cried myself to sleep

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The next day, Justin came by around two.

So did Mom. And Laura, and dad. and mom's friend, her son and her husband. and Jason. and Anna. and Rhonda. 

And we had a grand Rendezvous. 

why couldn't I spend sometime with Justin? alone. and quiet. just our voices clarifying the doubts? But of course the news had to spread and of course they all had to come by and pity me on this very day. 

I stared at the nine different faces and eventually returned to one. Justin looked at me too, passed a smile and I did the same. 

"So, how're you feeling?"

for God sake, this is the fourth time I'm answering this for you Mr. Stew. stay quiet if you don't have anything else to ask. 

"I feel fine, Mr.Stew." I slapped on a smile. 

He nodded.

"And? how's the back treating you? your mother said it hurt pretty bad." 

I just said I'm fine. why don't you people get it?!

"No, it's all gone." I smiled at Mrs.Stew, wincing as I moved my position. 

"so, had your lunch yet?" asked the son. 

I'm sparing you only because you're eleven. 

"yes, thank you." I smiled at him. 


"why're you guys asking her so many questions?" Anna chirped in. and I fell in love with her, all over again. 

I winked at her and she winked back. her comment made everybody giggle in embarrassment.

"okay, take care child." they bid farewell. 

"I'll drop them outside honey." Mom said, touching my forehead. Mom gone. Mr & Mrs & Master Stew gone. Dad accompanied Mom. Rhonda was long gone. Jason and Laur went outside without a word finally leaving me and Justin to exchange our verbals. 

"How're you?" He spoke as I shot him a look. Maybe because I wanted to hear his playful chuckle. 

He sat beside me on the bed that I was sitting on. 

"so are you telling me yet?" I questioned.

"tell you what?"

"cut this, please? why've you been ignoring me?"

"I haven't been ignoring you." 

I sighed. a heavy let-down sigh. 

"are you honestly not going to tell me?" I spoke, anger rising with each word. 

"Lizzy. stop okay? I don't have anything to tell you. stop asking."

"then why're you acting like this?" 

"I'm acting fine."

"you're NOT" I almost yelled in disappointment.

"what do you want Lizzy?" he asked, equally mad. 

"tell me what happened?" I asked.

"you wouldn't be able to do anything about it." he stated.

"at least tell me Dammit!" I spoke, exhausted.

"can you change the fact that you're confusedunicorn. and I'm CanadianSwagger? can you do anything damn thing to fix this Lizzy? do you have a reason to explain why you've been hiding it from me since forever? do you have anything to say?" 

I froze.

He knew.


"your mobile." he answered, like he had telepathy and read the question right through my mind. 

"you know that first person I called when I got here, because I couldn't deal with the panic, because the thought of losing you felt like the sky crumbling down and I wanted someone to help me, make me believe that everything will be fine, it was you. rather my best friend. the girl who I'd never met before. the girl who I only talked to and exchanged messages with. but it meant something to me Lizzy. My relationship with a girl who's user name was confusedunicorn meant a lot. And when I needed her the most, she let me know that she was the one who I was scared for in the first place. your cellphone was right beside me. In a single second, I was informed that both my best friend and my love were being taken away on a stretcher and I felt helpless. I culdn't afford losing either of you. I didn't know whether to pity you, be mad at you or let you know that I love you dammit.  yes I fell for you Lizzy. I needed time to gulp this, away from you. I needed to take it all in because unfortunately, that one minute wasn't enough for me to suck it all in. and now I'm helplessly in love with you but I don't know which one of you is true. do you have anything to say?" he completed.  

I didn'y. and I knew my apologies would do no good. he knew I was sorry anyway. 

That night, every word of his ran through my mind and every action of mine stood still and regretable. I was scared. Had I screwed up everything that I had? as a best friend and something more at the same time? The thought of losing Justin was something I wouldn't dare to think about. 

That night, I heard him not answer the phone and cried myself to sleep. 


 A/N : how is it so far? are you guys liking it at all? would you let me know? :) thankyouu :)

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