Chapter 47: Social butterfly

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"Young Lady Hargreaves?"

Luna's lip curled. She was not ready to wake up.

"... Young Lady Hargreaves?"

"You know, Luna's probably fine by this point." She said it without really reflecting on who was talking, but it was probably fine.

"Uh... Lu—Luna?"

Luna still wouldn't wake up. She felt no desire to get up and deal with everything that'd happened before. In fact, she was going to suppress it and fall into a deep sleep again.

"Lady Roadblock."

Suddenly the mattress under Luna was pulled upwards, causing her to roll unbecomingly down onto the floor with a loud thud and a yelp.


"You said we should wake her."

"But don't toss her on the floor! You could've hurt her!"

Luna sat up just as Shyen shoved Derek in the side.

"What's, uh..." She rubbed her eyes. "What's going on?"

"It's almost time for the masquerade, so if you want to get ready that would be now." Derek placed the mattress down and smoothed out the sheet.

Luna blinked at the both of them.

"How? I don't exactly have anything to change into or makeup or... Anything, really."

Both men stood in thought for a bit.

"You could borrow Shyen's clothes," Derek suggested. Shyen shot him a tired look, but shrugged in agreement.

"Oh? You have dresses?" Luna asked, and Shyen shook his head.

"No, just... Nice clothes, with pants."

"Hm." Luna had never attended a finer event without a dress. Still, her current attire had been subject to a lot of running about and she could use a change. While Shyen was shorter than her he wasn't that much shorter. "Yeah, all right. So what about the mask?"

There was another moment of thought.

"Do we have spare masks?" Shyen turned to Derek, who glanced up at the ceiling to think.

"I don't think anyone's made more than the one they own. It's a pretty personal thing after all."

Luna blinked.

"Oh. You made them yourselves?"

"No, well... There's a couple down here who can make them." Shyen pointed towards the door. "They're really great. We'll get you one if you want, but it could take a while."

"I'd... Love that." Luna found the word 'love' tough to utter, but she didn't want them to think she was ungrateful. "Uh, but I'm still without one now."

"Let's go ask them." Derek shrugged. "There's a chance they have something but we should hurry, since it's almost time."

"I'll get the clothes." Shyen hurried out of the room, and Derek looked after him with an amused expression.


Shyen was back in the doorway a moment later.

"The clothes are in here."

He opened a drawer and began pulling out clothes.

"I don't think we're that compatible in colors, but blue should be fine, right?"

"I tend to wear blue, yes."

"It's a good color for you," Derek agreed. "What with your complexion and eyes. Damien wears a lot of blue too."

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