Love Bites

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The date was September 19th 2014. and, nearing Halloween, the classroom was sprinkled with minuscule Halloween decor.  Today wasn't much different from any other except that it was "self expression" day, it wasn't stated, but it basically meant you could wear whatever you wanted, no matter how suggestive, no matter how inappropriate.. as long as you were covered, not that anyone really thought to fetishize themselves. The "day" part in Self Expression day wasn't exactly precise, after all classes were over all the students would change into their own clothes as to not be a disturbance during actual school.
Ashley confidently strides into her classroom, flaunting her new outfit.
18 years old and showing off her body that she had worked so hard on to perfect. Ashley was on the shorter side, having deep midnight black locks that curled and spun.  She wore short boy shorts blue jean style just below her thighs. She had a black halter top on and black high heels, and to top off the look, her makeup was dark, heavy and made her think she looked like a slut..  not that it wasn't what she was going for. Her whole outfit, despite being neutral colors, was still so garish that even the two women teachers stared at her with lustful jealously in their eyes, especially when they saw her rather pronounced chest.

     Out of everyone in the class, despite everyone who gawked at her like she was a ghost, the one however who appeared most transfixed was Christina, her best friend. Though her eyes were different than the rest. Her gaze looked animalistic. Primal.
"I wish my time would fucking come..." Christina thought in a voice that wasn't her own, blushing slightly, biting her lip, twiddling her thumbs and giving Ashley elevator eyes, wanting to finally have a form that would be more suitable for...
Christina couldn't contain herself, she wanted to jump on Ashley right then and there and.. tear her throat out? Forgetting everyone that was in the same room. But then, she remembered. Tonight would be the day when she turned. She simply couldn't wait. Just the thought of presenting Ashley with her "true" masculine and dominant form made her want to scream in unrelenting sexual desire. Miss Rieman, one of their teachers, came to the front of the room. It was Friday activity, where at the end of the day both classes have a recess-esque period where they either go to the gym or outside and either play basket ball or just talk.

    "Okay, class. Since the school year has just begun, we decided to go on a field trip that you all would really like, something to really kick off this school year and set the tone for how fun the rest of this year will be! But, we're not going to tell you where we're going until we are halfway there, (against regulation), So...let's all get excited! We informed your parents at the start of the school year, and all of them know where we're going! Your parents should be here on Monday to drop off your clothes and everything else." Miss Rieman stated, addressing the whole class, the students could also hear the classroom next to them making the same announcement.
"If anyone would prefer not to go, we can give your parents/ guardians a call, there'll be substitutes here to keep the flow going. There won't be normal assignments, just an essay that once you've completed you can have the rest of the vacation time off." The second teacher, Mrs.Debacco continued.
As soon as the word "Essay" was spoke there was a groan across the whole classroom. The plan was to go stay at a camp site for the whole school week, it was just outside of their state of Ohio in Indiana. The camp was called "Camp WoodKroche" named after its founder, Marquis J. Woodkroche. It would be a long and strenuous drive from where they were now, feeling so much longer because of the lack of sights on the way there.

    Someone in the class piped up
"And make sure to bring condoms, since we are gonna be alone on the camp site, we wouldn't want anyone to get STI's or unwanted pregnancies." Zach, a student who had a tendency to try to act like the class clown, said in a snarky and nasally tone.
The whole class either physically or mentally put their heads in their hands, the teachers silently agreeing he wasn't going to come along. Suddenly, something zoomed across Zach's face and stuck into the wall nearly ripping right through him, unfortunately it was a miss. Everyone jumping back away from it, all saying or making words and noises of shock and surprise. Some of the class cautiously walked towards it, wanting to see the weapon. Dominic, another one of Ashley's friends, noticed it came from Christina's direction. He smiled. Dominic slowly grabbed it and examined it. Christina had told him about this before, but he's never really seen one before. Mrs.Debacco, the second teacher, quickly grabbed it from him, cutting her finger on the blades in the process. She didn't react to the pain.

    "Who the Hell threw this??!" Mrs.Debacco screamed.
The students with a younger mind looked at her with shock in their eyes, taken aback from hearing her say that word.  Christina smiled slightly to herself, the fearful atmosphere turning her on. She grinned with sharp teeth, and quickly covered her mouth when a student glanced in her direction.
The teachers locked the door and did a mandatory search of everyone's desks and backpacks to check for weapons. The most they found was a pocket knife, which they confiscated for the rest of the short day. They let the students go, fear still in the air, everyone suspecting each other.

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