Chapter 16: The First Path

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| I have been holding off uploading because previously something was wrong with my Wattpad and my uploaded chapters never showed. I think I fixed it so here we go |

    Curious cat Ahmes, unlike the others, did not sleep right away. He was caught red handed by his own brother, creeping the corridors, empty halls and calling out for his grandfather. Set may not have answered him when he crawled under the stack of papyrus in the library, but Atenosis did with a massive scroll down across his head. When asked about what the highest god of the west was doing in the library at midnight, Atenosis calmly replied he was reading—a simple answer. As for Ahmes, well, nothing more could be said to defend himself because he was caught in the act. When he tried to defend himself against a disinterested Atenosis, the other god only silenced him by stating he did not care what he was up to. Atenosis then brought his brother back to his chamber, standing aggressively by the entrance to make sure Ahmes went in and did not come back out for the rest of the night. When Atenosis was about to leave, Ahmes called him in.

    The god awkwardly walked into the chamber and stood by the bed his brother tiredly and somewhat lazily crawled into. Atenosis watched him shift over the pillows, "yes brother?"

   "Sit down."

   "I prefer standing. What do you want? I am afraid I am in short supply of bedtime stories, that is unless you want to hear about the 12 gates into the Afterlife."

   "By Ra, you are so boring," Ahmes muttered.

   "I would rather be a boring troublemaker than a troublemaker," Atenosis snapped back and folded his arms. "So what do you want to talk about, make up your mind before I start hounding you for how angry you made Kha."

    Ahmes raised his eyes, "you mean father."

   "I meant Kha."

   "Why not call him father?"

   "Because I do not want to! Honestly you are being irritating; what do you want?" Atenosis frustratingly pulled at the back of his neck, cracking his spine loudly as he did so. Ahmes took no notice. His brother was frustrated because he wanted to sleep and also, he found some worthy ancient papyrus that was worth reading in his own chamber! That was that, but not to forget the fact he felt nervous for leaving Hetsetut alone while she slept, especially in an unpredictable place. What if the shadows decided to pry into her mind? Atenosis removed the thought from his head and raised his brows expectantly at Ahmes.

    The other god yawned and sat up against the pillows, he had a tired expression and also a pained one. "It does not matter, uh, you—you can can leave."

   "Is this about the girl?" Atenosis raised his eyebrows in question and leaned back. He noticed that despite everything that happened during the day, his parents including his brother could not take their eyes off Hetsetut.

   "What girl; mine or yours?"

   "I was not aware there was a yours or a mine."

   "Well yes." Ahmes looked down at his kneecaps.

    Atenosis did not know how to react, so he said the next best words he could think of. "So is this—are you coming to me for relationship advice?"

    Ahmes shrugged, "not like there is a relationship to work on."

   "Who is the girl?"


   "Sanhir?! Daughter of Dedun—Sanhir?!"

   "Sush!" Ahmes hissed and crawled further up against the pillows as if it was going to act as a barrier between his inquisitive brother and himself. He shifted his shoulders uncomfortably and folded his arms to mirror the other Prince. Atenosis shook his head and opened his mouth to say something, he paused and just shook his head again. By now Ahmes was aware to the fact his brother stretched his fingers into his mind and pulled everything out; his thoughts, desires and everything in between. Was he embarrassed?—Yes, but somehow Atenosis was all he had. He felt if he was to go to Kha and Ametis, it would put them in a difficult position. Only my brother should suffer, Ahmes thought humorously and smiled to himself.

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