Chapter six

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New chat:

Midnightlover27: I heard you started talking now :)

Sunshineglow: eh? OvO who ever told you such a thing ..

Midnightlover27: a little birdy ^-^

Sunshineglow: OuO? 

Midnightlover27: nevermind! guess what!

Sunshineglow: what

Midnightlover27: i'll be going over there pretty soon! ^^

Sunshineglow: eh? OuO here? HERE?????

Midnightlover27: Yes yes! ^^ then i'll be able to see you c:

Sunshineglow: No! *hides*

Midnightlover27: No? OnO you meany...

Sunshineglow: But but i'm not ready to meet you. In fact i must get everything ready for you!

Midnightlover27: (^ ^ " ) i won't be going there until after five months

Sunshineglow: O-O ooooooooooh

Midnightlover27: ^^ silly

Sunshineglow: then that gives me lots of time!

Midnightlover27: Yes yes it does sunny bunny

Sunshineglow: i have a question

Midnightlover27: ask ask!

Sunshineglow: how do you know when you like someone? or if someone likes you

Midnightlover27: tough call. but when you like someone, your heart goes doki doki. like in anime! remember? when you can't stop thinking about that person no matter what!

Sunshineglow: ohh i see

Midnightlover27: why? do you like someone!?

Sunshineglow: Eh no! I mean not yet! I mean i don't know

Midnightlover27: take your time dear ^^ there is no rush

Sunshineglow: this would probably take a long time TT - TT

Midnightlover27: but it so your mind can get straight ^.^

Sunshineglow: if you say so OuO

Midnightlover27: ^^ mhm. Well i must go! Off to school now bye byee!

midnightlover27 logged off. 

Sunny closed the page before closing her laptop. She sighed as she ruffled her hair and looked at the time. It wasn't too late or too early. It was only two o'clock. She walked over to her bed, getting under the covers before she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

* * *

"Hang..out with you during lunch?" "Yeah! If you want to that is" "S-sure" "Great! I'll meet you by the bench right after this period" "Okay" Xiumin waved at her before catching up to his friends to go to class. Sunny stood there holding her binder at to the thought of her having lunch with Xiumin. What would people say? What would they do.. She turned around to go to class when she bumped into the group of girls again."Watch where you're going short one" the main girl said as she bumped her shoulder onto Sunny's. Once they all passed by only her classmates where looking at her whispering. She hoped that there wasn't going to be some kind of rumor or hate going around about her. She hurried as she walked over to her class and sat down. Glady there was another sub so she could simply leave the class. She asked if she could go to the library and sub letted her. She wrote a pass before Sunny went her way. When she arrived at the library she not only saw the girl of girls there. But also Tao. He looked at her once she entered the room and started to walk over to her. She acted as if she didn't see him so she went to sit down at a table. "Somehow..we always get to see each other. Weird don't you think?" Sunny looked over to see him sitting down beside her. "Tao" "Hm?" "I didn't know you were here" "I was by the door. I thought you saw me" "Oh no. I can't see from far remember" "Oh right. Sorry. When are you going to get glasses by the way?" "I .. don't know" "Have you been to the eye doctor before?" "Of course I have!" "Last time you went?" "Er.. six grade" "Jeez girl. You haven't been there in a while" "Yeah..I know" she looked around to have her eyes land the group. They eyed her as the leader poped her gum and rose an eyebrow. "What" Tao said as he was about to look back but she stopped him. "Nothing! So..i have a question" "Go for it" he said as he looked at her binder. "If someone was to..ask you to sit with them during lunch, how would you act?" "Depends on who this person is" "Lets say someone .. " "It's Xiumin isn't it?" "What ha n-" "He told me so don't you come lying to me" Sunny looked at him before bitting her lip. "He told you?" "Of course. He tells me everything basically. For some reason I mean we haven't talked in a while" "W-what else did he tell you?" "Now i can't spill all the details but just act yourself" Tao said as he poked her forehead. "Be normal you know. Like you would eat around Luna or I think that's her name" "Luna. And but I always take some of her food though. What if I do the same with him!" "Try not to? Or at least share and maybe he would do the same. What did you bring for lunch today" "Uh yogurt with some cereal. fruit, a tune sandwich, salad, fried rice, pocky, cookies and one slice of cake" Tao stared at her a bit before saying anything. "You sure do eat a lot" he said as he laughed a bit. "Don't laugh !" "I'm just kidding. But see you have plenty of stuff to share with him" "That is if I don't eat it first" she said quietly. "What was that" "Nothing!" she said as she slapped her cheeks gently. She then watched as Tao did the same while smiling. "Stop copying me" "Stop copying me" "Stop!" "Stop!" "Fried chicken" "Fried what" "What are you doing here by the way" "I help out here in the library mostly. I mean my fourth class was boring! It put me to sleep so I decided to change and have this as my extra class" "Ohh i see" "You? Why did you come" "I was bored at my other class mostly" she said as she streched her arms out on the table. "And it's pretty quiet here. Except for us who is talking mostly" "Yeah pretty much" Tao looked at his watch and then at her. "I should be going. I have to go meet up with Kris" "Oh. Okay. See you later" Tao nodded as he walked out the doors. She sighed as she glanced over to see the group gone. What a relif, she thought. "Hey" on second thought- "You're such a two timer aren't you" Sunny didn't look up or say anything to her comment. She tried to ignore there words and just blank out. Like she had been doing for the past few years. "Are you even listening?" "Let her be. After all she's just the quiet one remember. Or was that all a lie?" "Hyuna" "What" "Maybe we should go" "Who said you could tell me what to do" Hyuna sar down where Tao was sitting and she smiled at me. She knew it was fake and she hoped she wouldn't believe a word she would say. "Listen. Sunny? If that's your name. If I see you talking or being around any of those two boys .. you'll regret ever coming here" and that was the last words she heard before she felt weight on herself. In the distance she heard there laughter before it slowly faded away. She stood up quickly when the bell rang. She made past the crowd of people as they meet in there groups for lunch. As she made her way over she glanced to see Xiumin standing next to the bench where he waited for her. She felt bad to just leave him..leave him hanging. When she tried to take a step closer over to him she remembered what the girl said and refused to go any farther. She simply watched from a distance as he looked around for her. She made her way without him noticing. She took once last glance at him before walking away.

After lunch she didn't appear at her last two classes. She decided to call in sick and go home early where she sat in her room with the door locked. She had her back against the door as she felt the tears falling down her cheeks. "I'm sorry..." she said as if he was sitting right next to her. She cried and cried until there were no more tears to fall. She wipped the dry tears off her cheek as she went to check herself in her bathroom mirror. "ha..i'm such a mess" she told herself as she cleaned up a bit. She stayed looking at herself in the mirror as she tried to calm. She shook her head before changing into some shorts and a long t-shirt. She headed towards her kitchen and headed up her lunch before sitting at the table to eat. She ate in silence as she looked out her window at the gray clouds coming in. And soon it began to drizzle. Once she was done she headed up her stairs to take a nap. She wondered what she should do about avoiding them. How to. She practically had Two with one and just one. She rolled over to her other side as she hugged her pillow tight.

* * * 

Sunny woke up early like always. But she didn't go to school. Not yet. She turned on her tv to watch a movie with a cup of oatmeal before getting ready. She looked at her hair and she didn't notice it actually growing. She soon got an idea. She then decided to change her hair color. She grabbed her wallet and rushed to the store. When she arrived she went over to the hair dye section and looked at all the colors. After a few colors she finally choose the brown. She waited in line to pay when someone tapper her shoulder. She flinched and got startled before slowly turning around. She sighed when she figured it was only Luna. Did she miss the bus? "Luna. Hi" "Hello! What are you doing here" "I came stuff" "Ohhh. Are you going to dye your hair?" "Y-yes" "Want me to help you! I'd be glad to do so!" "You..wouldn't mind?" "Of course not! Besides, i'm not going to school today. Are you?" Sunny thought for a moment before saying no. "N-" "Oh wait your in your uniform" "Haha..Yeah but I decided not to go since I missed the bus" she said as she nodded. "Well then lets pay and you can come over to my place" "Okay"

Luna opened her front door and had Sunny enter the room. It was pretty big and she liked it. "My parents to traveling at the moment so they won't be home till next month. In the mean time make yourself at home!" "Whoa" she got to look around as Luna took her up to her room. It was pink and had lots of posters on the wall. She even had a fish tank near the wall. "I like your room" Sunny said as she sat at the chair Luna had placed in front of her bed. "You can watch what you want to watch or we can watch a movie! While I do your hair" "A movie is fine" Luna looked through her shelf and showed the movies to her. "Pick which one!" "Um.. Beauty and the beast" "That one is my favorite!" Luna said as she put it on and pressed play. During the movie they would talk once in a while while Luna finished dying Sunny's hair. Luna clipped it up and wrapped the towel more around her neck so the dye won't slip or get on her skin. "All you need to do is wait and then after you can shower" "Oh. Okay thank you" "No problem!" "Luna! Why didn't you- Oh" they both looked over to see Hyosung. "When did you get here?" Luna asked. "I just got here. Why aren't you at school" "Missed the bus" "Nice to see you again Sunny" Hyosung said as she smiled and then looked back at Luna. "You could have at least told me! I got out of class to look for you. I figured you'd be here" "Why of course! Where else would I go" "Whoa Sunny did you dye your hair?" "Ah! No touching! She has to rinse it out before the color stays. It'll look pretty!!" 

Once Sunny came out of the shower and got dressed in the clothes Luna had let her borrow, she walked outside to see the other two. They gasped. "W-what" "It looks so beautiful!" "Not to be mean I mean blonde did look good on you but wow. Brown looks really good on you" Sunny walked back into the bathroom and looked at herself. She did look nice and she loved it. "Why did you decide to change your hair color all of a sudden" Hyosung asked as she walked over to her as Luna followed. "Maybe for a crush?" "Who's the lucky man" "I- he's someone..." "Wah tell us!" "Spill the beans!" "He- he goes to our school. That's a-all i'm saying" "Guess we're going to be watching you from now on Sunny. To find that special someone" they smiled as Sunny looked at herself once more. She just hoped they would maybe notice? Or maybe not even know it's her. But who knows how tomorrow is going to go. We'll just have to wait to find out.

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