Teen!Preston x Singer!Teen!Reader Part 4

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( I drew the picture above!! Also 565 words)

(Y/N) P.O.V
I walk over to see what's wrong as both boys stop what they were doing and look up at me as per usual my cheeks became hot. "H-Hey Guys what you b-both doing?" I managed to speak.
Preston's P.O.V
Oh my stars she is so precious! I say in my head as my cheeks heat up. Her stutter is so cute. Now let's see quick act cool so she seems more comfortable. I finally mention, "Oh me and Harrison just having a contest on who would be able to stay underwater the longest." I say as she believed me. That's when Harrison states, "Of course I was the one who won our little contest." He smirked I glared then requested, " Dear (Y/N) why don't you join us then once this activity is over we can work on your acting and dancing." Her cheeks are really red I assume she forgot about our little deal. I chuckle.
(Time Skip brought to you by Harrison's magic tricks)
Preston's P.O.V
Finally after we left the pool and got ourselves dressed me and (Y/N) are supposed to meet at the stage. That's when I hear shy footsteps from around the corner. She squeaks, "Preston I'm here and ready to try my best for once." She then giggles. I turn around with script in hand. As I proclaim, "My dearest, (Y/N) you will do better than you best now that I am here now let's start with the classic waltz." (if that's how you spell it) immediately I Instructed her on where to move and how to turn. It was splendid till she stepped on my foot. I yelped in pain dang those heels hurt. That's when (y/n) practically shouted said, "I'm so sorry!" I tell her, "I-it's fine we're in costume so I don't expect you to be used to the corset and heels." She nods I think she blushed or it could just be the corset. We continued dancing showing her what she could do better then the sun had set. This meant it was time to stop our wonderful project she I admit did well her first time since she only stepped on my toes once. She looks up at me her limbs seem relaxed and tired
(Y/N) P.O.V
"Hey Preston it's getting late can we go to our tents?" He nods and assigns, "Go hey changed in your tent then bring the costume back here if you need help I'll be here." He's so kind except when he yells at others sometimes. I head to my tent undoing the corset and getting into my Pj's and (fav animal) slippers going to return the costume when I see. Harrison? Nurf? And Preston they're talking about something they look angry.... I wonder what on earth is going on? I go a bit closer trying to remain unnoticed as I hear Preston yell, "I DON'T CARE IF SHE DOES LOVE ME I LOVE HER GOD DAMN IT!!!!" He drops to his knees crying obviously by his hiccups. Harrison looked down at him is disgust and pity. I don't know what to do. I just stare as I start to walk forward I step on a twig it snaps in half obviously they heard as I quickly hide behind a wall.

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