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Authors Note: Here it is everyone, the mature content, aka smut, you've been waiting for. So don't be offended, since I did warn you ;)

*inspired by 'Dress' by Taylor Swift*

Back at Varykino, the Queen had sent over an abundance of fresh local foods for Rey and her friends. But no one was hungry. Poe still cried the most, choosing to lock himself in one of the upper bedrooms of the spacious home. Rose and Finn stood in the dining room in front of the full table, Finn holding one of her hands.

"I'm worried Finn." Rose was telling Finn. Rey watched them from the hallway, not wanting to impose on their moment together.

"The First Order is going to come for us in two days. I don't know if we are ready." She said.

"You don't have anything to worry about." Finn told her. "You're brave. Stubborn, but brave. And I wouldn't be here without you."

He gave her a hug before leaning down a bit to kiss her gently. Rey turned her head, feeling guilty. She hadn't heard from Ben in days. There had been no time for meditation with all the funeral preparations. She hoped he was okay. She could still sense him through the Force. He was depressed, his aura heavy with sadness. Rey felt sad too. Soon she was going to have to join Ben in the fight against the Resistance.

She headed to her room, shutting the door behind her. She walked out onto the balcony that overlooked the lake, leaning her hands on the railing. Dusk was falling and the sky was a hue of purple as the sun was setting.

A tear rolled down her cheek, dripping into the water below. She quickly wiped at her face.

"It is beautiful out here."

Rey was startled, but did not jump. Ben approached her from behind and he joined her at the balcony.

"It is, isn't it." Rey said, looking back out across the water. It was quiet between the two for a few moments.

"I missed you." She finally spoke. Ben reached over for her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers.

"I missed you too." He said. She leaned over to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I wish you could have been here Ben." Rey whispered. She squeezed his hand. "It was a wonderful service." She said, speaking of the funeral.

Ben looked down and squeezed her hand back.

"It was, wasn't it?" He said, a light smile on his lips. Rey raised her head, snapping it to the side to look up at Ben, who only smiled back.

"OH MY GOSH BEN, YOU'RE ACTUALLY HERE!" Rey screamed as she flung her arms around him.

"I may be a monster, but I would never miss my mothers funeral." Ben told her. Rey ran her hands across his chest - poking and prodding at him - trying to be sure he was really, physically here.

"How did you get here?"

"My ship."

"How did you get HERE?" She said, indicating the house.

"I let myself in."

"Did anyone see you?"

"Do you think anyone saw me?"

Rey gave him another hug. She buried her face into his torso, breathing in his scent, enjoying the warmth that was actually there compared to the coldness from the Force connection. Ben stroked her hair, smiling to himself.

"I'm so glad you're here." She whispered to him. He raised a hand to her chin and lifted her face to meet his and softly kissed her.

"I love you, Rey." He whispered against her mouth.

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