Wet Fabric

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She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. It took a lot to get out, but she eventually came out of the gate trying her hardest to sound just as forceful and mean as he always did,
"WELL FUCKING OBVIOUSLY??!! You RAPED me, MURDERED my friend and now you're KIDNAPPING me! Why the fuck would I not be fucking panicking??!"
She said, letting go of her chemical ridden mind that made her want to spend the rest of her life with him.
He spun his head around like an owl and said
"Shut your fucking whore mouth!! We're leaving and you can't do shit about it. So either I drop you and you fall and die like how you deserve, or you come along with me and get to live!" He screamed, trying to lash at her with his claws feeling extremely fed up and outraged by what she said and how she was acting.
He let his anger take control of him and almost wanted to dive to the ground, slam her down and rip out her tongue and leave her to die and rot. "Wh..where are we e-even going.." Ashley mumbled, scared out of her mind but trying to keep a good girl attitude at the threat of being killed. She tried to hide her growing anger.

"Away. Far away. Where no one will find us." he said, sounding irritated, his wings flapping harder with more force than what was needed to keep them both in the air.

"But what about everyone else?" Ashley said, concerned for their safety, looking in the direction of the campsite.

"They'll be fine. I might use them for food, though. If you have pests bothering you, give me their names. I will rid them." He offered, though already knowing who she'd name.

"Okay. Sounds good." she said, slightly smiling, keeping up the act. Her heart pounded harder. She considered it however, it sounded nice to have her enemies eliminated and out of her hair. She entertained the thought in her mind. Her previous state of unconditional and irrational love for him was returning without her knowledge.
Her lack of sleep caught up to her and she passed out on his back.

The monster, who earlier introduced himself to her as "the Creeper," flew over an expansive forest, the glow of the camp completely faded out of sight at this point, being hours away from it. He landed in front of a dingy looking van with what looked like blood drawn graffiti covering it, only slightly obscured by trees in a clearing.
The van had many deep earth toned stains and rust covering the whole vehicle besides the blood. Ashley woke up, yawning. He slowly lowered Ashley down and for some reason only just now cared that his pants were still unzipped and his now flaccid penis,
(of a rather impressive 7 inches)
was still out in the open, which he zipped back up, not out of embarassment but more out of sheer principle. Ashley walked up to the van, looking up at it and cautiously put her hand on it.
The Creeper watched her further examine the van. She turned her head back to face him.

"Wwwhat is this? Is it yours?" she questioned, drawing out the words, not sure if she wanted the answer.

"In a matter of speaking, yes." he flatly responded.
Ashley was in front of the exhaust pipe and the sound of chains rustling was heard. He walked briskly up to her and grabbed her wrist. Ashley turned to face him, scared and surprised at the forceful gesture, expecting him to use her again.

"Get in." he said.
Not waiting for a response, he moved her to the right side of the van and opened the passenger side door and almost threw her inside. He walked to the drivers side and got in with her.

"Ew, it stinks like rotten meat and eggs." she said, putting what remained of her torn shirt over her nose.

"Well no fucking shit, dumbass." he said quietly, his voice like a deep wolf's growl. He continued,
"there's dead bodies in the back." Ashley paused, discreetly looking in the back, only seeing what seemed to be multiple sheets with rope tied around them. On the wall hung many severely sharp but ornately decorated weapons of all kinds. It took a minute for her to make the connection and she shuddered at the thought of becoming among the wrapped bodies at the hands of one of those weapons. Not waiting for her to buckle the seat belt, he started the car and took off into the forest, narrowly avoiding countless trees, bushes, and a multitude of animals, he didn't bother being cautious about the smaller ones. After what seemed like hours upon hours of driving and the sun starting to rise, they finally came upon a small tool shed that looked like no one had even laid eyes upon in at least 3 decades.
It was weathered and broken in, windows shattered and over grown. The roof having many holes, cracks, and other damages.

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