New Cruel World

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"Found you." it snarled,
keeping its hand on her mouth and staring directly into her wide eyes from her struggling head turning around facing him.
Her body shivered when the deep manly voice spoke right against her ear. She gulped in fear, a fear that in mere moments changed into carnal desire, stopping her struggling, almost against her will.
Was it making her feel this way?
She didn't know.
She closed her eyes tightly, waiting for her impending painful death...
when she felt him slide his clawed
hand from on her mouth to in her pants, making its way beneath her underwear, rubbing her already sensitive clit.
Whoever, or WHATever this was was not wasting any time. She shuddered and moaned slightly as he stuck his finger inside her, the claw digging into her. She could feel her hot blood leaking out from her.
However, knowing that if she moved in any way, it would only pierce her more and cause excruciating pain.
She tried to keep herself from making any noise by biting her lip. She opened her eyes slowly, and saw him holding an axe tightly in the hand that wasn't busy, knowing that if she even moved a muscle, or tried to call for help, she would be dead. He slid his finger deeper, hitting her G-spot with his claw and she felt herself convulsing against him, waves of pleasure and pain escaping her, knowing that his hand was probably soaked with her wetness.
The smell of wet fabric now coming from both of them.
She let out an involuntary moan that only made him go deeper and she could feel him hardening against her ass.
She felt like a total slut now, letting this thing violate her in this way. She was helpless against him, he was multiple feet taller than her and clearly had more muscle mass than her.
Ashley was in a corner and had no other choice but to let this thing have its disgusting way with her. A person not in an unexplainable situation like this would probably scream in utter terror, but she didn't.
She couldn't.
She wanted more from him, and felt horrible for thinking that way.
It was disgusting what it was doing to her, she never thought she would be the type to get raped, let alone by a monster. She wanted to cry.

She looked up at him, stared at him with sheer lust in her eyes.
Of course it felt nice, but she wanted her body to be only for a person she loved. This thing treating her as a mere sex slave was shameful and downright evil.
He ripped her clothes off, leaving her naked in a cold dark forest next to a frigid lake, completely vulnerable.
He dropped his pants, he was already fully erect, having an extremely human looking member aside from rounded spikes down the underside of the shaft bounce up from the pants that were selfishly holding it down. He grabbed her by the arm, almost breaking her wrist.
He found a nearby bench and he pushed her onto it, spreading her legs wide.
Ashley tried fighting back but he had her in a death grip, she couldn't even try to make any noise. She remembered that she was a virgin. Having this thing take her virginity, as disgusting and vile as it sounded...
"I know you want this thick bulging cock in you, honey~" he melodically growled.
Did she?
"You do, baby girl..." He ordered.
She did?
She gasped as he thrust himself deep inside her, feeling him rip her hymen. She definitely was not a virgin anymore.
She repressed a scream of pain that came out as a meek whimper.
The euphoria of the first thrust made her vision blurry and her ears ring and her eyes involuntarily roll back.
She could taste metal.
He started ramming into her, not even letting her stretch around him.
With his spiked cock being a good foot long it was extremely painful to her but he didn't care one bit.
This was purely to please himself.
They went on like this for a good while.
She bit her lip so hard that it started to turn red and bleed, trying to surpress her moans of ecstasy. She was crying out of pain, not wanting to express it any other way.
She had to have something to hold on to.
Ashley reached out and grabbed his forearms. She opened her eyes after them being closed through the whole ordeal, and saw his massive wings spread out from him, which she hadn't seen before.
He let out a primal shriek, and she felt every drop of him flooding her with his hot cum. The glistening of moonlight in the nearby lake would seem like the perfect place to have romantic sex, instead being more like a horrific murder. She moaned loudly, even though she tried so hard not to. But the immense pleasure she was getting was too much. He kept thrusting into her, making sure to give her every last bit of what he had. They were both panting heavily, he leaned down to bite her neck gently, leaving his mark. He still only left a wound that only slightly broke the skin, though he wanted to bite down so hard as to rip out her jugular. He pulled out of her slowly, his cum still loosely attached to his tip, with her feeling empty and used.
He was just about to leave her there, literally freezing her ass off in the dark forest, when she stopped him.

"Wait! Don't go!" she shouted at him, huffing, having a hard time walking.

"Did you enjoy that, Ashley?" he asked, narrowing his olive green eyes, knowing the pheromones finally kicked in.
He had no humanity in his tone of voice. It wasn't a question. It was a command. Ashley moved her eyes away from him and to a tree nearby.

" was forceful." she said, shyly.

"Admit it." he said, watching her with an interested look in his eyes. "Don't dance around it."

"Okay fine. Yes I enjoyed it. And to be honest, I'd like you to do it again. More gently this time. I mean, whenever you decide to." She went on, pouring her heart out and twirling her hair. She wasn't acting right.
Ashley recalled the Creeper addressing her by name despite her never telling him.
"How the hell do you know my name?"

"That I don't need to tell you. Not yet. Too soon. I was looking for you all night. I assume you found your friend? That was my doing, though I didn't drag her out here." He said, getting weirdly defensive and changing the subject, trying to act casual about it but instead sounding like a deranged mental patient. She nodded, looking away from him and over in the direction that body was in.

"Why did you kill her?" She said, feeling oddly okay with it. Ashley didn't notice her detachment to anything or anyone else besides the thing who took her virginity.

"I needed her leg. I lost mine. The little bitch shot it off." He growled with frustration.

Ashley was confused
"why did she shoot you?"

The Creeper hesitated and said
"I'm not the stupid cunt, how should I know?" He dismissed.

"But.. why did you need her leg? Legs don't just.. grow back?" She said, not knowing or understanding what this man-like being was going on about.
He stared her straight in the eyes and lifted up his hand to his mouth.
With a swift motion he bit off his left pointer finger.

"WH- Why did you-" Ashley said hysterically before being cut off.

"SHUT UP." He yelled, slamming his foot close to her, digging his long nails into her toes. 
Ashley shut her mouth and looked at him with pain, shock and horror. He turned around and kneeled down to Mary's cold dead body. He grabbed her limp hand and twisted off her index finger and placed it on where his once had been.
Ashley watched in rising terror as tendrils twisted around the finger, turning it into one of the Creepers. It mended perfectly in place. He bent his fingers and turned to face her.
"I can also turn into other people."
He casually threw in.

Ashley was at a loss for words. Suddenly, he piped up,
"Come with me. We're going away. Now." he ordered bluntly with a low growl escaping him.

"You mean you're not letting me go?" she asked, hoping somewhere inside her that he'd just take her and use her as his cum rag for all eternity.

"Let you go? Let you go?! You're mine now. There is no escape." he said theatrically, laughing in a raspy sounding voice, sounding like a chain smoker. Ashley puckered her lips to keep herself from smiling at this over the top attitude. It seemed like his malice filled words went directly through Ashley.  He grabbed her by the arm again and wrapped her around him. He bent his knees, taking off into the air like a hawk with a fresh rabbit to feast on. Ashley let out an involuntary scream as he tore off into the sky with her. They flew off into the night, far away from the camp site.

"I sense fear in you." he said, scoffing. Feeling like she was a weakling to be afraid of something so childish as flying.

Never the less, she spoke out-

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