Chapter five

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"He's popular?" "Yup! Haven't you realized? I mean i know the girls hardly talk to him in class but outside why yes!" Sunny looked at the direction Tao was being surrounded by girls who will simply giggle. "Hm" she took a sip of her drink before grabbing a cookie from Luna's cookie bag. He does seem popular. But of course! He is good looking duh. She grabbed another cookie. Oh! He looked over here. Should i wave? Sunny grabbed another as she looked back at him. Maybe i shouldn't since he surronded by them. Luna reacged over at the bag to find it empty. "Huh?! Where my cookies go" Luna said as she looked around. "Oh! Haha .. whoops" "Who are you looking at Zitao?" "Hm. Oh um a friend" the girl looked at the direction he was looking and hmph to herself. "Gasp, it's Xiumin!!" "Xiumin! Where where??" "Over there!" "Lets go" Tao watched the girls rush over to Xiumin as he sighed of relief. He was glad those girls left him alone. "Um..Z-zitao" so he thought. He looked behind him to see one of the girls from the group, although she didn't talk much. She reminded him of Sunny. "H-how have you been?" she asked in a whisper like. He rose an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side. "Oh the group moved again" "Again? To whom" "Xiumin" "Where is - there he is!" Xiumin was by himself at the time before the girls got up to him. He smiled his smile that made the girls melt inside. The girls squeeled as they followed him where he was going. "Mmm you think he noticed we were here?" Sunny asked Luna. "Who knows. I don't think so but if he had he would have waved"  

. . .

"Xiumin?" "Good morning!" "M-morning? It's Saturday.." "I know! I just wanted to come by" "Same here" Sunny rubbed her eyes before looking behind Xiumin to see Tao. "Stalkers!!" she said as she letted them in. "I keep forgetting you live alone and i have the urge to say hello haha" "Oh! That's okay" she said before running upstairs to change. "Where are you going?" Xiumin said as he followed her. "Why are you following her? Obviousally she's going to go change" "Shhh" "Dude really" Tao followed him upstairs as he sighed at the other. Xiumin tip toed to her closed door as he slowly tried opening the door when the other got out of sight. "Green or pink? What about this purple shirt. Nope! Not gonna work. Hmm" Xiumin slightly peeked to her in her tank top and shorts. Nothing perverted. He then nudged Tao to look over as they switched spots. "I'm not looking" he told the other as he looked away from the slight opened door. "Sure but you want to" "Do not!" "Shhh! She'll know we're here" Tao shook his head. "Just one small peek okay. Quick and easy or are you a wimp like you always are" "Am not!" "Then do it" Tao bite his lip from saying anything else and slowly peeked. Although this time he- "TAO YOU CREEP!!" Sunny slammed the door back hitting him on the face before closing it. "Sh-sea shells!!" he said as he covered his face with his hands. Xiumin couldn't help but giggle in the background as he rushed back down the stairs and acted innocent as he came up. "What happened?" he said in a loud clear voice. Sunny soon opened the door with a pink skirt and white flowery top. "H-he was being a perv! He was peeking when i was ch-changing!" she said as she pulled her skirt slightly down and placed her hands behind her. Tao shook his head as he groaned. "You desirved that" Xiumin said as he turned around trying to keep in his laughter. "Where shall we go?" Tao asked trying to change the subject. "Why don't we all shout it out at once? It'll be easier" "Easier?" "Ready one two three!" "Zoo" "Coffee shop!" "Sea world!!" Tao and Xiumin looked at eachother with one eyebrow raised. "You want the poor girl to be freezing in the morning at the zoo, do you??" "Poor...girl?!" "Like you'd rather have a girl sweating and tired walks around in the heat" "For your information i was saying we could go to a coffee shop" "And be in there the whole day?? No thank you!" they stared at one another as Sunny pushed them aart. "Sea World!" "We're not in the U.S!" they both yelled. Sunny ducked down covering her head as she apologized. "Sigh" "Now what"

. . .

"Who..would have known" "I lived my whole life here why didn't i come here!?!" "Maybe you weren't worth bringing" "I told you!" "But it's cold. Why should we get wet?" "But i want to-" "The animals are amazing to look at" "That's why-" "I think the rides are the best. So i heard" "Yes they are but-" "I still think we should see the animals first" "Uh no rides" "Animals" "Rides" "Animals" "Rides" "An-im-als" "Ri-des" "Hey!!" Sunny yelled trying to get both of their attention. "Finally. Why don't we see a show instead? It has both animals AND wait..." Sunny took a few steps away trying to get her mind straight. There were no rides on the shows. "What do I say? What do I say????" she said as she slwoly paniced. Tao and Xiumin looked at each other as they sighed. "Come on" they said as they walked over to her. "Sunny" "Yeah?" "We'll go see whatever you want to see" "Besides. That's the reason why we brought you here" "Really?.." "Of course!! Now come on choose a place!" Xiumin said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder with Tao watching from behind. As they both talked about where they were going to go Tao stayed back thinking to himself. Does he.. like her?, he thought. Wait why do i even care about that, he told himself. "Tao!" Sunny and Xiumin called for him, fifth time in a row. Tao blinked before nodding at them. "We're going to go see the sharks first!" "Okay" he said as he followed the other two from behind. The rest of the day they spent looking at animals, going on rides, eating sweets and taking a few pictures. "Come on Tao" "No i don't like taking pictures" "Ya! Don't be a wimp" "I'm not-" "Come on Tao!" Sunny said as she smiled at him. He looked at her a few seconds more before finally nodding. She grabbed hold of his wrist as she pulled him near the photo booth. He glanced over to see Xiumin looking at him that he avoided his eye contact. Xiumin waited outside as the other two took there pictures. He glanced at his and Sunny's and smiled as he looked at each different one. Tao watched Sunny pick out the theme as she told him to look at the camera. She smiled while Tao did the same. Following what she was doing. They soon changed poses where they did peace signs. Sunny had her peace sign sideways while Tao had it to the side. Another picture was taken. The very last picture Tao didn't copy her this time. He only looked at her as she did a cute face while smiling. Xiumin looked at the screen from outside and then looked away from it to back to the pictures. "Done!" Sunny said as she got out of the booth. Tao following he walked a few steps as he watched Xiumin talking to her again. Sunny handed Tao one of the pictures as she had hers. 

. . .

"The sunset is so pretty" Sunny said as she looked out the window. Xiumin and Tao had to agree, but niether of them spoke to say it. Sunny looked at them to see them face away from each other. "I'll walk you home" Xiumin said as he grabbed her by the wrist. "If you don't mind" "I d-don't" she said in a quiet voice. "I'll be going home then. I'll see you guys at school" Tao said as he walked away. Sunny looked back to see him go farther and farther. "Did you have fun?" Xiumin asked her with a smile. "I did! It was very fun" "Was it now?" "Yes! I loved seeing all the sea animals and the candy" 'It was so good" "Very! Which was your favorite show?" "The dolphin show" "That one is by far the best!" 'Is it" "Yes! I just wish we could have stayed longer" "Why don't I come take you again some other time?" "That'll be great! We could also invite Tao and-" "Just the two of us" Sunny looked at him as his lips turned into a smile slowly. "" he nodded. "Like..a date? Wait! Why did I say that? On second thought forget what I said" Sunny said as she reached her door but Xiumin placed a hand on the door so she couldn't open. She turned around to face him. Look deeply into his eyes, how long she could last looking at them. His heart was beating as he sudden;y knew what he was doing. He removed his hand and scracthed the back of his head. "I'll .. pick you up at six" was all he said before running off. Leaving Sunny with a blushed face and wondering thoughts on what could happen on that one day. She sighed once she walked into her home and landed on her bed. She soon changed into her pjs before laying back on the bed. "I wonder what - oh Tao" she grabbed her phone and scorlled through her contacts trying to find his name. She clicked and waited for him to answer:




"Sunny. What's up?" "Nothing. I just wanted to call to see if you made it home or not" "I know my way back" dumb question, she told herself. "I know that. I just wanted to see if you were okay" "I'm fine" "Tao" "Hm" "What's wrong" "What do you mean?" "You were a bit distanct today" "I was trying to get a good look around" "Oh" "Yeah" "Are you sure?" Tao on the other line looked at there pictures before replying. "Don't worry about me" "Why not. I care about you" So you say, he thought. "I've just been really tired lately. Lots of homework" "Is that so" "Mhm" "Hey Tao" "Yeah" "Are you tired yet?" "Ha a bit why?" "I'm not tired" "Are you" "All that sugar got to me. I'll probably be sleeping until two in the morning" "That won't be good" "No it won't" Tao chuckled as he laid facing down on his bed with his head on the pillow. "Can I ask you something?" Tao didn't reply for a bit. "Sure" Sunny thought about saying it but she decided not to. Asking him to stay awake with her is too much to the fact that he is already tired. "Nevermind" "Now you have to tell me" "No it was dumb" "I bet it wasn't come on tell me" "I no" "Tell Sunny" "No i won't tell" "Sunshine" Sunny hit herself with a pillow hearing that sudden name. She placed the phone on the pillow as she looked at the pictures. She picked back the phone. "I .." the other line was silent. Tao was listening very well at what she was going to say, hope what she was going to say. "Tao" "...." "Good night" was all she could say. Tao lowered his hopes and tried to say the words back but couldn't. He just couldn't. "You to" Sunny then hung up before hitting herself with a pillow. "I'm such a dummy" she told her self as she laid on the bed staring at the wall. Tao placed his phone on the floor next to his bed as he pulled the covers onto him and stared out his window. "I can't.. i just.. can't" he told himself before closing his eyes. Xiumin was already in bed with his eyes open. Wondering what to do and how to stop the thoughts from coming in instead of out. He wanted to get some rest but he knew he wouldn't for a while. He rolled over to his side to meet the pictures he and sunny took just that day. "How can i fall for you. When I fear the other will to" 

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