVE HER. I know how fucking much you hate that and I know you hate me. It is what it is! I am so head over heels in love with this woman and age is nothing. I am almost eighteen and she loves me too." I say, my voice cracking and my hands shaking.

My first time really standing up to my parents for what I want and what I know is right. This is an overwhelming feeling. I am petrified of the reaction I have coming my way, but I feel a rush of adrenaline and confidence as well.

As I stand here, facing my two biggest fears and prepared to get in more trouble than I ever have before, I am taken by surprise. My father looks at me with his cold, merciless eyes and says nothing at all. He slowly unclenches his fist and nods his head. He looks over my shoulder, to Jennifer. "As you were, Leah." He mutters calmly before walking away.

I was not expecting that. I was not at all expecting my bitter, relentless, and extremely stubborn father to walk away from that.

I look to my mother, who looks more scared than I have ever seen her before. "I'm sorry." I mutter, dryly. She walks off and I close the door slowly. I lean my head against the door and after a moment, I feel Jennifer's hand against my back.

"I am so sorry, Jennifer. I don't mean to do this. I just- I love you. I love you more than anything in this world and I want us to be together... but I feel horrible for dragging you through this hell. My life has been nothing but chaos, and I know you didn't sign up for this at all. If you want me to leave and never speak to you again, I'll understand. I won't like it, but I get it! It's a lot. I am a lot. I am not an easy person to be with and-" As I am going through my sort of senseless rant, Jennifer stops me. She puts her hand on my waist and spins me around to face her and she kisses me in the sweetest, most loving way.

After those sweet, perfect ten or fifteen seconds have ended she presses her forehead against mine while holding my face between her palms. "I never want to lose you, Leah. Watching you fight like you just did for us... I do not want to lose that. No one has ever cared for me and loved me in the way you do." She says, her voice soft and comforting. I look at her with tear-filled eyes and slowly start to shake my head. She pulls my head into her chest and hold me against her. "If I was going to run from you, from this craziness that is your life... I would have done it a long time ago."

Her words are like a safety blanket. She makes it okay, even when it isn't.

"Jennifer. He is going to beat me." I cry, closing my hand against her back, balling up her robe in my fist. "Shh. They got the picture, baby. We're fine." "No! No! No!! They don't get it Jennifer. He is never going to get it. He is mean. He holds a grudge and he is not afraid to hit me. He is going to beat me black and blue when I go back there." I explain. She slowly loosens her grip, taking in the things I just said.

"Leah... he has hit you before?" She asks me, looking in my eyes. I nod my head yes slowly and she sighs and hugs me again. "I am not going to let him hurt you again, Leah. You can stay here. Move in with me." "I don't-" she cuts me off with a kiss, "Don't. I love you. I am taking care of you." Jennifer tells me. I smile a little and bite my lip.

This girl is all I need. She is my entire future.

After a couple of more minutes things have calmed down. My heart stopped racing and she is still holding me.

"So, uhm... are we going to ignore the fact that both of us are standing here nearly naked?" Jennifer asks, giggling a little. I smirk and giggle with her, sliding my hands down her back. "I love you." "I love you too, baby. Let's go set some sleep. It's been a long night."


I wake up and stretch my arms out. My eyes feel tired and heavy from crying last night. I glance back at Jennifer and she is sound asleep.

I decide to let her keep sleeping while I go shower and steal some of her clothes for the day. I lean down and softly kiss her lips, mumbling the words "I love you" to her very quietly.

I turn on her shower and step inside. As the water runs down my face and body, all I can do is think. I think about Jennifer and our future. I think about if she wants kids some day or if she wants to move out of state, stupid stuff.

The love I have for Jennifer is unlike anything I have ever experienced or even heard anyone talk about. Going as far back as I can remember, I have never seen my parents love each other like this. This is not even stuff from a movie. This is the kind of love that not everyone gets to experience, but everyone wishes they could.

The fact that I am about to move in with the love of my life and we are starting our real lives together is such an overwhelming and amazing feeling to have. I cannot imagine doing anything without her.

I finish up my shower and come out smiling. I wrap one of Jennifer's fluffy towels around my body and I hear something from the living room area.

"Jen? You up?" I call out. I carefully open up the bathroom door and see that she isn't in bed anymore. I make my way down the hallway, headed for the kitchen. When I turn around the corner I am faced with a sight I never wanted to see, and one I never thought I would see.

I see a police officer putting handcuffs on my girlfriend's wrists while my father stands just outside of the door, smiling victoriously.

"Leah, call my sister. Do it now." She hisses as they drag her out of the apartment.


NOTE: Hi guys (: I am getting a few things finished up with part two before I post it, so give me a little time! It will be posted VERY soon though. Thanks for your patience and for reading my story!

- g

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