Chapter 16: Equine acquaintances

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Managing to move a camp with all the packing, horses, soldiers and prisoners without making too much sound was impressive, Noah had to give the enemies that. Complete silence was impossible of course, but they did the best they could with what they had.

Noah had looked back to check on the others once and been surprised to notice one of the enemy soldiers running about to make sure their tracks were as good as erased.

For no-brains they sure are doing a good job with this.

The precautions when moving were indeed on a different level than when they were still, though Noah supposed he could understand that. It was harder than ever to notice if anyone was approaching what with their own sounds and multiple weak spots while moving around. On a brighter note, walking was a surprisingly welcome feeling.

Noah hadn't thought much about it due to all the other pain inflicted on him but the soreness of sitting on the ground and being chained to a tree was almost bad enough. Not that he preferred a constantly swollen face or aching ribs.

One of the horses in front of Noah suddenly recoiled with a startled neigh and everyone froze, only daring to move after making sure their location hadn't been discovered by anyone.

"Deshayes!" Marteau soon appeared among them, and the guard Noah had a good feeling about turned around with a look of frustration on his face, pointing down at the tall grass while spouting something in Farcilli.

Noah's guess was that the horse had simply been scared by a small animal.

Calvez walked over towards them, muttering something and brandishing a wooden club. Noah arched his eyebrows, part in shock they'd go so far so quickly just because it was a little loud and part in fear of the chance that the wooden club might be used on one of them later.

Deshayes protested, failing to disguise his concern for the horse as he placed himself between it and the man with the club.

Calvez barely paid him any notice but Marteau didn't look pleased with the club either. He said something brief to Calvez who shook his head in resignation, and then they all continued their walk.

If only he could talk to him. Somehow convince him that they were worth helping, but Deshayes only ever seemed in charge of the horses so how would that happen? Could the man even speak Wyperan to begin with?

The soldiers soon came to a halt as they reached a hill with a dense cluster of trees and Noah searched the area for anything helpful. He wasn't sure what helpful looked like though.

All he could see was firs, pines, grass and an occasional rock. There was something different about Deshayes' way of moving now however. He was walking in front of the previously startled horse and kicked the grass as he walked. Concerned about more animals, Noah reckoned.

"What are you staring at?" Winton asked as they were chained to a new set of trees. "Horse soldier caught your fancy?"

"I already told you," Noah said in a whisper as the other soldiers walked away. "He's not as bad as the others."

"Ah, right, that 'good feeling' you had. Hurray, we're saved."

Noah pretended not to notice the sarcasm and only grinned at Winton. The latter rolled his eyes.

Getting a closer look at Deshayes however, Noah almost had second thoughts. The man was an intimidating appearance consisting of an almost constantly furrowed brow, deep set eyes and a square jawed head on top of a well filled uniform. More muscles than fat, Noah guessed as he scanned the man further. He noticed the sleeves of the man's coat were too short for his long arms.

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