Chapter four

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"Good morning" Tao walked over to her to say good morning once again for if she didn't hear him. "Mor- oh i see. You have earphones in" he told himself as he stood behind the wall and watched her from behind. He glanced at her  blonde hair to the side of her face. "She still hasn't notice i'm here?" he asked himself as he moved his head and got a bit closer to her. Sunny blinked and looked over at him. "Oh! Tao, hey" "Morning" "How long have you been standing there?" "Hmm since you got here" "Oh my! Really??? Sorry i didn't-" "Joking. Just a few minutes ago actually. I said good morning but you couldn't hear me" he said as he pointed to his ears meaning the ear phones. "Oh sorry. It just when i listen to music i get lost into it haha" Tao smiled before nodding. "I understand. I get like that as well. What song are you listening to?" "Sixty seconds" "Is it good?" Sunny placed one earphone in his ear before the other in hers. The music flowed into there minds as they waited together. Sunny would sing a bit of the lyrics out loud as he sang them in his mind. He knew that later, maybe, that would be the only song in his head. "He sings good" "Right!! I love him" "Then date him" "It's not that easy to date an idol" "Anything is possible. Just don't give up" "But he has to notice me" "Of course and he will" "How?" "I-" "Sunny!!" they looked over to see Xiumin rushing over to them out of breath. "Boy do you guys come here early" "Were you running over here?" "I missed my bus and I well.." "You came running all the way here?!" Tao and Sunny both said. "Don't you live-" "Don't give away where I live! Yes it's far but i made it" "Are you sure you don't want anything?" "Uh- not at the moment no" "You sure?" "Yeah" Sunny still worried about him as she looked over at Tao who simply strugged his shoulders. Xiumin looked over from Tao and Sunny before he patted the top of her head. He smiled at her before going to sit down at the table. "H-hey!" I wonder, Tao thought to himself as he followed them. 

. . .

"Huang Zitao. May you like to explain to the class why you are late?" the math teacher said when he walked through the door. "I had something to do" "I saw you come earlier than usual. You couldn't have wasted what twenty minutes of first period to go do something" "Well I -" "Enough. Take a seat" Tao rolled his eyes before going to his seat in the back and placing his stuff down before laying his head on the table. "What's up with him?" "Maybe family problems" "Shh! He could hear us" of course he heard all the students chattering but he didn't say anything to them. He simply closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. "Tao ! Tao!" 

Tao opened his eyes to seeing Sunny's image in his mind. He blinked a few times not moving his head but simply staring at the windows sunshine. "Tao?" Sunny popped up from the side he was looking at, getting him to raise up his head quickly. "W-what" "Are you okay?" she asked him as she was on her knees with her elbows on the table, head on her hands and looking at him. "Yeah. Why?" "You don't seem yourself today" "I'm just .. tired" "Just tired" "Yeah" "Lies!" "Bah! It's the truth" "You lying panda" "Lying panda? I don't lie!" "That sure is a lie" "Who's side are you on again?" "Niether! But you're not okay. What's bothering you" "Nothing okay" he said as he laid his head on his arms trying to get the voices to sound less and less. "You're still here aren't you" he mumbled as Sunny nodded her head. "I'm not gonna leave until you tell me what is wrong!" "Then you're going to be staying here the whole period because i'm not speaking" he turned to the other side watching her stare at him with her chin on the table. "It'll be worth it" she smiled before looking at the window and then back at him. "What?" she asked him after a while. "Nothing" he said before laying his head back down. Sunny watched him with his eyes close as she waited. "Whoa. His eyelashes are long" she told herself in a whisper. "Thank you" he responded. Sunny ducked down, maybe i shouldn't speak out loud, she thought. She peeked back up to see him turn the other way. When are you going to tell me what is wrong. I want to know! Tao wake up and tell me. You can't hide your feeling forever. "I'm not trying to hide them I just don't want to tell you" "S-stop doing that!" "Doing what?" "Reading my mind!" he chuckled as he looked back at her. "It's hard to do so since your mind speaks a lot more than what you say" Sunny crossed her arms and pouted as she looked to her left. He sighed before reaching over to touch her forehead when he spotted Xiumin by the window. He immediatey got up and looked out again to see he was not there. "Is something out there?" Sunny asked as she rose her neck and peeked behind her. "No one" he said as he tried to get his mind straight. Why was he thinking Xiumin was outside? And why did he had a feeling. That sudden feeling. "T-a-o" "Hm" "T-a-o tao tao tao" Sunny said as she laid on the floor. "What are you doing" "When are you gonna tell me what is wrong" he looked down at her and then shook his head. "Never" she pouted before kicking on the floor like a little kid. "I would stop if i were you" "No!" she said in a little kids voice. "Have it your way. Don't complain when people talk about the underwear you're wearing" she got up and sat with her back against the wall legs out at front. "Ha ha ha..whoops i forgot" he smiled a bit before getting out of his seat and sitting beside her. "Are you nowww gonna tell me what is wrong" he gave up and he nodded. Sunny hugged her arms around his neck, gave him a squeeze before letting go. "Now what's wrong" "I don't know to be honest. I'm kinda out of it today you know. Mind is being pathetic" he brought one knee close to him and laid his head on top. "You have those moments to?" he nodded. Sunny knew what he meant and she was going to do anything to cheer him right up! "What's your favorite brand?" "Brand or band?" "Brand. Like um a store" "Gucci" he likes expensive stuff, darn. "Uh well you know what the gucci store is missing?" "What" "You! Since you so special" Sunny waited for him to laugh out loud but all he did was giggle and shake his head. "What. It wasn't funny enough?" "Oh geez. It was okay not the best but-" "But but but I tried!!" Tao pushed her playfully on the head as she playfully hit him on the shoulder. "At least laugh!!" Tao then started to laugh out loud that she covered his mouth. "Not that loud!! You could get us in-" "Zitao and Sunny what is going on back there?" "Uh n-nothing sir! Just trying to figure out this math problem he is helping me on haha.." Tao stopped laughing and took her hand away. "No doing that!" "You asked for me to laugh" "But not out loud!" he shrugged as he sighed. 

"Hey" "Hm?" "Thanks" Sunny stood by the door as he smiled and walked to his next class. She waved at him goodbye even though she knew he was looking. "You're Sunny right?" she turned around to face three girls in the class. "Yes" "It's surprising to see that" "See what?" she asked. "Him. Smiling" "Yeah! Ever since you came he has beeing smiling more than usual" "We never got to see him smile. Not even once!" "It's like your his sunshine" his sunshine? She looked back at him now from a far. Maybe.. Maybe so. 

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