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*artwork used does not belong to me*

A short time ago in a galaxy far away, following the events of The Last Jedi.....

"We have everything we need." General Organa told Rey, handing the broken lightsaber back to her.

Rey looked up at the woman in confusion, sadness filling her face. Leia gently touched her cheek.

"Trust in the Force, Rey." She said before getting up and leaving to go speak with the other remaining Resistance members.

Rey stayed sitting, staring down at the broken saber in her hands. She knew nothing of constructing a lightsaber. She had no weapon to use against Ben and the First Order, save for blasters. And even then - the Falcon didn't have an arsenal on board. They needed a base. They needed to refuel. They needed help. They needed hope.

Rey sighed. She turned and looked at Finn in the corner, fiddling with his hands as he sat next to the dark haired girl who was sleeping. The one who had been injured. The one who Finn looked down at with a look Rey recalled he had once looked at her with.

A Porg scurried past her feet squawking, followed closely by BB-8, who beeped angrily at it. He rolled to a stop in front of Rey and gave a few curious beeps and chirps. She smiled at him.

"I'll be fine, thanks." She said. She reached down and tickled the underside of his chin, generating a pleased purr from the Droid. The seat shuddered as Poe plopped down next to her.

"That was some flying you did out there." Poe said, clearly impressed by her. Rey smiled and blushed slightly.


"You know, I don't if Finn told you, but I'm a pretty impressive pilot myself."

"No, I don't think he ever mentioned that." Rey said, Poe's face falling slightly. BB-8 made a chirp. Poe shot him a look.

"Well I'm sure General Organa wouldn't mind if I helped Chewie pilot this ship. I mean, I am a Commander - "

"Captain." Lieutenant Connix corrected as she walked past the two. BB-8 beeped again, clearly frustrating Poe. Rey smiled and blushed again.

"Regardless." Poe said, straightening his jacket and running a hand through his hair, "I can help out. But it is your ship after all. It's your call."

"That would be great. I really need to take a breather." Rey said. She looked down at the broken saber in her hands.

General Organa walked past them again, escorted by Connix.

"General!" Poe said, leaping to his feet.

"Yes Poe?"

"I had an idea about our next course of action."

Leia sighed, rolling her eyes.

"No, no, no. Hear me out. It doesn't involve blowing anything up...... yet."

"Out with it then." She said.

"We need to refuel. That's obvious. We need a place to hide out while we await replies to our message and rebuild."

"I'm well aware." Leia said.

"We know the First Order is going to try to find us. They know we know this. I was thinking we could go somewhere obvious - so obvious they don't think we would go there, and therefore don't come looking for us." Poe blurted out.

Leia looked at him for a minute, then at Connix, then back to Poe.

"That's actually very clever, Poe. Great idea."

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