chapter 1: pilot

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Hi my name is Valerie, I'm just a normal teenage girl I guess, I'm not popular but I do have the two best friends in the whole world, Evelyn who is kinda popular but not really and Matt who is gay but is pretty funny and a little cute. I'm 18 years old, I go to caramel high school, it's a good school I guess but always get bullied by the cheerleaders and sometimes the jocks but my friends stands up for me which I thank them every time.

I was on my way to my locker and then I see him, black hair up to his neck, hazel eyes and his black outfit while holding his binder. his name is Gerard. Gerard way, I got a major crush on him since the 3rd grade but he doesn't even know I exist. he's a bit popular because he's like the hottest guy in school, almost every girl in this school has a crush on him except my friend Evelyn. she does like him but not in that way. I have Gerard in almost all my classes, art, English, science, math and Spanish. thank god he doesn't have swimming lessons with me. I really don't like myself in a bathing suit. and why?you might ask. well I signed up for choir but they put me in swimming lessons because choir was full. bummer right?

I was putting in my notebooks in my locker and was looking a at a small picture I had on my locker...that picture was a picture of I said...major crush...I continued to look at it while smiling until my friend Evelyn closes my locker and smiles at me.

Evelyn:"what cha got there?"


Evelyn:"come on let me see it, I won't tell."

I sighed and showed her the photo while she started laughing.

valerie:"what's so funny?"

Evelyn:*laugh* "you have *laughs* a picture *Laughs* of Gerard way! *laughs*"

Valerie:"shh! I doing want him to hear."

Evelyn:"don't Worry, you're secret is safe with me."

Valerie:"I hope so."

-later on that day-

the day went by pretty fast, I was walking home quickly, one because it was getting dark and all the freaks come out at dark and two because I can't wait to get on this cool new website. that website is called (a.n: that is a fake website I just made up lol and is pretty much like another wattpad) a website where you write your own stories and message other people. I have already written some, I have a lot of followers which I still can't believe since i just like the thought of it. I write love stories, paranormal stories, fantasy etc. it feels nice to writing your own stories.

I arrived home and inhaled the delicious aroma of my mom cooking.

Valerie:"hey mom."

Katherine:"hey, how was school?"

Valerie:"it was good I guess, same as usual.."

Katherine: "well that's good."

Valerie:"what are you cooking?"

Katherine:"my specialty, 10 cheese enchilada surprise."

Valerie:"cool, let me know when it's ready."


I started heading towards my room and my phone buzzed, I had an alert from bookmakers. I get a lot of emails which I'm always excited to read about. I grabbed my phone and read the label.

'new comment on your story from munchkin901'

I opened up the app and viewed the comment

munchkin901: this story're a bad writer!

that comment made my heart drop. it was my first rude comment from my entire life. I locked my phone and released a few tears while throwing my phone to my bed and heard it buzz again. I wiped off my tears and checked.

'new comment from Geewhiz321'

I opened up the app again and viewed the comment.

Geewhiz321: dude just back off, she's an amazing writer, you're just jealous cuz she's a better writer than you, besides you have no followers so if I were you I would shut your mouth.

I smiled reading that and refreshed my page seeing a new comment from that 'munchkin901' kid.

munchkin901: whatever, I'm out.

I sighed with relief and viewed Geewhiz321's profile, he has some books but way more followers than me, I decided to send him a private message for sticking up for me.

valerieflower28: hey..thanx for sticking up for me from that munchkin901 kid, it really meant a lot.

I gotta tell yea, writing that was making me Nervous but oh well,  I continued viewing the screen to see if he would replay.

Geewhiz321 is typing...

Geewhiz321: no sweat. nobody should be treated that way. :) so when are you updating your book?

aww he reads my book. Wait what am I doing? this is a stranger for crying out loud! I shouldn't be saying 'aw' or smiling like a freak...or should I?

valerieflower28: umm later today, I like updating everyday. so I see you have written some books of your own.

GeeWhiz321:ha yea, I don't like Em tho. I was planning on deleting my account but then I read your books and got hooked :)

valerieflower28: Oh come on, I bet they are good, besides you have more followers than me and aww haha.

Geewhiz321:so you've been stalking me ;) haha it's alright, but nah I think I have a lot of followers cuz I'm supposably 'popular'.

Valerieflower28: Oh well, you never know. maybe there's some one out there who enjoys reading your stories :)

Geewhiz321: haha I doubt it but thanx ha. you remind me of a Chinese blossom.:)

Valerieflower28:haha...I hope that's a good thing.

Geewhiz321: it is. :)...well anyways I gotta go do homework now but we should talk more. :)

valerieflower28: cool, and ok, yea I agree:).

Geewhiz321:cool, later blossom girl. ;)

valerieflower28:bye :)

Geewhiz321 has logged off

I think I just met a new friend. :)

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