Chapter 4 (Waiting)

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It had been a few hours since the phone call. My mother's voice had been weak yet harsh, as she told me that she was dying. She only had a few months left and wanted me to take Catarina so that Catarina would not be there when she died.

I was working on getting my second bedroom ready for a fourteen year old girl. My fourteen year old girl. The daughter I had shipped away was coming home at last. She wasn't coming home to much, just my dumpy 2 bedroom apartment. But, it was home to me, and now her. 

As I cleaned up the other room my mind wondered, what was Catarina like. Did she have my hair and Josh's eyes, or Josh's hair and my eyes, or Josh's hair and eyes, or my hair and eyes. Was she tall like Josh or was she short like me. Was she outspoken or shy. Was she smart or dumb. 

I hadn't seen her since she was just a month old, smaller then a puppy. She had only weighed about six pounds, seven ounces at birth, small for a full term baby. 

I also wondered if my parent's had done a good job raising her, was she rebellious and wild like I was at fourteen? Did they ignore her like they did me? Did my Daddy's hands leave bruises on her skin like they did mine?

I shuddered at the thought, remembering the years long ago when my Daddy had turned violent. Whenever I did the slightest thing wrong, I was hit. My Momma,would just stand there watching, not even helping me. I just hoped my daughter hadn't felt the pain and suffering I had.

When I got done with the room, I went through the old photo album, it had all the pictures I had taken of Catarina, there was one that I loved the most, it is Josh and Catarina, she is smiling up at her Daddy, and his blue eyes are looking lovingly at his daughter. I look through all the photos a few times to remember the small baby all those years ago. 

I remember how happy we were for those three weeks, we were a family. Josh was helpful, always willing to be with Catarina. He would carry her around. He would sing to her, with that beautiful voice of his. He could sing any song and sound good. He didn't object to changing diapers, somthing I hated the thought of. He would most importantly say  "I Love You" to her, something I don't think I ever said to her. Those three words, meant something when said to her, and yet meant nothing when spoken to me. Those three words broke us up, when he said them to some other girl. He had ran away. I could feel the tears stinging in my eyes, I am quick to rub them, and yet a single tear falls on the picture, right onto Josh's lips.

The doorbell rings while I am still stuck in the past, I go across the room and open the door. A young girl stands there, Josh's shocking blue eyes stare back at me. 

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