Teen!Preston x Teen!Singer! Reader Part1

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Narrator P.O.V
It was a hot humid summers day the first day you arrived at Choir camp you were picked up by your (fav color) hoodie and taken off the bus. You were face to face with a very tall man considering you were 5'1. ( sorry if you're not just skip that) He also has dark red hair, yellow bandanna, and those peridot colored eyes.
David P.O.V

This small (maybe not small) girl looks up at me with her (eye color) eyes looking at me I finally say, "Welcome camper to camp Campbell I'm David Now how about we go on a tour of our amazing campus!" Without hesitation I grab her hand leading her around the different camps. Then I had realized I never got her name before she rushed off to the Choir camp.
(Y/N) P.O.V
I finally escaped David's grip I rushed off to my camp looking through the choir camp supplies. I sigh disappointed and grumble, "There isn't a choir teacher, any piano or even sheet music." That's when a particular boy with  sun colored eyes walked up to me I think I remember seeing him in the theater Camp although I'm not sure since David basically ran past each camp saying each camp name.
Preston's P.O.V
As another camper arrives at this horrible place called Camp Campbell I see David running Around introducing each camp rapidly calling them by name as I spot the girls (hair length) (hair colored) flow as they ran pasted the theater camp. I saw a new Camp was set up earlier today across the campus. As I hear the annoyed grumbles coming from the girls mouth. I make my way to the what seems to be Choir camp to my delight. When I finally tap her shoulder. She turns around with her (eye color) irises staring at me. I finally manage to speak, "Why hello miss I am Preston Goodplay from the theater camp! It is obvious that this horrid camp does have much choir supplies and I shall offer if you would like to join me in a musical I have been working on?"
(Y/N) P.O.V
Preston Goodplay offering me (Y/N) (L/N) to join a musical as much as I love musicals I've never really acted before I had always wanted to. I have nothing to lose so I say, " I am Ms.(Y/N) (L/N) and I shall take up the offer on one request. You teach me how to act and maybe dance since I have never danced or acted before. And don't laugh at me either!" That's when I hear Preston chuckle. Why is he chuckling! My cheeks go slightly pink with me being so inexperienced. That's when he finally answered my questions, "I will indeed teach you how to act and dance as long as you follow my instructions though I shall try my best not to laugh. Also tomorrow at lunch I would like to hear you sing since you did sign up for the choir camp after all." With that I nod pink still tinted on my cheeks heading to my assisted tent. Preston does suit leaving me to unpack my stuff heading towards the tent next door to mine.
Preston's P.O.V
I can't believe she was so willing to join my musical ahh and perfect timing to I'm almost done writing Philip Hamilton and Theodosia Burr a Romantic Tragedy. Its from Philip's point of view of course showing his love to Theodosia before he breathes his last breath dying to the gun of Mr. George Eacker. Splendid idea by me of course I will take the lead as Philip I was thinking of letting Nerris taking the role of Theodosia but that's when Ms.(L/N) walked into my life. I sigh, "Oh how charming it will be. Well charming once I get to teach her to dance and act like a true star spectacular. That's when I feel warm in my cheeks and my pencil breaks I snap back to reality it's getting late and am lucky I don't have to do any activity's since I'm working on this musical so I should get some rest to see the beautiful ... I mean (Y/N) tomorrow.

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