Chapter 9: Waking up

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Lucius offered his coat to Miss House before they left and as she didn't make any movement to accept it he just awkwardly placed it on her. Luna was then placed between Vincent and him, so there were no surprise attacks on her as they walked.

She recalled how she'd found them ridiculous last time they'd been outside the house but now she was mostly grateful for the concern. Still, she felt safer with them than with that woman back there.

So Vincent entered the entrance hall first with Luna close behind him. Lucius removed one of his shoes and placed it against the door to prevent it from closing before entering as well.

"I'll try to get upstairs first then. Hopefully I'll find what's causing this and you won't have to—" Vincent began explaining his tactics, but interrupted himself. "... Although... The stairs aren't broken..."

"They're... What?" Lucius asked and Luna took a breath.

"Maybe... Maybe we just try not to be surprised by things anymore and just... Just move on until we find something?"

"Well, the stairs could be something," Vincent suggested but Luna frowned.

"I don't know what that would be but... Let's look upstairs first."

The upstairs consisted of a bigger room as soon as they got up, and two doors; One to the right and one on the wall in front of them. Luna began walking up to the one in front but was interrupted by a 'whoah' and Vincent grabbing hold of her. She looked to the side and felt her mouth open.

"Whoah," she agreed. The door was... Flesh covered. Or made out of flesh. Either or, and it looked like there were faces in it. Here and there eyes were poking out, darting around in place and veins spread like vines across the large frame. Luna placed a hand over her mouth.

"I do believe that is our something," Lucius whispered as they all backed away a step. A look was exchanged between the three of them.

"I, uh... I suppose I'll... Have a look?" Vincent said hesitantly, and sighed as Lucius nodded. Luna made a disgusted face as Vincent slowly walked up and tried searching around for a form of doorknob. Finally he seemed to settle for a nose-like lump in the frame of the whole thing and tried pulling it. His fingers couldn't quite grasp the soft flesh however, and he barely got it open a little before it seemed to suck its way back into the door opening.

"Ew..." Luna whispered.

"Did you see anything?" Lucius demanded to know.

"I don't... A little. I think it's a bedroom? I saw a bed at least and... I don't know, maybe someone in it?"

"This would be so much easier if that woman out there could talk to us," Luna muttered and began walking up to the door just as a creak was heard from the other direction. She'd barely turned her head towards the normal, wooden door before she let out a scream. Yet another face was staring at her, but this time it was one big face. A big face belonging to a proportionally big body.

"A—A... A giant!?" Luna exclaimed, and Lucius and Vincent hastily turned their heads.

"A—What?" Lucius asked loudly, possibly also getting tired of everything going on.

The giant face of a humanoid creature was peeking out the door in front of the stairs, and the trio only pondered a second over their options before retreating towards the flesh covered door.

"How is this... We killed the vampire, so what's causing this?" Luna whispered, and Lucius shook his head as he held up an arm in a vague attempt to shield her.

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