~Chapter 15~

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i swear, if Harry's arms hadn't been there to support me, I would've fainted. My heart nearly stopped and I stared at the doctor, my mouth agape with disbelief.

Then he started laughing. The doctor was actually laughing. Not just a little chuckle or giggle, but big guffaws, the kind of laughing that makes your sides hurt.

"Just fucking with ya! He isn't dead! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA," he's able to say.

White hot fury overtakes me as I stare at his slouched body, holding the frame for support. I thought he needed a swift kick in a place where the sun don't shine, but Harry beat me to it. He strides up to the guy and knocks him out with one punch. He lands with a thud just inches from Harry's feet. His chest heaved from the sudden movement, but he walked back to me calmly.

A short pixie looking nurse is passing through and surveys the scene curiously. Crap, I think, now Harry's going to get arrested for punching a doctor. Can you get jailed for that? As my mind is scrambling to remember the classes I took in law, the nurse begins speaking.

She has a wide smile on her and even gives a little laugh. "I don't blame you. He does this to almost every visitor. I've been wanting to punch for a while now myself," We all laugh with her. She picks up the clipboard the doctor was holding and examines it for a minute.

"Seems your friend isnt too far from here. I can walk you," she says and begins leading the way. We follow her though a small maze of doors, hallways, and rooms before stopping at one marked 2-69. I heard Harry chuckle at the room number, probably  thinking of some dirty joke.

"Be very quiet. He just woke up from a short coma and may look a little disfigured from all the bandages and tubes and such," she explains to us before going in. " But, he should be able to get back to touring within two weeks,"

She sees the look of slight surprise on my face and laughs. "Of course I know you guys are One Direction. My daughter loves you. In fact," she rumages through her deep scrub pockets and unearths the lastest One Direction album, which I also happen to own myself, "Could you please sign this for her? It would mean the world to her,"

"Of course," they say almost in unison. "It's the least we could do since you didn't report us for punching that guy," adds Liam. She hands them a Sharpie and they pass it around, each scribbling their own unique signature.

"Thank you so much," she gushes. They nod their "your welcome" and Louis hesistantly begins to open the door. I can barely recognize the small figure lying on the bed. His face is half covered in bandages and all sorts of tubes abd wires are sticking out and into his body. He looks like a little broken doll; all skinny and frail and so frightfully pale.

"Oh, my god," I whisper. I drop to my knees beside him and stroke what little bit of hair lanaged to escape the bandages. He wakes up almost instantly, blonde lashes fluttering open.

I finally get to see those cerulan blue eyes again. He gives a weak. "Savi," he says, his voice hoarse and rough, "What are you guys doing here?" he asks when the rest of the members have crowded around his bed.

Zayn forces a laugh. "What do you think, Niall? We're practically family by now--Savannah included," he adds. My heart warms at that last sentence. Zayn just called me part of the family, a very sacred family that not many are invited to. 

"Thanks, Zayn," I brush away the few tears of happiness, gratitude, and despondency that escape from my eyes. We make every moment with Niall last, but have to leave around noon because Louis stomach growled at us and Niall was starting to look pretty tired.

"See ya in a few," I assured him as we left. Everyone else chimed in a, "Yeah," and we made our way through the maze and back to the cafeteria. It was the eact opposite of breakfast this morning, we chatted about how awesome it was that Niall was alive and how funny it was when Harry punched the doctor, all the while stuffing greasy food down our throats.

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