Teen!Preston x Teen!Singer! Reader Part 2

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(630 words)
Preston's P.O.V
I finally awaken after such a long time of sleeping. I hear the other campers waking up some groaning wanting more sleep but not me I'm wanting to see (Y/N) is she's awake yet. Maybe I can make sleeping beauty our next performance I laugh at the thought getting dressed when I hear David yelling for breakfast in the mess hall. That's when I hear music playing I think it's from (Y/N's) tent. I finally make my way out of the tent not realizing how bright the sun is I hiss slightly the sun hitting my face directly. As the music stops playing.
(Y/N) P.O.V
My hair is a mess as I hear David screaming about food in the mess hall I get up turning my music on. Oh perfect pitiful children is on I guess I'll have a "chill" morning hopefully if the other camper don't annoy me. I brush through my (hair length) ( hair color) hair putting on my (fav color) hoodie and some blue jeans. The sun hurt my eyes not to much though I pulled on my hood making my way to the mess hall when I walk in to see Nerris pulls off your hood placing a few flowers and elf  ears on my head. As she exclaims, "Your magical singing voice level 8 can cast any one to sleep being elf kin Bosts the probably by 16 out of 20!" I giggle and decide to keep them on since they looked nice on me that's when I caught a particular actor staring at the flowers in my hair then he realized that I was looking back at him. We both looked away pink blush on our cheeks. I think to my self why must he be so ... so gah I don't know he's outstanding especially his eyes yellow like the sun. I finally decided to get in line for breakfast Preston already had his breakfast but I noticed he stuck around. As I finally take a seat next to Nerris and Harrison he takes the wild flowers from my hair turning them into a Bouquet of roses I was stunned by such an amazing trick as he turned his hat upside down showing that there's nothing inside. I ate my food with the bouquet next to me Preston finally made his way deciding to sit on the other side of me setting the bouquet on the table.
Preston's P.O.V (sorry if you don't like the amount of pov changes)
I turned to see  (Y/N). Nerris adding those ears and flowers making her look... different than before accidentally staring at (Y/N)! She caught me staring I quickly looks away as did she. (Y/N) finally got in line for food while I finish my own food I watch as she sits next to Nerris and Harrison as he took the wild flowers from her hair putting them in his hat the next thing I know I see him pull out a bouquet of roses for (Y/N) i see a slightly pink tint on her cheeks I see Harrison turn his hat showing nothing in it astonishing (Y/N) I have this weird angry feeling I don't like seeing (y/n) with Harrison at least not like this so I decided to go sit next to her and move the bouquet on the table. It's my turn to steal his spotlight like he has done to me many times before. I call, "Oh (Y/N how beautiful the bouquet is almost as gorgeous as you piercing (eye color) eyes I see a damsel in distress maybe some romantic or tragic. This may be pressuring but I would like to hear your magnificent voice as a audition.~"

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