chapter 13: making me blush

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I finally arrived at my house and smell my mom's cooking, I head into the kitchen but I didn't see her, although I did see a plate of chocolate chip cookies in a bowl just waiting for me eat,I walk over a took a bite out of one and see a pot boiling on the stove, I open the lid and found pasta inside.

after exploring some foods from the kitchen, I went to my room and saw my mom on my laptop.

Valerie:"mom what are you doing here?"

Katherine:"oh hey honey, don't mind me, im just looking for a recipe....ah found one! ok thanx honey."

she says as she walks out to the kitchen again, I walked over to my laptop and logged into bookmakers, I didn't have any notifications or messages but I saw that Gerard was online so I decided to message him.

valerieflower28: hey Geewhiz321 :)

Geewhiz321 is typing...

Geewhiz321: hey cherry blossom:)

valerieflower28: hehe so what's up?

Geewhiz321: nothing much, I just got done drawing a portrait.

Valerieflower28: cool, what about?

Geewhiz321: haha private :)

valerieflower28: lol ok.

Geewhiz321: ;) so what r u up 2?

valerieflower28: nothing much either, in just so hungry and my mom is no where near finished with her cooking. >_<

Geewhiz321: hey I'm hungry too! :D wanna go grab a bite?

valerieflower28: :) I'd love too:D

Geewhiz321: cool, pick u up in 30 minutes! :)

Valerieflower28: ok, see ya:)

Geewhiz321: :) see yea;)

Geewhiz321 has logged off

I sighed and closed my laptop then I stood up. as I was standing there, I started jumping with excitement and happiness,I can't believe I'm gonna go eat with Gerard! omg! it all seems like a dream but it's not. I stopped jumping and then  started humming a song as I walked over to my closet. then I grabbed my phone and wallet and stuffed them into my purse and headed downstairs finding mom and Alex.

Katherine:"hey honey, where are you going?"

Valerie:"oh um, I'm gonna have lunch with a friend, it's that ok?"

Katherine:"of course, but I have to meet her first."

Valerie:" it's a guy..."

Katherine:"oh..well another reason why I have to meet him first...there's...nothing going on...right?"


Katherine:*sighs* "ok good, I was about to get worried."

she says as I heard the door close from

Valerie:"omg he's here. ok no one does anything to embarrass me! I'm serious! otherwise I'll haunt you forever!"

Alex:"ok ok! just open the door for your boyfriend gosh."

I sighed and opened the door, he was there standing there looking beautiful. his black outfit and black hair. it's just prefect.


he says as he smiles causing me to smile.


I opened the door More for him to come in and he did. once he was in, I closed the door and led him into the kitchen where mom and Alex were.

Valerie:"so um that's my mom and this is Alex."

Alex:"whoa!! I can't believe Gerard way is dating my little sister!"

Valerie:"he's not my boyfriend!"

Alex:"well it looks like he is."

Gerard:*laughs* "nice to meet you Alex."

Katherine:"oh, look at my little daughters boyfriend!"

she says as she walks over to him and grabs his cheeks.

Katherine:"wow, you're pretty cute for my her!"

Valerie:"ok mom, he is not my boyfr-"

Alex:"how long have you two been dating?"

oh my gosh, I stand there full of embarrassment, I cover my eyes with my hand while Gerard just stand there with his hands in his jean pockets. I hate them.

Valerie:"for the last time."

Katherine:"oh stop lying sweetie! where are you guys eating?"


Gerard:"we're not sure yet..."

Katherine:"oh ok then, you guys can stay and eat what I get prepared then!"

she says with a huge smile on her face.

oh boy..


Katherine:"oh goody! it will be ready in 30 minutes, it's that okay?"

no! we're starving!

Gerard:"oh yea, totally fine."

Katherine:"ok good."

I sigh and led Gerard to my room.

Valerie:"well. this my room."

Gerard:"looks nice!"


Gerard:"so, on a scale of 0 to 10, how hot do you think I am?"



Gerard:*laughs* "you think I'm a 10 don't you?"


Gerard:"I know you like me remember."

oh crap, I laugh and put my hand behind my neck trying to hide my embarrassment but I guess it didn't work.

Gerard:*laughs* "don't worry...I like you too."

I gulped as we took a seat on my bed and looked into each other's eyes. his chocolatey hazel eyes were starring into mine, gosh he's so beautiful!

Gerard:"you have really pretty eyes."

he says as brushes my hair behind my ear, causing me to smile and blush.

Gerard:"I like your smile."

he says as he smiles as well.

oh gosh, stop making me blush, I laughed and looked away a little but he puts his hand under my chin for me to look at him, and then it happened. our first kiss.

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