Trip to earth-X

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This chapter isn't exactly about Captain Canary. It's also about ColdRay and how I imagined it would go if Ray met earth-1 Leonard

Important note:
When the oculus explodes, Leonard is stuck in the debris of the vanishing point where he is in a coma for a year and a half until a portal to earth-X opens and sucks him in. This is at the same time as when Leo from earth-X is with the legends.

The oculus

A blinding blue light hit him from all sides. Pain bursted throughout his body. All he could hear was the distant screams of the time masters being blown to shreds. He felt the explosion before it even hit him. Pain. Blindness. Blue. Agonie.. Fear..

Leonard couldn't open his eyes. He couldn't speak. Couldn't hear. He only felt a void of darkness around him.

Then nothing

Not even silence

Just.. nothing

A years and a half later

Ray had decided to stay at the base. He wasn't feeling as happy and energetic since Leo had decided to stay on earth-1 and go with the legends. He missed his boyfriend terribly and he was worried something had happened. But that wasn't stopping the others from continuing their missions. Though everyone at the base was secretly wondering when Leo would return, they didn't really talk about it.

Winn walked through the woods with the freedom fighters. All of them were there except Ray. The team was silent. The peacefulness of the forest was a big change from the base. Suddenly, the general raised his hand, signaling everyone to stop. "What's going on?" Black condor asked. Winn pointed in one direction. "There's noise coming from there." He stated. Condor stepped forward, his wings out and ready to fight if they were attacked. "Be careful." Winn called from behind him. Condor kept walking in the direction and disappeared behind a tree.

Winn looked at the others and then back to where Condor was a minute ago. A scream rippled through silent woods, making the entirety of the freedom fighters jump in surprise. "General!!!!" Condor shouted. The team ran to where Condor was and froze in horror. "Leo..!" Winn whispered.

Before them was the body of their teammate. The only sign of life he was giving was his chest lifting up and indicating he was breathing. His face was covered in mud, dirt, dry blood and bruises. His clothes were ripped and looked like they had been burnt.

Condor took his wrist to check for a pulse. "He's alive. Barely!" Winn stepped forward and lifted Leonard's head up a little. "We need to get him back to the base now!" The others nodded. Red Tornado and Black Condor flew Leonard back to the base while the others followed behind.

When Winn entered the base, chaos had taken over. Rumors that Citizen Cold was back from earth-1 and almost dead were circulating in every direction. Winn pushed through the crowd and managed to get to the medical floor of the base. He prepared to enter the room in which the doctors were operating his teammate but was held back by a shout. "Winn!" He turned around and saw Ray flying towards him. "Where is he!? What happened!? Is he gonna be okay?!" Winn had never seen Ray in such panic. "Ray calm down. Leo's gonna be fine. He's a thought bastard." Ray looked through the glass window and into the room. Doctors were surrounding a bed, blocking his view.

After about two hours, a doctor finally exited the room. "Is he gonna be okay?!" Ray asked quickly. The doctor paused for a second. "He's in a very bad state. We're lucky you found him when you did." He started. "Will he survive?" Winn asked. The doctor looked back into the room. "We're not 100% sure. If he passes the night than he should be fine."

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