Cor Contritum

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     She came back to reality, looking up at the Creeper and kissing him on his mouth. Ashley drew back from her kiss, opening her eyes and looking into his. He looked amused and not at all surprised.
"That sounds familiar." He joked.
She shook her head and stood up, grabbing her bra like it was a dead rat and quickly walked out of the shed.
The Creeper followed. The two got back into the van and drove passed the shed, out of the clearing, and onto an unpaved road nearby.
"Why were we there anyway? You didn't get anything." questioned Ashley, looking over to Goliathus.

He opened up his eyes and said
"It was for you." Ashley was waiting for him to keep talking.
"Huh?" She said, turning her head slightly.
"It was for you. You needed a place to sleep and this van sure as hell isn't suitable for that." He flatly said, not aware of the gesture.
She smiled and looked out her window at the blurred trees as they passed them by.

Ashley's stomach growled with hunger. "Ugh, that.. forgot humans did that." He said to himself, Ashley covering her stomach in embarrassment, the disturbed scar shooting a quick but sharp pain.
"What do you want to eat?" He said, glancing over to her.
"Are there even any fast food places out here?" She asked quizzically.
"How about McDuncan's?" The Creeper said, pretending to not know the name of McDonald's.
"Do you mean McDonald's?...Or do you mean Dunkin' Donuts?" Ashley questioned, smirking slightly up at him, entertained by the Creeper's childlike understanding of human things.
"Yeah." He said,
"McDonald's. The first one."
The two kept driving for hours until they came across a city.
Ashley crying slightly from the severe pain from being hungry.

The creeper came across a McDonald's across the street to a community college. Some people looking at them driving by because of how out of place and downright scary the van looked. They parked at a spot and stopped the van.
Ashley looked up
"What? why aren't you going through the drive th-"
He put his finger to her lips to silence her.
"Look at me. Do you think anyone is not going to freak out at this?" He said, sounding ashamed and angry.
He took his finger away from her mouth and used it to circle his face.
"I don't think you look different." Ashley said reassuringly.
"That's because you're used to the freak I am." He said, looking away.
"I want you to go in and order. Order whatever you want, I can pay for it."
He said, flustered.
Ashley hesitated, the thought of having to be by herself and talk to strangers scared her.
"Are you sure you don't want to take the risk? I'm sure no one would judge you.. a-and you could turn into someone else! Like.. Christina,"
The Creeper's heart skipped a beat,
", I have a picture of her if you want to do-"
He cut her off again,
"NO. JUST GO." He said loudly but bluntly, pushing Ashley gently to the door.
"..Okay." Ashley said, not wanting to make him mad, but what was making him mad anyway? It's not like she did or said anything she wasn't supposed to.
She didn't understand this guy.
Not at all.

She walked into the McDonald's.
The first thing she noticed was a table with an apparent single mom and her two children. The mother having almost black circles under her eyes from restlessness as the kids fought over a toy that came in their kids meal, the mom only having a small fry.
She looked malnourished.
Sitting in another table was a disheveled man alone, he wore a navy blue beanie and looked like he hadn't shaved all month, wearing a stained torn jacket with a burger and soda in front of him with another burgers wrapper crumpled and tossed on the floor next to him. He pulled out a cigarette and smoked right then and there, ignoring the no smoking signs.
A college aged student in a black hoodie stood at the table, waiting on his food. As for the cashiers, they were both women with empty expressions. Other than that, the place was pretty empty. Ashley got a bad vibe from this place. the Cashiers did a double take at Ashley, her hair was disheveled, scratches all over her body, her clothes were torn and stained, and without a bra her boobs were practically all the way out. looking back, she was in the worst state out of everyone there.
The cashiers had seen worse, but she was close..
As if Ashley had no clue, she ordered her food,
a double cheeseburger, medium fries, a six piece order of chicken nuggets and a chocolate milkshake. She forgot to ask what he wanted, so she ordered the same thing she got herself for him as well, but got him a 10 piece instead. Her hands shaking slightly, she walked out back to the van, the cold September air blowing her hair into her face.

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