Chapter 41: How to be a sister

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Luna promptly ignored Vincent's attempt to wake her by knocking on her door. She rolled over to face the wall and hugged her pillow closer. It was only the second time he'd tried waking her and since Vincent was always up early she figured it must be around late morning. Should her assumption be correct it couldn't hurt to let him knock a third time later, possibly around noon.

"My lady, I know you can hear me," Vincent said from the other side of the door. "I know you'd like to sleep longer but your... Well, the younger Lord Hargreaves is here and your father would like you to come down to... You know, have breakfast."

"Breakfast? You're joking." Luna chuckled and placed the pillow over her head instead. She hadn't stayed up all night reading about seashell fortune telling just to be awakened for morning activities.

"I'm sure Lord Hargreaves would like to see you. You haven't exactly talked to him a lot since he returned and it's been, well... Months."

"Yeah I'm—" Luna sat up and blinked in an attempt to get her eyes used to the light in her room. She hated it, and buried her head beneath the pillow again. "I just— I'm gonna... You know what? I don't care."

Vincent seemed to give up at that, and Luna returned to hugging her pillow triumphantly.

It didn't take long however until there was another knock on the door.

"Luna, it's just one breakfast," Lucius' voice said.

Luna, as the sole bleeder of the house, decided to play her exclusive card.

"I have cramps."

There was a brief silence outside the door.

"You don't have cramps."

"I do think that's up to me to decide."

Luna had never actually experienced those so-called cramps, but Alexei said they hurt a lot so she'd use it to her advantage any time she needed to.

"Given your regular cycles and the time of the month I don't think—"

"You don't know shit about cramps, you nut!" Luna threw her pillow at the door. Just because her family had the unfortunate need to keep track of when she bled it didn't mean her father knew anything about anything else surrounding it. That was why the sooner she could move out, the better. She could only put up with the constant monitoring for so long.

"What can I bribe you with?" Lucius finally asked.

Luna considered it.

"Can I just... Get one day without Vincent?"

"I'll go throw him out," was the reply and Luna sighed. It seemed like she was getting up early that day after all.

She frowned when she got down to the dining room. Anthony was there, and Lucius soon joined them after what Luna guessed was him shoving Vincent into a closet or something. The weird part however, was that Noah wasn't there. He was always up early and while he wasn't fond of Anthony at all he wouldn't skip breakfast. It simply didn't happen.

"Where's Noah?" she therefore asked as she sat down, and Lucius knitted his eyebrows.

"He wouldn't come out of his room. I figured I'd leave him alone for a bit."

Luna opened her mouth.

"What, so Noah gets to decline but you were willing to throw Vincent out to get me down here?"

"He said he wasn't feeling good."

"I have cramps!"

Lucius breathed out through his nose.

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