Chapter 28: Late night reading

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Before we go, what should we look for?" Alexei asked as they all got ready to move out of the narrow room they were stuffed in. "I'm... Honestly not too well versed in ghost knowledge."

"Anything related to the father really," Luna whispered. "Something that might've been important to him. I... I haven't read a lot about ghosts either, but..." She paused as she thought of something and grabbed her father's sleeve before he could leave the small room. "What—What about an exorcism? Could that work? I've read a bit about them so maybe I remember enough to perform—"

Lucius' eyes were already wide in horror and he shook his head as he interrupted her.

"Out of the question. Firstly, exorcisms are for unholy beings and secondly, performing one incorrectly could have devastating consequences, not only for the one performing it."

Luna wasn't sure if she was more disappointed in being denied the opportunity to perform an exorcism or more excited about her father's hidden knowledge of the occult. She couldn't wait until they got out of there so she could shower him with questions.

Lucius reached a hand out to help Noah once he'd gotten up, but the latter hesitated.

"We're not gonna force you," Lucius whispered to him. "The room outside is even darker than in here so I understand if you want to stay."

Noah shook his head and took a deep, trembling breath.

"I... Can't leave you to face him alone when you can't see him and I—I'd rather be with you in the dark than alone."

Lucius nodded and Noah took his hand, climbing out of the narrow room with shaking knees and eyes darting around.

"We shouldn't make any sounds once we exit the room," Alexei said. "If there's anything you'd like to say before I rattle this drum, say it now."

None of them said anything. Only Noah's forced, deep breaths could be heard despite him trying to breathe as silently as possible. Alexei nodded and lifted the drum, rattling it before opening the door.

The room outside was just as dark as before. Luna hoped Noah really was up for it. She squeezed his hand to get his attention and made a head tilt towards the darkness, partly to ask if he saw anything and partly to ask if he was sure about going out there.

She was pretty sure he squinted at her, but it was hard to see as he was turned away from the window. After a few seconds he turned towards the darkness outside the room, suppressed a shudder, and then shook his head.

Alexei then raised his hand to wave them all forward.

The light provided from the boy's bedroom didn't help them see much, but the space outside seemed to be a corridor from what Luna could discern. Alexei walked first, rattling the drum an extra time for good measure and placed a hand against the wall.

They all followed his example. It was easier to keep their balance that way. Noah also held a tight grip around Luna's arm and she normally would've shaken him off, but given the circumstances she was grateful for his presence as well.

It didn't take long before Alexei halted and they all bumped into each other. Luna's heart picked up its pace and she reached out to Alexei, placing a hand on his shoulder. Why had he stopped?

Alexei proceeded to kneel down and pick something up. It was impossible to see what in the dark but he fumbled after Luna's hand and placed it in her open palm. She gently closed her fingers around it. It was a shard of some sort. So there were shards on the floor? She carefully passed it over to Noah and assumed he did the same to Lucius. Due to this, they all walked even more carefully than before until Alexei found a door a few feet from the shards.

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