Chapter 1. The Fall

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  Blackness..pain..regret is all you feel right now. Your laying there in pain and you look around yourself and see blood.... but you really hope it's just ketchup. Striking pains shoot through your back like rockets, you peek back and see where your wings were burned off and it just looks like 2 big fresh wounds with chains around them. You lay there for a while trying to decide what to do. You feel it's the end.. until...

[In Allura's Castle]
"Hmm..." Shiro said leaning against the wall looking out of the window out into the sea.
"Shiro, are you okay?" Lance said putting his hand on his shoulder.
"Ya Im fine.. I just feel off... I'm gonna going to do a perimeter check" Shiro said walking towards the front of the castle.
"Okay..?" Lance said confused. Shiro looked out of the window and saw you laying there in pain. His eyes widened as he ran out there to see what was wrong. You look up behind you to see him hovering over you looking at your back. "GUYS COME HERE QUICK" He yelled for the rest of them to come out.
They all ran out. "Oh my goodness!" Allura said running over to you and looking at the chains on your back. You didn't know who these people were so you tried to throw a punch but your to weak. "Watch it girl" Keith said pointing his Bayard at you. "KEITH!" Allura said pushing him back "Don't go straight to violence, this girl needs medical help, take her to the infirmary!" Shiro and Lance take you back to the infirmary to nurse you back to health. Then, after about 3 hours.. you awake.

[AUTHOR INPUT: WOOT WOOT First chapter DONE! How'd ya like it? It took my forever to get the beginning on the right track... and the chapters will be longer in the later ones so they won't be this short, well hope your enjoying the story so far
Have fun reading! Bye!]

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