Chapter one

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Sunny opened her eyes to the warm morning. She checked her clock to see what time it was. “7:15” she rolled over and started to fall asleep again when she quickly reopened her eyes. “7:15?!?” She got out of bed and quickly got into her uniform. She grabbed a pink bow and clipped it to her short blonde hair. She put on her black shoes and ran out the door. “Good Morning!” she yelled. No reply. She placed a slice of toast on the toaster and filled her backpack with notebooks. The toast popped out and Sunny grabbed it even though it was hot. She took a bite and ran out the front door. She didn’t want to be late for her first day of school. She waited for the bus to come. She wasn’t the only student to be late. A girl with purple hair was also waiting for the bus. Wow she’s pretty, Sunny thought. The girl would glance at her once in awhile. The bus was coming right around the corner and both girls were looking for their passes. Sunny took out her Hello Kitty wallet and waited for the girl to get on first. When the bus came to a stop, neither girls moved. The girl looked at Sunny and stayed like that. Sunny felt a bit weird. “Are any of you getting on?” the bus driver asked. “Hyosung!” Hyosung broke the contact and looked at the window. A blonde girl waved at Hyosung and told her to come in. Hyosung smiled at Sunny and got on the bus. Sunny followed behind her and saw that it was packed. She grabbed onto a pole as the bus started to move. She felt a light tap on her elbow. She looked back to see Hyosung and her friend. “Want to take a seat?” Sunny sat down next to Hyosung and looked out the window. “Names Hyosung” she looked at her and Hyosung had her hand out. Sunny didn’t want to be mean so she shook her hand. “Sunny” “Sunny? So you’re the new girl!” Hyosung’s friend said as she took her eyes off her blue phone. “Luna” “Oh! Sorry” Sunny shook her head and took out her phone to check the time. “We’ll get there in time” Hyosung told her. Hyosung smiled and talked to Luna. Sunny wondered why they were being nice to her. By the time they got to the campus, the bell had rung Students were walking to their first class and she headed to the office. “Hello there. How may i help you?” a lady in her mid twenties asked her. Her hair was brown like her eyes. “I need my classes” Sunny said. The lady went thru a pile and soon took out a slip. “Here you go dear. Welcome” Sunny nodded and went out the door. “Room 171” Sunny looked at each door to see numbers 200. She saw a couple of people standing and she was about to ask for help when she didn’t. She kept looking and when she turned a corner, the numbers would go up. She was now tired. She sat down on a bench and thought where that class could be. “Need help?” she looked up to see a guy with light brown hair. His eyes were something you could stare in for the longest time. For a while Sunny didn’t say anything but stare. He moved a bit closer and she stood up. She nodded. He took the slip from her hand and looked it over. “The 100 numbers are on the second floor. All you have to do is go up the ramp, take a left and you’ll find it” He smiled at her and gave the slip back. “Oh um..thank you” “Your welcome” Sunny ran up the ramp and turned to see number 100. She was glad someone helped her out. She walked down a bit and soon found the classroom. She entered to see eyes on her. Now she felt like getting lost again. “Name?” the teacher said as he was writing on the board. “Sunny..i’m new” he stopped writing and grabbed a list. “Lee Soon-kyu?” “Yes” he told her to take a seat in the back row. She walked to the desk near the window. “Please copy down this equation” he told the class. She took out her notebook and a pencil and copied down the problem. “Any volunteers to do this problem?” Sunny knows how to solve it and the answer of course. But she didn’t want to explain it to the class. “No volunteers? I’ll pick a victim then” Sunny begged that she wouldn’t get picked. She didn’t want to go up. She shook her head and watched as the teached eyed her. “Zitao” he said. Everybody looked back at her. My name isn’t Zitao so why are they looking at me?, she thought. She looked to her side to see a guy with black night hair stand up. He made his way towards the board and solved the problem. Sunny looked over her answer to his and she spotted that he made a mistake. As he made his way back to his seat, Sunny raised her hand. “Yes?” the teacher said. “He..made a mistake” the classmates glared at her and so did he. “Where?” Zitao asked. The classmates were shocked. Sunny didn’t know why. “It’s not..suppose to be the complete answer is not positive..if not negative..” Silence entered the room. Zitao blinked a few times and then nodded. “My mistake” he said and sat back down on his desk. “Thank you” “Your..welcome” the rest of the period when Sunny finished her worksheet, she started writing a letter to her mother. “You are something” Sunny rose her head up and faced the girl that was in front of her. “You don’t talk much do you” Sunny nodded. To strangers that is, she thought. “It’s the first time we hear him talk. He always just comes in and stays quiet. Like you” she whispered. “Tao would be sleeping with his head down and when the teacher called on him he would only nodded and not say a single word” Sunny didn’t reply to her but in her mind she did. “Who are you writing to?” Sunny turned her paper around and let her see the name. “Your mom? Is she traveling? What’s her work? She must be wonderful” Sunny only shook her head on the second and third question. “What’s her-” “I think you should leave her alone” Tao said. He just woke up from his little nap and placed his head on his right palm. “Sorry” she told Sunny and faced forward. “My mom died too” he told her. How does he know..i don’t have a mom? Sunny only glanced at him and then on the paper. “...” “You know the bell just rung right?” “It did?!?” Sunny packed her things when the teacher shushed her. She sat back down and realised no one else was packing. She threw her backpack on the floor and laid her head down. Tao couldn’t help but laugh. “Not funny” she mumbled. “What do you have next?” History. Tao took out his pencil and started to poke her. Waiting for her to reply. She would flinch once in awhile when he hit her weak spot. She avoided his gaze y looking outside the window. A slight breeze entered the room and she sighed. He gave up on poking her and laid his head back down. She continued writing the letter and this time there were no distractions. She finished just before the bell rang. She packed her things and went off to history. When he entered the room she saw a few familiar faces like the girl. They were from first class. She sat down in the back like her last class. The teacher entered the room and everybody sat down. “Hello class. My name is Amy” she handed each student a textbook. They opened to the first chapter when the door opened. “Sorry i’m late!” someone called out. Ms. Amy grabbed her list and then spoke. “Kim Min-seok” “Xiumin” “Take a seat please” Xiumin bowed and to the empty seat in the back next to Sunny. As the teacher spoke, Xiumin handed her a small piece of paper. Sunny thought it would be something hateful that she was afraid to open it. She slowly opened the paper to see what it said:

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