Chapter 12 - Missions with the Vampires

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"Sayaa ^^" Komui greet me with a warm smile.

"So, i'll be in another mission ?" i asked him.

Please don't tell me that this two perverted vampire will coming along with me.

"Yes you are. You'll be going with Kanda." He replied me. "And this two new exorcist will come along with you."


I'll be dead if i'm on a mission with them, but i have Kanda. Wait ! But Kanda is a careless person. I think this was a really bad idea.

"This is Natasya Charlos," he pointed to the long haired girl. "And this is Rey Charlos, Natasya's brother."

"Komui, it's okay for me and Kanda to go on the mission alone," please change your mind Komui. I really don't want to be on a mission with that perverted vampire

"No, it's not okay. This will be their first mission," Komui answer and Natasya grinned to me. Argh. Is it Bad Luck ?

"Komui pl-"

"No excuse," he interupt me.

T_T i feel like crying now. Why is this world is so cruel ???

"Knock knock" i hear someone knocking the door. A long blue haired man come into Komui's office. It's Kandaaaa ^^

"Yo. May i drink your blood again? " Natasya greet Kanda before i could greet him.

I feel very annoyed now. I really wished that Natasya is a piece of paper, so i can tear her apart. Ha.Ha.Ha.

"I'll kill you before you do," Kanda replied her and give his usual dead glare.

"Onii chan.. This is Kanda. I've tell you before right ? His blood is delicious," She licked her lip.

"You really interest at him huh ?" Natasya's brother smiled.

"Okay. Okay. Let me explain your mission," Komui said.

He began to explain everything. He said that there's much akuma attack at the castle in England. And the number of the akuma attack always increase.

"Now you must find out what those akumas heading for, is it innocence, or not," He explained. "Good luck guys."


"Oi brat. Pack your things now, don't waste our time. We're going to leave the black order now," that shit perverted vampire yelled at me.

I don't replied her. I just showed her a glare. (■_■). And after i gave her a glare, she became stopped yelling at me.

I pack my stuff. I took my clothes, my hat, and a book to read when i'm bored.

I also brought some onions, because i think vampires hate onions and it helps me to defeated those perverted annoying vampire if they do something bad to me, or Kanda.

Now, i've packed all my things and ready to leave the black order.

*at the train station*

I looked at the information board. We're going to go to England at 11.00 Am.

"Kanda, what time is it ?" i asked Kanda.

"Don't ask me, i don't know," he replied me with a monotone voice. Yeah always.

What time is it actually -_-.

I looked at that pair of perverted vampire. They sit at the chair together just like lovers. Ew. But then, i noticed that Rey have a pocket watch.

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