Chapter seven

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"I'm sorry I almost burnt your house down. I told you I couldn't cook." I said grabbing a piece of pizza out of the box. Harry chuckled.

"It's ok. Now I actually believe you. And you didn't burn the house down, just a lot of smoke." Harry shrugged.

"Although I have never met anyone who could burn chicken nuggets, except maybe Louis." He joked. I glared and he stopped.

"When I can stand I'll help you better I promise." Harry assured.

"Oh no no. I will not be cooking again. It's safer if I don't." I argued. Harry laughed.

"I agree, but I can't cook by myself and I can't eat much more takeaway so you'll have to help me when I can stand." Harry said, raising an eyebrow at me. I gave in and nodded before yawning.

"You're tired already? It's only 8?" Harry chided. I rolled my eyes.

"Taking care of you is more tiring then you think Harry." I joked. "But don't worry. I'm not that tired."

"Good. Because my nan doesn't even go to bed this early." Harry said. I feigned hurt and Harry laughed.

"Do you want to watch a film?" Harry offered. I nodded and we chose Catching Fire. I sat, bundled up on the couch under a big blanket and Harry sat in the single chair next to me with his leg propped up. Halfway through, my eyes were growing heavy and I felt myself slipping. I woke when I felt someone pull the blanket up around my shoulders. I looked up to see Harry standing above me.

"Oh sorry. Go back to sleep." Harry whispered. I leaned up on my elbow.

"Harry, you need help getting back to bed." I said trying to stand up.

"No no. I'm fine. Go to sleep." Harry assured. He pulled the blankets back up and hobbled to the bed. I was so tired I didn't want to move.


"Hey love."

I opened my eyes and found Liam standing over me. I sat up.

"Hey Liam. What's up?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Sorry to barge into your room, but do you have plans tomorrow night?" He asked with a smile.

"Uh, just planning on taking care of Harry but if you're asking me I guess he's coming with?" I said returning his smile. He nodded.

"Yea, but he can only go if you clear him and want to go."

"Uh, yea. It's been 10 days since his surgery and he's walking around on crutches a bit better. I see no reason for him not to as long as we go slow. What did you have in mind?" I asked throwing on a sweatshirt and sweatpants over my pajamas.

"Well, we were thinking of getting dinner and maybe seeing a film at the cinema." Liam said with a shrug. I looked over at him after thinking for a moment.

"Sure, why not." I smiled. He looked shocked for a minute before letting a reassured laugh out.

"Oh good. Well sorry to have woken you, but we were just leaving and wanted to check with you first." Liam walked towards the door.

"You guys are leaving already?" I frowned. Liam laughed.

"You were a regular sleeping beauty and slept right through us coming in. We thought you were dead." Liam chuckled. I ran a hand through my hair.

"I don't know why, but ever since I almost burned Harry's house down a few days ago, I've been so tired." I said, exasperated. Liam placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Harry's hard work. He's not easy to take care of and very persuasive. Too many late night films I guess." Liam said walking out of my room. I followed him out.

"Yeah, he has kept me up much later than usual these last couple of days." I shrugged. We walked out to the living room and saw Zayn putting on his jacket.

"Hey Catherine. So we having a night out tonight?" Zayn asked. I looked at Harry who looked hopeful.

"Sure. Why not." I said with a smile. Harry smiled and Zayn cheered.

"Ok, we'll swing by and pick you two up around 8?" Liam offered. I nodded and Liam gave me a quick hug before following Zayn out the door. I turned towards Harry.

"So, you ready to let me show you how to cook? We can make lunch." Harry said, standing up with his crutches. I looked at the clock to see that it was half past noon.

"Harry I can't keep staying up late with you watching films. I've never slept this late before." I said shaking my head. I held the door open as Harry stepped through.

"Well, you've been having a good time haven't you?" Harry smirked. I glared at him.

"So what are we going to make?" I said, ignoring the question.

"I was thinking pasta?" Harry offered. I smiled and nodded.

"It'll be almost impossible to burn anything when making pasta." Harry joked.


"Don't keep me waiting, this love is fading. Take me ho-o-o-o-o-o-ome." Harry sang. I let out a small laugh and stirred the noodles.

"Sing with me Catherine!" Harry shouted over the music blaring in the kitchen. I turned to look at him over my shoulder.

"I don't sing Harry. And watch what you're cutting. You're going to cut your finger off." I said, noticing that the knife he was using to cut the chicken was very close to his fingers. He moved the knife away.

"No, I'll be good. Now come here so I can show you how to mix the sauce." Harry said, waving me over.

"No, I can't cut veggies. I'll cut my fingers."

"No it's easy. Come here." Harry beckoned me. I gave in reluctantly and walked towards him. He handed me the knife and moved over away from the cutting board. I stood in front of the cutting board and stared down at it.

"Well you have to pick up the knife. It won't cut itself Catherine." Harry said. I glared at him and grabbed the knife.

"Don't tempt me when I have a knife Harry."

"You would dare kill a famous member of the biggest boy band out right now." Harry feigned shock.

"Try me." I said with a smirk. He raised his hands and bowed.

"Point taken. Ok, so just keep your fingers tucked under when you cut the onions." Harry said.

"What? How the hell?"

"Wait, here. Let me help." Harry said, moving close behind me. He wrapped his arms around and grabbed my hands. I pretended not to care about the fact that his arms were around me, and that I could smell his amazing cologne that made me woozy but in a good way. He guided my hands while cutting the onions and once I got the hang of it he backed away. I looked up at him and tears started forming. He looked at me concerned.

"What? Are you alright? Did you cut yourself?" He checked my hands. I laughed, which made him look up.

"It's the onions Harry. I'm fine." I said, pointing at the onions. Harry straightened.

"Oh right. Ok." Harry laughed at himself and showed me how to mix the rest of the ingredients in. Once it was all mixed together with the noodles, he showed me where to grab plates and silverware and we walked back out to the living room to watch television. I was getting pretty antsy for tonight. I was looking forward to getting out, not that being cooped up in this house wasn't fun because it was. Being here and making a friend in Harry was better than I expected, but I still liked to get out and do my own thing. I couldn't wait to get back out into the real world.

Harry style surgeryWhere stories live. Discover now