Chapter three

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"Uh, Catherine Henderson. I'm Mr. Styles' personal nurse assistant." I said into the speaker. I was standing outside of Harry's house, where security was clearly very tight. There was a buzz and the gate next to me opened. I turned back to the speaker and said thank you before I turned towards the gate. I stepped in and the gate closed behind me. A very strong looking man walked towards me.
"Hello." I said, smiling at the guard.
"Are you carrying any weapons?" He muttered. I stared up at him.
"Seriously. I'm a nurse." I responded. The guard stared at me. I sighed.
"No. I don't have any weapons." He ushered me forward and towards the door. He opened it and let me through. There weren't many people there, but I could hear laughing in the back of the house.
"He's in the back room, if you need any assistance my name is Preston." He walked away. I stared after him, before turning back towards the hallway.
"Dude, I know you had knee surgery but FIFA is a video game and you shouldn't suck this bad." I heard a voice called out. A few other voices hooted in response. I stepped into the back room and saw Harry along with three other guys. I've seen One Direction before, so I knew it was Liam, Louis and Niall.
"It's the pain meds. I can't feel my fingers." Harry said, slightly giggling. It was clear the pain meds were talking.
"I don't care what it is. I'm winning." Niall laughed. The other two chuckled and Louis looked over at me.
"Hello babe." He said with a wave. I waved back as the other boys looked up at me. Harry smiled wide and waved.
"Hello Catherine. My friend. It's my friend Catherine. Fellas." Harry laughed. Liam laughed. I waved.
"Hello Harry. How are you doing today?" I said, walking over to his bed, setting down my bag. I grabbed my usual tools out and set them on the table next to his bed.
"I'm better now that you're here." Harry said, smiling broadly. The other three laughed in unison, staring at Harry.
"Well, I can tell the pain meds are working very well for you Harry." I said, in attempts to regain any authority that I could. I wasn't used to patients hitting on me.
"Nope." Harry said, shaking his head. I rolled my eyes. I checked his blood pressure and all the usual. He sat there quietly watching me as the other boys played their game. I grabbed my thermometer and turned to Harry.
"Open up." I said, placing it in front of his mouth. He looked down at it and shook his head.
"Harry just open your mouth please." I said, frustrated. He shook his head again. His friends were chuckling from behind me.
"Go on a date with me." Harry said, closing his mouth tightly before I got a chance to put the thermometer in his mouth. I growled in frustration.
"No. That is unprofessional and I am not available." I said. It was half a truth. It was unprofessional, but I was available. He didn't know that. His face fell.
"You're not?" He said with a sad face. I couldn't help but laugh, but as soon as I did I stopped. I stared down at him. He was serious.
"I'm not available for you Harry." I explained. "Now open your mouth."
He didn't budge. I looked at the other boys.
"Any help here?" I asked. Liam, Niall and Louis looked over at me.
"Come on mate. She's obviously not interested." Liam muttered. Louis chuckled.
"Yea man. You can find another girl. A younger one too." I looked over at Louis.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"Harry, just open your mouth and we can get back to the game." Niall said. I turned towards Harry and he looked away from me, facing the window. There was no way I was going to get a temp from him unless I walk all the way around.
"Harry come on." I pleaded. He shook his head, staying silent.
"If you don't turn towards me willingly, I'll have to do it my way." I said, moving closer to the bed. Harry didn't budge. I moved over to the back of the bed and lowered it all the way down.
"Wha?" Harry squealed as the bed moved flat. I walked around and his mouth closed again. He stared at me and I could feel Louis, Liam, and Niall's eyes on my back. I stood there and stared down at him.
"Are you going to open your mouth?" I asked sternly. Harry shook his head and stared up at me. I huffed and pursed my lips. I turned to see all three of the boys were watching me intently. I turned back towards Harry and leaned over him. His eyes widened as I got closer. I placed a hand on his side, and dug in, tickling him. He started to laugh and I grabbed the thermometer, putting it in his mouth as gently as I could. He froze when he realized what I did. He stared up at me pouting, but he kept the thermometer in. The guys chuckled and I smiled down at Harry. When it beeped I took it out and lifted Harry's bed back up.
"You tricked me." He mumbled. I laughed.
"I tricked you with a method that I use for kids. Sometimes they don't fall for it and don't let me touch them." I shrugged. He crossed his arms.
"Relax Harry. She tricked you. She's too mature for you buddy." Louis teased again. I turned.
"How old do you think I am Louis?" I asked, crossing my arms in front of my body. He put down his controller and the other guys followed. He stared at me for a second.
"24." He said, clearly unsure of himself. I raised my eyebrow and laughed.
"24? Damn." I chuckled and turned back to Harry.
"Well. How old are you?" Liam asked. I smirked.
"Don't you know never to ask a woman her age?" I joked. I re-elevated Harry's leg, making sure everything looked good. I looked up to see four pairs of eyes on me. I rolled my eyes.
"I'm only 20." I said. Harry's jaw dropped and Louis smirked.
"Only 20?" Liam said, clearly dumbfounded.
"You look a lot older." Niall said. I wasn't sure if I should take that as a compliment or an insult. He looked back up at me.
"In a good way. You don't have a baby face." He clarified. I nodded my thanks, still a little confused.
"So if you're only 20, what's so wrong with you going out with Harry?" Louis asked, crossing his arms. Harry looked at me and nodded.
"Yea." He said, grumpily. I laughed in spite of myself.
"It's unprofessional for work." I said, fiddling with my bag. I didn't like this attention.
"People still do it. I'm sure lots of nurses have flings with their patients." Louis said.
"Yea, like that lady in Grey's Anatomy. With that one guy who needed a heart transplant." Niall said, mouth full of chips. We all stared at him.
"What? It's a good show." Niall defended. Liam shook his head and patted Niall's shoulder.
"If I remember that correctly, the patient died and Izzy almost lost her job."
Niall shrugged and stuffed more chips in his mouth. Harry snorted and we turned to him.
"Well I'm not going to die..." he stopped talking for a minute and his eyes widened, "Am I?" He looked at me, fearful. Me and the guys laughed.
"No, you're not going to die Harry."
"Well you should ease his fears and go out with him just in case he does die." Louis said. Liam hit his arm, but smiled. Harry whimpered.
"Stop using the pain meds against him Louis. That's horrible." I scolded. Louis shrugged.
"It's in my nature." He smirked at Harry. "Oh come on. Look at that face. How can you turn that down?"
I turned to see Harry pouting, and on the verge of tears.
"Harry. You are not going to die!" I said, trying not to yell.
"Well, maybe not from this but who know what will happen to me."
"Harry I am not going to date you. Final word on that. Now if you'll excuse me, everything looks good here so I will see you tomorrow morning." I grabbed my bag and walk towards the door.
"Wait. Where are you going?" Harry yelled. I turned.
"No. You're staying here." Harry said with a smile. I shook my head.
"No. I have a home Harry. I'm staying there." I said. Harry looked confused.
"No, you're my personal nurse. You're supposed to stay with me the entire time I'm in recovery. If you don't who's going to be here to help me when I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night?" Harry asked.
"Don't you have a bodyguard?" I asked.
"He goes home at the end of the night." Harry said.
"What about them?" I pointed to Niall, Liam and Louis.
"Hey, we all have homes and girlfriends to get to. This isn't our job." Louis said with a smirk. I huffed.
"So I guess you'll just have to stay and take care of me all night." Harry beamed. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from saying something I'd regret. I walked over to the end of the couch and sat down. Harry looked back at me and smiled.
"You might not want to go on a date with me now, but I have 13 days to change your mind."

Harry style surgeryWhere stories live. Discover now