Chapter 14: Defensive To The Truth

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   "Oh I am so sorry, Kha," Ametis whimpered and ran over to his side, easily falling on her knees and scraping it in the process as she lifted his head into her lap. She smoothed her hand down over the side of his sculpted face and watched his still expression. He did not move and fear overtook her like thorns sprouting up from the bottom of her heart. She shut her eyes and glanced into the skies, so caught up in her own fight, she could not save her son when the Drug took him away. And Kha? What about him?

    Ametis swept her eyes over him and lowered her head, "Kha stay with me. Stay with me. Open your eyes and look at me, son of Set. Please...Kha you promised you were never going to leave again. Open your eyes."

    His eyes never opened and Ametis suddenly broke into an angry sobbing fit, her upper body poured over his in her lap and she reached down, taking his hands. She wept angry tears, "come back! You said you would never leave, do not leave me! Kha you are not this weak!"

    Instead of sadness, her blood boiled with anger. It was the first time she was aggressive over someone's death. No, she refused to believe he was dead...again. He meant so much and he was being taken away. Beneath her anger, something else stired and slithered it's way up her core to towards her heart; the anger was too much. Her mind suddenly became occupied, she saw how she brutally decapitated Kha's killer and next she saw fire consuming Kingdoms. Her body shook and her hands trembled. She looked up, her eyes had began transitioning once again; the gold ring dimming and thinning as the black emerged from her eyes. Her lips slightly parted as she heaved with great pain.

    And suddenly it all went away as she felt something grip her hand. "A-Ametis, n-no."

    Tears streamed down her face as she moved her body off Kha and gazed down at him in surprise. The god was smiling dazedly and cockily up at her, his eyes struggling to keep open. "Kha?"

   "Do not go there," he whispered and sighed. "I will not leave you, my Queen...I made a promise."

    Before letting him continue on, Ametis pushed herself down on him again, but this time she captured his soft lips with pure starvation. Kha was surprised but he could not complain, a little concern did alter his mind as he lifted his hands up to caress her upside down face and instead found them drenched with the now cold wet tears. Ametis kissed him with longing and so much compassion that his almost dying cold body started burning up like the desert sun, it heated with every contact between their lips. His eyes closed as his arm reached up further and swept into Ametis' long dark hair, he pushed into it and slightly tugged her until she pressed herself closer as if it was possible. Her hands pulled Kha up into a sitting position when her lips drew back but still lingered on his skin; it trailed from his mouth to his cheek, down to his neck and finally it left his body. Ametis' hands wrapped around his shoulder and embraced him from the back, his open wound bled into her light bronze dress but it did not matter to her. Kha reached behind him and touched the side of her face before he struggled to his feet. It gave Ametis something to take her mind off the situation, there was something impossibly gorgeous about a immortally wounded god that could just stand up and walk it off as if nothing happened.

    Kha rolled his shoulders back, wincing a bit at the searing pain from his injury. He looked a few meters from where he was and discovered the headless demon, pride swelled in his heart. "Never cease to do me proud, my Queen."

    Ametis was about to smile when the sudden realization staggered into her mind. Her head lowered and she nervously fidded with her fingers, "Kha, I did not do you proud at all...Ahmes is gone. The Drug took him, and there was nothing I could do. I was too caught up in my fury."

    Kha looked over his shoulder at the girl and chuckled, "I might be somewhat good because of you, but Ra knows I like my Queen with a bit of a dar...look, Ametis calm down, I can sense your son nearby."

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