Teen!Preston x Singer!Teen! Reader Part3

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(774 words)
(Y/N) P.O.V
I can't believe the words that flew out of his mouth. Me a beautiful damsel in distress ha ha I'm not in distress but still. Wait! Didn't he ask me to sing I thought he said at lunch. I suddenly tense up not saying a word when Preston questioned, "Earth to (Y/N) you alive in there?" I stuttered, "Uh y-yeah ... I guess I can sing give me a second." I think of the first song that popped in my mind. That's when I started singing all eyes on me as I sing.

I never had the greatest family especially since my dad left but that doesn't mean I can't try stepping into the sun I think to myself.
"That's not a worthy explanation I know there is none! Nothing can make sense of all these things I've done. WORDS FAIL WOOORDS FAIL THERES NOTHING I CAN SAY! Except you see everything you wanted and sometimes you see everything you wish you had. And it's right there. right there. Right There! In front of you. And you want to believe it's true. So you make it true. And you think... maybe everybody wants it.... needs it... a little bit too." With that the room goes silent me realizing how loud and how much feeling I really put into it. I look at Preston his mouth slightly open eyes looking at me in amazement. All the campers looked at me too. I have a shade of pink on my cheeks as I walk out of the mess hall to my tent. I couldn't handle everyone looking at me.
Preston's P.O.V
I listen as she sang louder the expression on her face changing eventually keeping her eyes shut singing her heart out as everyone in the mess hall listens as she finally finishes the verse quietly hitting the notes softly I stare in awe saying nothing. She had won the part easily. She opened her eyes looking at me she realized how she was singing she fled to her tent. I decide to wait till she comes out to give her the results. That's when Harrison spoke, "She was outstanding..." that's all anyone could say. As they left one by one out of the mess hall. I realize she left the roses so I take them with me to my tent to give to her later I decide to work on the Play some more that's when David declares, "All campers in their swimsuits in 15 minutes we're going swimming!" I sigh at his gesture and put my papers away searching for my swimsuit. To find old scripts my music, many pencils and pens scattered in my bag till I finally found my swimsuit. While I was searching I grew curious of what other musicals ms.(L/N) knew. I get changed walking outside to apply my sunblock as I realize how pale some of the other boys are I chuckle at the sight. Although I don't see (Y/N) anywhere... I push the thought to the side finding Harrison at the doc I decide it'd be fun especially now so I push him in. Harrison yells, " HEY! What'd you do that for?!" I laugh hard as respond, "It's summer and you were on the edge practically begging for it." He gave me a sly look when he suddenly splashed me covering me in water that's when I heard her. I turned around seeing her crimson colored cheeks wearing her (fav color) bikini. My cheeks warm up slightly at the sight that's when I was pulled into the water by Harrison. I resurface cursing at Harrison. He simply replies, "It's not nice to stare~"
Gwen kept calling my name tugging at the zipper of the tent I finally let her in as she asks' "What on earth are you still doing in here you should be swimming with the others?!" That's when I protest, "Not in this swimsuit that my mother packed the boys will probably stare and I don't have any extra shirts." Gwen replied, " You look cute and fine if they give you any looks tell me or David we'll give 'em some common sense." With that I finally step out of my tent walking to the lake with Gwen. I see Preston on the doc and Harrison in the lake splashing Preston. I finally speak, "hey guys I'm here sorry for taking so long..." That's when I see Preston being pulled in the pool he resurfaced saying something really angrily but I couldn't tell from here so I go over to see what's wrong.

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